

New Member
Feb 8, 2011
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Let me open by saying that I am reading The Game, by Neil Strauss right now, so, naturally, I have already created an alias. Starc. Initially, it was Stark, as in Tony Stark, Ironman. Apparently I'm not the only cat on the block that digs Ironman, so I had to drop the k and add the c. I digress. I, like most of you, am here to seek the advise/counsel/knowledge of my peers in this new, fascinating realm of PUAs. It's not that my game is necessarily terrible right now, I just really want to shape it, hone it, master it, thrusting me into a world that I have never known before....being able to consistently pull upper echelon girls (HB8's-HB10's).

A few things about me: I'm 21, I live in the Tulsa area, I am 5'9" (on a good day, typically it's closer to 5'8"), I weigh 165lbs, I work as a network tech, I am a full time college student, I am a huge football fan (namely, a rabid Nebraska Cornhusker fan), I'm fresh out a relationship, I like to workout, play sports, read, play video games and talk to girls.

I plan on finishing The Game tomorrow and start reading a boat load of other books, ranging from body language, to persuasion, etc.

I will be on here from time to time, discussing my adventures, trying to pickup (pun intended) new techniques and just soak up all sorts of knowledge.



Don Juan
Feb 8, 2011
Reaction score
First day here as well - so hello sir. Good luck in plowing the finest of snatches.