Great reply on anustalk by DeAngelo

Dec 1, 2004
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I found this in my Deangelo mailbag today and found that it represents many types of negative stuff that is completely useless wheter it is in this forum, DYD mailbag or in real life...

Here you go:


Just what kind of conversations are you having with
these lil girls? Don't you find it better to have
someone that can stimulate your mind as well as your
member? I must say that my personal opinion is that
you have low self-esteem and base your self worth on
the trophy you carry by your side...Grow up ya mental



I've included this to make an example... this is the
type of person to watch out for while you're learning
how to be successful with women and dating... they
have nothing useful to offer, only negativity.

This is someone who doesn't get it, doesn't get ANY,
and isn't going to help you.

This person would be glad to sit all night and tell
you why it's a bad idea for you to have fun dating
all the fun women you're dating because none of them
are "marriage material".


But while you're FINDING that rare and fantastic woman
who can stimulate your mind, body, emotions, and "member",
you might as well enjoy yourself...

And to answer the question:

The kind of conversations I'm having with these "lil
girls" is the kind that challenges them, makes them
feel ATTRACTION, and makes them realize how BORING
negative people like you are.

'Nuff said.