"Grievances" with Women


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi guys. I've come here humbled to show you what you might have been missing on.

Have you ever been dumped?
Have you been treated bad by a woman?
Have you ever been cheated on?
Have you tolerated misery instead of walking away?
Has a woman played games with you?

If you answered YES to any one of these questions. I have the answer to you.

But first:

In these scenarios, were you sad, depressed, obsessed or helpless?

Were you "grieving"?

Don't mind me laughing at you in the background if you said YES. I'm not trying to belittle you by calling you pathetic.

They say, don't show a person THE TRUTH who's mentally conditioned for decades by social programming.

I say screw that, let the chips fall as they may.

I'm simply shocked to see people GRIEVE when they encounter MASSIVE SUCCESS.

Yes, you heard me right.

You are still conditioned to believe that grieving is the natural response to the above scenarios.

You are "grieving" because you've been conditioned since childhood to grieve in these situations.

You saw movies where the guy cried and pleaded for a woman's affections.

You heard sad songs sung by mainstream singers proclaiming undying love.

You saw other people grieve when their relationships ended.

You saw your parents perpetuate this.


Your natural response isn't to GRIEVE but walk away REJOICED.

But you still haven't rewired the mental conditioning you've received since childhood.

You actually DODGED a bullet when your gut created stress by what you PERCEIVED as

-jealousy games
-playing head games
-power plays
-trying to be dominating

She wasn't doing any of this on purpose, that dumb b!tch just wasn't smart enough to hide her agenda.

A woman's game is to extract as much as she can from a man and leave him when he can't fulfill her needs anymore.

You are still CONDITIONED to not trust your gut, project your own attraction onto her and DECEIVE YOURSELF USING HER.

Let me tell you when you SHOULD grieve.

If she submitted to you, had sex with you whenever you wanted, gave you gifts, declared her undying love for you, made you feel on cloud 9 for years, married you, had kids and suddenly took away half your wealth, your kids and your mental sanity leaving you a shell of a man.

That woman would be the female version of a DON JUAN.

Your entire objective is to FIND a woman who LIKES you and has HIGH INTEREST in you.

Real game begins AFTER that.

This is a gamble. A poker game.

Your gut will help you screen. Trust it. It's free from social programming. Studies show your gut has nerve endings and neurons and legitimately acts like a second brain. Google it.

Do not try to increase her interest in you, you shouldn't need to, you are ALREADY MORE VALUABLE. You have more to offer her and she knows it.

The real question is DO YOU KNOW IT?
The further from reality you are, the easier you are to exploit.

I've been working in sales in my father's business since I was 12 during holidays.

My father's game has always been 80% product. 20% creating demand in the consumer's head even if none exists.
His finances showed me how effective this was. No turning back since.

Everytime you encounter a behaviour which shows you she's not into you, DROP HER and walk away with a HUGE SMIRK on your face to find a woman who is into you.

Keep increasing your value in terms of looks, money and status by doing things the hard way:
- Fitness and aesthetics
- Income and savings
- Social connections and good relationships

CONGRATULATE your gut for helping you DODGE a bullet.
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Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
This reminds me of the old SoSuave.com (versus net) articles. Great job.


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Bro again its good in theory but its not reality.

In North America in 2017, your goal shouldn't be to find a young good looking girl who has High Interest in you. Your goal should be to find a girl willing to sleep with as quick as possible. Who cares if she has High Interest. If she's young, good looking and turned on, you have to sleep with her. It's up to her to decide what she wants to do after that. Remember, women are extremely fickle. High Interest will dissipate in 15 seconds if a Hollywood Director walks by. But if you sleep with her, you have a little but of leverage, she won't jump ship that quickly.

And bro you are not more valuable because you "think" you are more valuable. You have to actually be valuable. You know, hard stuff: getting good grades, studying for the SATs, applying to college, getting a loan, taking years and years of stressful exams, getting a degree that means something, applying for jobs. It doesn't necessarily have to be all that stuff, but it has be of value. You can't play video games and watch tv all weekend and then approach a top actress for a date. She'll laugh in your face.

Value won't come by thinking you are a man and want to have sex with a young good looking woman. Value will come by working hard and having to something to show for it. Again, it seems like we are all Hollywood Stars and should be able to have sex with any good looking girl we want to.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
If only every man here was actually very valuable, we'd all start talking about experiences with NBA cheerleaders, SI models, and new sex tips for banging dimes! Oh yeah, we wouldn't even care much about flaking and getting dumped. Best outcome, we all become male model millionaires. Never to be friendzoned again.

Dream on.

There's always an element of luck and timing to where you can come in first. Always go hard (pun intended). Get on top of the high score list. How the f**k you think AJ Mccarron got Katherine Webb?

Improve yourself. Stop worrying about your Xbox achievements, unless you're making games for that console. Beating Crash Bandicoot in under an hour impresses speedrunners, but you'd still catch IHAB from any Playboy Playmate.

Work on your looks, money, status, and social network. Your game works as well as attractive the woman perceives you.

Why do you think the Brad Pitt and Channing Tatum test exist? Need I say more? I'm not.

Case closed.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
As far as greater and less alphas are concerned, this is about as accurate a summary as I've seen....

Lesser Alpha (a minus) - "Prioritise sexual needs over more important ones"
Greater Alpha (a plus) - "....multiple sexual partners.... don't let women dominate their lives.... take charge, fulfill their life goals... tend to their sexual needs."

In this sense, I would say that the absolute majority of guys on this forum, with maybe a handful of exceptions, are (still) lesser rather than greater. I would count myself as one who talks Greater Alpha game, but still not quite living it fully yet. Another six months or so, and I'll be there or thereabouts.

Talk is cheap lads; and actions almost always speak louder than words.



Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
I totally agree with the quick walk away. It's always easier to find a girl with higher interest than turnaround a low IL girl.

However we do have to remember that woman are still human. Some of their behaviour comes from the old code what I call the genetic selector. But the rest of the time they r human beings with all the challenges and flaws and joys that we all have. Obviously by my age I'm hopelessly old school. I certainly believe in spending plates at the beginning of the dance because that's how female attraction works. Overall my motto is only play a player. Courtesy of so suave I can spot them in my sleep.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Bro again its good in theory but its not reality.

In North America in 2017, your goal shouldn't be to find a young good looking girl who has High Interest in you. Your goal should be to find a girl willing to sleep with as quick as possible. Who cares if she has High Interest. If she's young, good looking and turned on, you have to sleep with her. It's up to her to decide what she wants to do after that. Remember, women are extremely fickle. High Interest will dissipate in 15 seconds if a Hollywood Director walks by. But if you sleep with her, you have a little but of leverage, she won't jump ship that quickly.
I'm not forcing my opinions on anyone.

Most of my content is essentially me talking to myself to organise my thoughts.

"Have sex with a woman as quick as possible", "Sacrifice your self respect a bit to get laid", "Women are fickle, fuvk them before they change their mind, so they can stick by longer"

I understand your views, I've utilised them a fair bit in my teens

If your strategy floats your boat, keep at it.

It didn't give me any satisfaction or happiness in the long run because it kept my mental state in perpetual scarcity.

With that mentality I become afraid to lose the woman and the sex when I became dependent on the outcome and it showed.

Last night I texted the only girl I was screwing like a freak since a month "You're fired" for continuous bad behaviour after calling her out on her sh!t.

I think I borrowed that hilarious text by @bigneil
Just sh!ts and giggles.

That's the last she'll hear from me even though I have no other women or 'plates' to work with at the moment.

You are hoping that she won't jump the ship if you fvck her whereas I want her to jump the ship as soon as possible.

Bro again its good in theory but its not reality.

And bro you are not more valuable because you "think" you are more valuable. You have to actually be valuable. You know, hard stuff: getting good grades, studying for the SATs, applying to college, getting a loan, taking years and years of stressful exams, getting a degree that means something, applying for jobs. It doesn't necessarily have to be all that stuff, but it has be of value. You can't play video games and watch tv all weekend and then approach a top actress for a date. She'll laugh in your face.

Value won't come by thinking you are a man and want to have sex with a young good looking woman. Value will come by working hard and having to something to show for it. Again, it seems like we are all Hollywood Stars and should be able to have sex with any good looking girl we want to.
Haven't you ever seen extremely beautiful women who are insecure af?

Haven't you heard about super billionaires like Elon Musk and Hollywood actors like Brad Pitt being ripped off by their wives who took away their kids, their money and mental peace?

Haven't you had friends who are doing great in life but are pvssy whipped and controlled by their women?

Haven't you known a great dude with a great job, looks better than you and can't get a girlfriend?

Your real value only enhances the value you hold of yourself in your head. If you can DELUDE yourself to start believing you are super high value. It'll be the same. Soon enough you'll have a subconscious drive to turn those delusions to reality. JUST TRY.

Success doesn't lead to confidence, confidence leads to success.

If you hold actual value in terms of money, status, let the women discover that by themselves. But they'll do that only when they are attracted to you.

If they are, your hidden values are just an asset, a boost to the attraction.

I completely support
-fitness, working out and building muscle
-keeping your money and finances well
-Building useful social connections

for myself, not some b!tch who has nothing to offer than a pvssy and a sandwich.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
As far as greater and less alphas are concerned, this is about as accurate a summary as I've seen....
Lesser Alpha (a minus) - "Prioritise sexual needs over more important ones"
Greater Alpha (a plus) - "....multiple sexual partners.... don't let women dominate their lives.... take charge, fulfill their life goals... tend to their sexual needs."

In this sense, I would say that the absolute majority of guys on this forum, with maybe a handful of exceptions, are (still) lesser rather than greater. I would count myself as one who talks Greater Alpha game, but still not quite living it fully yet. Another six months or so, and I'll be there or thereabouts.

Talk is cheap lads; and actions almost always speak louder than words.
There is no need in the sexual sphere. There is only desire, which can be controlled.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Last night I texted the only girl I was screwing like a freak since a month "You're fired" for continuous bad behaviour after calling her out on her sh!t.

I think I borrowed that hilarious text by @bigneil.
Imitation is the highest form of flattery!

One time I sent a faux job application rejection letter to a girl I was breaking up with:

Dear (her name),

Thank you for your recent application for the position of Mrs. Bigneil. After careful consideration we have decided that this is not an ideal match, however, in the event a future position that matches your skillset should arise, we will reconsider.

Best regards,



Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
With that mentality I become afraid to lose the woman and the sex when I became dependent on the outcome and it showed.

Last night I texted the only girl I was screwing like a freak since a month "You're fired" for continuous bad behaviour after calling her out on her sh!t.

That's the last she'll hear from me even though I have no other women or 'plates' to work with at the moment.

You are hoping that she won't jump the ship if you fvck her whereas I want her to jump the ship as soon as possible.
Sounds a bit strange bro. You take abuse and abuse and abuse from her. Are attracted to her and Have crazy sex with her. And then you drop her?

If you took abuse to have sex with her. Why didn't you just continuing taking abuse and keep having sex with her? 2 months of abuse is OK, 2 months of 1 day of abuse is too much?

Haven't you ever seen extremely beautiful women who are insecure af?
Not really. I've seen extremely beautiful women manipulate men's emotions through looks and sex to get society to value them and make millions. If the young beautiful women was so insecure, she would give a regular guy the time of day.

Haven't you heard about super billionaires like Elon Musk and Hollywood actors like Brad Pitt being ripped off by their wives who took away their kids, their money and mental peace?
Confusing the issues. One is the having enough value to get a woman. The other is being able to keep a woman.

Ironically, I think a lot of men on SS can keep a woman, they just can't get a woman.

Haven't you had friends who are doing great in life but are pvssy whipped and controlled by their women?
Only if the woman had value.

Haven't you known a great dude with a great job, looks better than you and can't get a girlfriend?
Again bro, confusing the issues. You don't get a great job and looks to get a girlfriend. You get it for yourself. Girl is the byproduct of it.

Your real value only enhances the value you hold of yourself in your head. If you can DELUDE yourself to start believing you are super high value. It'll be the same. Soon enough you'll have a subconscious drive to turn those delusions to reality. JUST TRY.
Bro this makes absolutely NO sense. A man is going to delude himself into thinking he is super high value when he's not? TWO questions in the girl will see RIGHT THROUGH IT.

Girl: "What do you do?"
You: "I'm a major Director of movies and make females into Stars."
Girl: "Uh, OK."
You: "Well actually I play video games all day and have never been with a woman but I read confidence is key to getting woman."

I completely support
-fitness, working out and building muscle
-keeping your money and finances well
-Building useful social connections

for myself, not some b!tch who has nothing to offer than a pvssy and a sandwich.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Sounds a bit strange bro. You take abuse and abuse and abuse from her. Are attracted to her and Have crazy sex with her. And then you drop her?

If you took abuse to have sex with her. Why didn't you just continuing taking abuse and keep having sex with her? 2 months of abuse is OK, 2 months of 1 day of abuse is too much?
Chill Romeo, I'll answer all your questions.

If a girl starts rescheduling dates, witholds sex, flakes one too many times, she has LOW INTEREST and this is bad behaviour.

I will not tolerate bad behaviour for sex because that makes me unhappy.

I soft next her for say a week and I walk away happier.

I will ignore her even if she wants to fvck now because then I have more time to game other women, travel, make music, read and make money.

I invest more of my time in a woman who has high interest and displays good behaviour.

That can be the same damn woman who had low interest in the beginning.

I can reapproach her to test the waters
If she starts acting up again, I pull the same routine and walk away HAPPIER.

Grieving about a woman's bad behaviour will always be PATHETIC because you are supposed to be HAPPY to have the opportunity to escape her.

Not really. I've seen extremely beautiful women manipulate men's emotions through looks and sex to get society to value them and make millions. If the young beautiful women was so insecure, she would give a regular guy the time of day.
Try talking to beta chick in a circle of girls while ignoring/teasing the alpha b!tch, she won't stop qualifying herself to you.

Women derive their self esteem with respect to their pecking order.

Confusing the issues. One is the having enough value to get a woman. The other is being able to keep a woman.

Ironically, I think a lot of men on SS can keep a woman, they just can't get a woman.
Keeping a woman isn't easy.
That's why LTRs aren't easy to maintain.
A concrete abundance mentality is required to stay in frame without spinning plates.

IMO, spinning plates is easier than a successful marriage or an LTR.

Sooner than later they try to chip away the very traits which they get attracted to.

Most guys get sucked in the woman's frame and don't walk away till they are dumped and ironically start to grieve.

Again bro, confusing the issues. You don't get a great job and looks to get a girlfriend. You get it for yourself. Girl is the byproduct of it.

Bro this makes absolutely NO sense. A man is going to delude himself into thinking he is super high value when he's not? TWO questions in the girl will see RIGHT THROUGH IT.

Girl: "What do you do?"
You: "I'm a major Director of movies and make females into Stars."
Girl: "Uh, OK."
You: "Well actually I play video games all day and have never been with a woman but I read confidence is key to getting woman."
I said delude your mind, not lie to the damn b!tch.
One has to believe he is the king of his reality, so he the freedom and drive to get your needs met and build a life.

Your world is what a woman gets for giving up that pvssy, if you don't believe you are the king, she won't treat you like one.

If you play the game right, use indirect game and she starts asking personal questions first, she's anyway attracted to you.

Her: "What do you do?"
Me: "I'm a revered homeless guy. Can you cook Italian?"

I definitely support increasing actual value. It just boosts her interest levels when she works to find out more about you and finds treasure.

Just my two cents.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
As far as greater and less alphas are concerned, this is about as accurate a summary as I've seen....
I have a number of problems with that chart.
First off, it defines alphas by how they do with women. There's never any mention of their social standing among males. I also don't believe all alpha pluses are necessarily attractive. I've always thought that women are attracted to these guys as a result of their alpha positions. I also wonder if there are alpha males who do not do that well with women, for whatever reason.

Then, it talks about the alpha minuses prioritizing sex over more important needs. I don't think this group is the only one to make that mistake, and I'm sure there are lesser males who are smart enough not to do this. If you look at Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs, most people take care of the most pressing need before moving on to the next one.

I don't believe that upper level betas are most likely virgins. IMO, upper level betas do pretty well with girls. Not great, but good enough.

The most interesting thing about that chart is the attitude of the beta minuses. Sounds like it was taken directly from the average SoSuave poster.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
First off, it defines alphas by how they do with women.
Well, yes, I should amend my own post. But I guess, 90% of the conversation herein infers and refers to success with women, opposed to anything else. But yes, I should have been clearer.

There's never any mention of their social standing among males.
Social standing is a very warped concept these days; and it certainly doesn't always correlate to being an alpha male. Take Trump as a perfect example. A lot of people (especially in the Manosphere) consider him the ultimate greater alpha male; and sure, he's rich, has a hot wife and certainly displays certain ZFG behaviours. What the majority don't understand though, is that he's still just a patsy, a puppet b!tch to the corporate world, the likes of the Rothschilds, the Bilderbergers etc etc. So, he is in fact far from alpha, rather being the hollow vehicle of someone else's agenda. The biggest mistake he ever made (from his personal status point of view) was get involved in politics.

Alternatively, you can be a bricklayer, live under your own volition with a wife, two kids and five solid mates down the pub and be more alpha than Trump will ever be. 'Social standing' is relative; and in the conventional sense, often absolute BS.

I'm sure there are lesser males who are smart enough not to do this.
I would imagine many (most) 'lesser' males de-prioritise women and sex by default, rather than by choice.

And that was really what I meant about the chart - agreed it isn't the best description in general.

But as far as prioritisation of women and sex by alphas goes, for me, it's spot on: Greater Alphas get the poon, by default, by virtue of prioritising life; lesser Alphas get poon by chasing and because it's a priority for them.