My MBA was a great experience. Very worth it.
But don't expect to have an easy time macking your classmates.
Most are married or otherwise very committed.
Most work fulltime as well as taking a heavy load. They don't have time to play dating games.
Most are frequently in a bad mood due to stress. Expect most of them to medicate their anxiety with carbs and gain 15 pounds.
They almost all have a chip on their shoulder while still taking classes. Career is more important them, for a time, than having a man.
If you are going to go after college girls during your MBA, make it the undergrads. They are far more easily impressed and far more numerous.
That said, you are going to meet a number of truly extraordinary women. Dedicated, strong, aggressive, no-nonsense types. Many of them are still good friends of mine years later. These women become the ultimate in social proof. They can attest to your character, intellect, employability, and behavior under pressure. Many of them are highly attractive and all of them take great pains to make the most of their appearance. And since they are all networkers by training, they keep close tabs on who is single and looking. Any time I find myself single and unattached, my female grad school classmates are quick to provide a list of potential quality targets. I'd rather go to an alumni association event to meet women than a bar or club any day. I'm in my element and surrounded by quality.
Female MBAs can't realistically become involved with anyone who doesn't have an advanced degree. At some point, they have to bring a guest to company functions. While they will tell you there is nothing wrong with a guy being a garbage man or pipefitter, they will not risk their career by putting one on their arm at an awards dinner with the vendors. An advanced degree is your admission pass to a world that other men are locked out of. I'll be the first to admit that I'm still largely an AFC. With the MBA, it doesn't matter much. The status that comes with the degree makes women overlook at lot of flaws.
I'm gonna wrap this up so I can hit the gym. The MBA will make things a lot easier for you in the long run. You'll have access to those rare woman who are both beautiful and intelligent. You'll have power, status, spending money, a nice car, nice house, and all the other things that wind up a woman's spring. But it isn't going to make you happy if you lean on that to get women. Three years from now, you'll still be here just like me, when it finally sinks in that the journey is more important than the destination.
Go get your MBA, Dave. But not to get tail. If you spend half as much time working on your game as you will working on your MBA, you will end up with way more women.