Guys that I know that get laid a lot


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
  1. They don't overanalyze sh1t like people here. They go and spit their game and catch what they catch.
  2. They don't care if they are rejected as much as the average guy here
  3. They don't care if a girl ignores them. They'll wait a few days and try again. And if they get ignored a few more times, they won't delete the number. They'll just try again in a few months and send a text or mass text.
  4. They don't care how a girl might perceive them as long as they get laid.
That's why when I see people writing all this over-analytical sh1t here, I know they don't get laid. It's very basic: looks/the way you dress, money you earn, and how good your personality is. That's it. You do better than average than at least 2 out of those 3 categories and it shouldn't be difficult to get girls to like you. No need for all this over analytical sh1t. And there is no need to worry how you are perceived. Just go after what you want. No one is going to remember you existed even 50 years after you die, so why should you care what some stupid b1tch thought when she rejected you?
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Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Wow, after what you've said, I never need to visit this site again!!!:p

you really don't unless you want to let off steam. But maybe you're here for entertainment of endless over analytical sh1t, kind of like me
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Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
That's why when I see people writing all this over-analytical sh1t here, I know they don't get laid.
Yeah I feel the same way. Not too long ago some guy posted pretty much a manifesto, my first thought was immediately 'there's no way this guys getting laid.'

As for why people are still here, its for the same reason people use any other social media site. Guys here like to rail against social media, little do they know, sosuave is social media. Hell, we can make status updates. We use it and recieve feelings of validation and belonging just like anyone else who using social media does.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Guys you know who get laid? Who talks about guys they know who get laid? Describe one. You mean frat boys living on a loan? You're saying they are more successful than men who have jobs and pay for those loans, if those men with jobs (as analysts) are analytical?

I'd like to hear 3 bios on "men you know who get laid" and see if any of them are actually self-sufficient, or rather, simply good looking students.

Was that 100 rated girl really yours, or one of the guys you know who gets laid?


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
Hoe County, California
you really don't unless you want to let off steam. But maybe you're here for entertainment of endless over analytical sh1t, kind of like me
Actually yes, entertainment and self improvement!

I like to have fun, and make progress at the same time!:p


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Guys you know who get laid? Who talks about guys they know who get laid? Describe one. You mean frat boys living on a loan? You're saying they are more successful than men who have jobs and pay for those loans, if those men with jobs (as analysts) are analytical?

Was that 100 rated girl really yours, or one of the guys you know who gets laid?
Neil, why do you always talk sh1t and jump to conclusions? Why is that always your first instinct? What is the point? Notice I said "guys that get laid a lot." Let me elaborate.

I already provided proof that it was indeed me with her. But okay, I borrowed the dude's shirt and rolex last night for the pic. I mean, give it a break. You really can't be trusted. Also, that girl that rated 100 isn't my girl. I am not exclusive with her. I think she wants exclusivity, but I am not at that point yet. I mean, I was a lot more attracted to my ex (who is less pretty than that current girl i am hanging out with). There's also another girl I'm hanging out with, tall, skinny brunette who isn't as pretty as the blonde but that I am more attracted to her. I do get consistent sex, but I don't get laid a lot. And by getting laid a lot, I mean the type of dudes with crazy sex drives doing over 30 girls a year. My cousin being one of these. He's probably fvcked close to a 1000 girls. And he is overweight with bad breath. He is a sex freak and talks about sex all the time. Everything is a numbers game with him.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
You really can't be trusted. .. by getting laid a lot, I mean the type of dudes with crazy sex drives doing over 30 girls a year. My cousin being one of these. He's probably fvcked close to a 1000 girls. And he is overweight with bad breath. He is a sex freak and talks about sex all the time. Everything is a numbers game with him.
If my showing you that your girl rated higher than any photos of my girl didn't show I can be trusted, nothing will.

I'd like to test a full body photo of your (sort of) girl. She is prettier than my girl in that photo, I'll admit it. But my girl scored 99 in both face and body shots.

That said, my girl is literally famous in my town now. Guys came over yesterday and saw hard copies of the photos (they met her several times) and they said "This is art! These are better than nudes!" and one said "She's one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen". There's something to be said about presence.

Why would your cousin sleep with 1000 girls? That means 166 girls had Herpes on average (condoms don't always work). I don't get the high number thing. I'm quality versus quantity. If he could have any girl he would pick the hottest girl and stay with her. They must be leaving him on account of what you mentioned. He's like a home run hitter that strikes out too much. I've had about 40 women but the vast majority stuck around so I normally have a girl. I don't want to have sex that much. I'm like a sex camel. I get my one or two humps and I can go for miles.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
If my showing you that your girl rated higher than any photos of my girl didn't show I can be trusted, nothing will.

I'd like to test a full body photo of your (sort of) girl. She is prettier than my girl, I'll admit it. But my girl scored 99 in both face and body shots.

Why would your cousin sleep with 1000 girls? That means 166 girls had Herpes on average (condoms don't always work). I don't get the high number thing. I'm quality versus quantity. If he could have any girl he would pick the hottest girl and stay with her. They must be leaving him.
That's a good question with my cousin. I don't know. Mike Tyson had a hot wife and was fvcking ugly hotel maids. My theory on it is they are just extremely horny and get excited by anything. My cousin told me a girl could look like complete sh1t but if her ass is good enough, he's happy.

I'll pm you a body shot of the girl later if you really want. I'll also PM you my ex and you can get her rated. I don't wanna post it here. I think your girl might have a better body than the one that rated 100.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
  1. They don't overanalyze sh1t like people here. They go and spit their game and catch what they catch.
  2. They don't care if they are rejected as much as the average guy here
  3. They don't care if a girl ignores them. They'll wait a few days and try again. And if they get ignored a few more times, they won't delete the number. They'll just try again in a few months and send a text or mass text.
  4. They don't care how a girl might perceive them as long as they get laid.
That's why when I see people writing all this over-analytical sh1t here, I know they don't get laid. It's very basic: looks/the way you dress, money you earn, and how good your personality is. That's it. You do better than average than at least 2 out of those 3 categories and it shouldn't be difficult to get girls to like you. No need for all this over analytical sh1t. And there is no need to worry how you are perceived. Just go after what you want. No one is going to remember you existed even 50 years after you die, so why should you care what some stupid b1tch thought when she rejected you?
Guess they never had the police called on them yet.


Senior Don Juan
May 20, 2017
Reaction score
  1. They don't overanalyze sh1t like people here. They go and spit their game and catch what they catch. Probably the only thing of value you said in this post
  2. They don't care if they are rejected as much as the average guy here Maybe you actually said two things of value in the same post. My bad
  3. They don't care if a girl ignores them. They'll wait a few days and try again. And if they get ignored a few more times, they won't delete the number. They'll just try again in a few months and send a text or mass text. Low value and desperate guy behavior
  4. They don't care how a girl might perceive them as long as they get laid. There's a difference between quantity and quality. Between pleasure and happiness. Your perception is misguided. If this is what you call success I do not want success.
That's why when I see people writing all this over-analytical sh1t here, I know they don't get laid. It's very basic: looks/the way you dress, money you earn, and how good your personality is. That's it. You do better than average than at least 2 out of those 3 categories and it shouldn't be difficult to get girls to like you. No need for all this over analytical sh1t. And there is no need to worry how you are perceived. Just go after what you want. No one is going to remember you existed even 50 years after you die, so why should you care what some stupid b1tch thought when she rejected you?
If that's your logic then women should be the last of your worries. Because I can assure you merely hours after you have sex that feeling of lust you just acquired will have worn down. Work on happiness


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Neil, why do you always talk sh1t and jump to conclusions? Why is that always your first instinct? What is the point? Notice I said "guys that get laid a lot." Let me elaborate.

I already provided proof that it was indeed me with her. But okay, I borrowed the dude's shirt and rolex last night for the pic. I mean, give it a break. You really can't be trusted. Also, that girl that rated 100 isn't my girl. I am not exclusive with her. I think she wants exclusivity, but I am not at that point yet. I mean, I was a lot more attracted to my ex (who is less pretty than that current girl i am hanging out with). There's also another girl I'm hanging out with, tall, skinny brunette who isn't as pretty as the blonde but that I am more attracted to her. I do get consistent sex, but I don't get laid a lot. And by getting laid a lot, I mean the type of dudes with crazy sex drives doing over 30 girls a year. My cousin being one of these. He's probably fvcked close to a 1000 girls. And he is overweight with bad breath. He is a sex freak and talks about sex all the time. Everything is a numbers game with him.
How many VDS has he caught?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Guess they never had the police called on them yet.
Actually he has had the cops called on him 1-2 or times. Can't remember. There was a crazy bipolar girl who called the cops on him. Forgot the story.

If that's your logic then women should be the last of your worries. Because I can assure you merely hours after you have sex that feeling of lust you just acquired will have worn down. Work on happiness
Nope. That makes no sense at all when addressing me. Illogical. It's not illogical when just addressing me, too. Most guys who go after a bunch of women all the time are just hyper sexual. Read my reply to Neil here.
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Don Juan
Mar 25, 2017
Reaction score
Here's the thing.

I wasn't raised or born with "it". It is the thing that makes a girl choose another guy over me, because he has "It". I don't know what "It" is, and I know it's not money. Girls chose poorer bastards than me to hump. It's not looks. Ugly guys were chosen over me and had threesomes with their friends. It's not status. A man marked as a sex offender for raping a girl STILL GETS GIRLS, one even decided to hop in his car over me.

I have attracted some very beautiful girls my way and I don't know why. Maybe I had "It" for a few seconds, and then I didn't because I had no idea what "It" is.

I used to believe it was just Luck, or a Girl's Choice, that she was not in the mood to fancy my fantasies and wanted to fantasy others. That out of the list of suitors my name seemed to make sense, or was so far at the bottom that I didn't get selected.

However that is not the case. Humans are problem solving creatures. Me not knowing what the hell I am doing with girls is the problem I aim to solve.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
Well, at my age, I'm going to put my dignity first. There are two poles to desire - if I can control my end of it, I'm not going to have to run around after women. I'll just be open to meeting the ones I find attractive, in the normal course of life, and then go out for a quiet drink every other weekend. One foot in, one foot out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Analysis is useful when there's a problem to be solved. A lot of guys here don't allow for the randomness of women. They freak out if they've gone on 3 dates and not got a second date. That could b u it could be the girls or it could be down to sunspots. If you've been on 10 dates with the same problem that's starting to become something you should look at. There's no rule books that will guarantee you success. But certain approaches will maximise your potential. And the experience of the guys here helps keep you centred. I've personally posted field reports here and received advice that's definitely improve my game. If an old dog can learn a new trick or two I'm sure the young ones can too.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Guys I know that get laid a lot:

1. Low standards (this is the most common)
2. Lots of MONEY (second most common)
3. Good looking
4. Into drugs
5. Artists
6. Athletes
7. Hipsters and weirdos


Master Don Juan
Jul 9, 2013
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