guys looks


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
hi guys, i just wanted to write something that ive noticed the other day.
unlike women, guys dont need to have great looks to get HBs...ive seen many average or even horrible looking guys dating/going out with HOT girls.
as for women, i havnt come across any fugly chic that goes out with a good looking guy:crackup:
im sure a lot of us have heard this phrase - 'how did '(guys name)' manage to hook up with a HB like that!'.:woo:
so game on players!!!:cheer:


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
You only think their is a HUGE gap in the hotness because your not gay and can't tell that the average/horrible looking guy actually might be physically attractive to the hot chick that probally is just covered in make-up anyways.

They are probally both average. Other than that, you know the drill. If he's interesting she'll take him over a slightly hotter guy.


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Looks don't matter near as much as people think!....

Aslong as you have a set of balls your good to go! :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
Actually, the looks of guys do count, a lot more than this forum tries to convince you that it really doesn't! I know some guys that think this one girl is sooooo hot and I think she's actually pretty ugly... People have different taste.

Girls are probably as shallow as us guys! I've talked to a lot of them and honestly asked them if looks matter. They told me, "A lot of girls don't want to think of themselves as shallow, but yes, looks do matter a lot."

Don't deceive yourself.. If you're ugly... Chances are you're not gonna be goin out with anothing better than an HB 8 at most! Unless you change your appearance.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
you may be ugly, but you can still do it. all you gotta do is change your appearance and work around thigns you cant change. things that cant be changed really dont matter, as long as you put enough effort into everything else. the big nose is gonna just seem to be a part of your face as long as you take care of the acne and shiity hair cut.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
Even though the "looks" convo has been done to death lately I just have something I want to say. As far as looks go, the only thing that can't be changed is your face, and with some surgery even that can be changed these days. So there is no excuse for someone to not look the best they can. Ever see those make-over shows where some hillbilly from Idaho who hasn't shaved or had a haircut in 6 months and been rockin' the same overalls and plaid shirt for a week come on and make a complete transformation in 3 hours. A shave, a nice haircut, and some nice clothes can work wonders for any man.

Also as far as your body type, if your scarily skinny or grossly overweight there is no one to blame but yourself for not looking good. If your too skinny start eating and hitting the gym. If your too fat then get on a diet. With the right guidance I think almost any man can be at least a 7 if they put in some effort to their appearance.

That being said, how much does looks matter? All looks do is get you the opportunity for a girl to hear what you have to say. If she has even the slightest attraction to you, blowing her away with your words will get you the girl. On the other hand, even if you are one of the hottest guys she's ever seen, if you are arrogant, conceited, boring, quiet, shy, non-alpha, supplicating, (need I go on?) then you WILL NOT be getting anywhere with that girl. Think hard, if you are not succeeding with women then you probably have one of the downfalls I just mentioned. I have a couple of those which is a work in progress for me personally.

Bottom line is look the best you can but don't dwell on it. Don't get good looking and expect girls to fall over you. It's not gonna happen. Being fun and interesting is by far the most important thing to being successful with women. Having a little money never hurt either but fun and interesting trumps money too. I see guys all the time throwing their money around and getting rejected. Girls don't like show-offs. Be humble and kind, but stand for your beliefs and don't accept bad behavior from any woman. Have as much going on for yourself as you possibly can. The more positives you have, the easier it will be to get the girl of your dreams. Actually let me reiterate that. Lets not say "girl of your dreams", cause that puts women on a pedestal......................lets say "suitable companion"

Edit: O and I forgot to mention to be sexual. Being a great person will make you a great friend. If you want to bed lots of women you have to be "sexual". They are just as horny as you, if not more. Don't make them feel like a slut but make sure they know that you WANT their bodies. If you can't show a woman your desires, then how can you ever expect to end up in her bed?
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