Hi guys. First off let me say how impressed I am at this web site! I remember Allen Thompson's website back in 1998, and it has come a LONG way since then. Very impressive. I guess I shoulda checked back sooner.
For many years I posted messages in a usenet newsgroup called alt.seduction.fast, but for the past few years the group was overrun by a nutcase poster called "ray gordon" whom we all tried to get rid of with no luck.
In fact, it was everybody's desire to get away from him that prompted the creation of the "fastseduction.com" newsgroup on a private server.
Anyway, I'm very impressed with the group you've all got here. It's very professional and polished.
I also appreciate the fact that you cover a broad range of topics, with a healthy balance of discussions about sex and love and LTR's, instead of focusing exclusively on "scoring".
You guys have a knack for getting fun and interesting threads going. I love the way so many of you chip in to turn someone's post into a successful thread with a long string of complementary ideas.
In fact, there is only ONE thing that I *don't* like about the site, and I'm hoping the admins and moderators will give this some serious thought. I'm talking about: guys who delete their old posts.
I'll give you a real example. A guy named Raingem wrote a whole bunch of posts. Each of them became a thread after a dozen or so other guys invested their time and energy into writing useful, well-thought out replies.
Months later, Raingem apparently decided to delete all his posts. Instantly, all those threads that everyone labored on became useless! You look at them and you can't make heads or tales of anybody's contribution because the original post that everyone is referring to is now missing.
Hey, I think it's great to be able to go back and edit your post if after posting it you catch a typo or something like that. But as soon as others *reply* to the post it should NOT be possible to edit the original post. That just isn't fair to all the people who wrote a reply based on what they read there at the time. IMHO, it violates the integrity of the content.
Honestly, I don't think it should be possible to edit a post the next day--even if there were *no* replies. That is how you encourage people to take their words seriously and take responsibility for what they are posting.
Anyway, that is my one and only serious gripe. Otherwise, you all have a terrific site here.
Come to think of it, there is actually one more thing that concerns me about this site, and maybe someone can help me out on this issue.
The other day I posted a reply to a thread.
Today, I notice that somebody deleted my entire reply from the thread. The thread itself still exists, but all my comments were stripped right out. (It's not some glitch, because my reply showed up fine after I posted it, and I even have a saved copy of the web page.)
I tried to figure out what it was about my reply that would justify someone erasing everything I wrote. I didn't use any profanity. I just said that I agreed with a friend's analysis and I gave some advice. I was a bit chatty, but so is everyone else.
Could it be because I said the site is really cool, but that there is "one small thing about the site that sucks bigtime". Of course, what I meant was the fact that some people were deleting their old posts! I didn't elaborate about the issue there, figuring I'd address it in a separate post. So someone please, let me know...is a minor critical comment like that considered an adaquate reason to completely erase someone's reply from a thread? If it is, then I have to say I find that a bit creepy.
Anyway, nice to meet you all,
For many years I posted messages in a usenet newsgroup called alt.seduction.fast, but for the past few years the group was overrun by a nutcase poster called "ray gordon" whom we all tried to get rid of with no luck.
In fact, it was everybody's desire to get away from him that prompted the creation of the "fastseduction.com" newsgroup on a private server.
Anyway, I'm very impressed with the group you've all got here. It's very professional and polished.
I also appreciate the fact that you cover a broad range of topics, with a healthy balance of discussions about sex and love and LTR's, instead of focusing exclusively on "scoring".
You guys have a knack for getting fun and interesting threads going. I love the way so many of you chip in to turn someone's post into a successful thread with a long string of complementary ideas.
In fact, there is only ONE thing that I *don't* like about the site, and I'm hoping the admins and moderators will give this some serious thought. I'm talking about: guys who delete their old posts.
I'll give you a real example. A guy named Raingem wrote a whole bunch of posts. Each of them became a thread after a dozen or so other guys invested their time and energy into writing useful, well-thought out replies.
Months later, Raingem apparently decided to delete all his posts. Instantly, all those threads that everyone labored on became useless! You look at them and you can't make heads or tales of anybody's contribution because the original post that everyone is referring to is now missing.
Hey, I think it's great to be able to go back and edit your post if after posting it you catch a typo or something like that. But as soon as others *reply* to the post it should NOT be possible to edit the original post. That just isn't fair to all the people who wrote a reply based on what they read there at the time. IMHO, it violates the integrity of the content.
Honestly, I don't think it should be possible to edit a post the next day--even if there were *no* replies. That is how you encourage people to take their words seriously and take responsibility for what they are posting.
Anyway, that is my one and only serious gripe. Otherwise, you all have a terrific site here.
Come to think of it, there is actually one more thing that concerns me about this site, and maybe someone can help me out on this issue.
The other day I posted a reply to a thread.
Today, I notice that somebody deleted my entire reply from the thread. The thread itself still exists, but all my comments were stripped right out. (It's not some glitch, because my reply showed up fine after I posted it, and I even have a saved copy of the web page.)
I tried to figure out what it was about my reply that would justify someone erasing everything I wrote. I didn't use any profanity. I just said that I agreed with a friend's analysis and I gave some advice. I was a bit chatty, but so is everyone else.
Could it be because I said the site is really cool, but that there is "one small thing about the site that sucks bigtime". Of course, what I meant was the fact that some people were deleting their old posts! I didn't elaborate about the issue there, figuring I'd address it in a separate post. So someone please, let me know...is a minor critical comment like that considered an adaquate reason to completely erase someone's reply from a thread? If it is, then I have to say I find that a bit creepy.
Anyway, nice to meet you all,