

Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
Boston, MA
I'm about to start a new chapter in my life. Just graduated from college last week. Regretfully, due to my major and size of my college I never really got a chance with a college chick. So where does the playfield move for me now? Coming from a female-scarce college my options are now limited to public and work places. What are your thoughts?

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
back to Paris, missing the USA
I feel you bro, this is coming from a guy who loves the beauty of science but who's suffered all the social consequences of this choice, especially girls wise.

I think during the time when you didn't have that many options, it was a tough but it's over. If your new environment actually allows you to have more interaction with women and you are actually a "catch", you will do MUCH MUCH better.

I'm talking from experience.
Two years ago, I was stuck with my small (although top ranking) engineering college back home, the female/male ratio was like 1/5, and more than half of the girls were not even slightly attractive. I felt like a piece of sh*t (NOT Da Shyt:( ), even the ugly girls who had "nothing" would treat me poorly.
Then I came to the States as a grad student at a 50/50 school. Althoughthe odds are still bad (absolutely ZERO chicks through "normal" academic activities), it's still a HUGE improvement, now at least I see/meet chicks on campus, bars, clubs, friends' parties. And I suddenly get all these positive vibes from chicks now that I never thought were possible. I finally realized that "hey, my market value is actually pretty decent".:eek:

My point is: if you are truely a worthy guy (meaning not just some AFC who blames his lack of success on the environment), negative environments CAN NOT hold you back forever, because the environment will not be "hostile" forever.
So good luck for your new start and keep on pimping!:)

Grey Fox

Master Don Juan
May 14, 2003
Reaction score
Once you have your own place, apartment, town house, and job you are pretty much free to go out on the weekends, be social make friends and DJ women.

-Grey Fox