Guarenteed Success.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2003
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Here’s a good piece of advice that I got from reading the naked leader by David Taylor.

“The formula for guaranteed success:
1. Know where you want to go.
2. Know where you are now.
3. Know what you have to do to get from where you are now to where you want to go.
4. Do it!”

Also you must always move towards positive things instead of away from negative. For example, if you are unconfident, don’t think about unconfidence. Think about getting some confidence.

Since I started framing things in this positive light I’ve felt much better about myself. I just ignore the minutiae and insignificant flaws and concentrate on my goals. I set myself exciting challenges and generate different ideas for rising to them. If one idea does not work I try something else.

Remember that being a man is all about action. When I learnt this I vowed to stop all the needless introspection and start moving forwards. I found out that you can’t just think about something over and over and then you’ll be able to do it. It’s all about practice. It’s all about the action and conquering fears.

Hope this advice helps someone.