got some feed back from a girl


New Member
Nov 8, 2005
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I friend of mine was telling me what this one girl I know said about me. I saw her the other day at school and talked to her about her finals. she was saying how her finals were long and I gave her some neg about it. Anyway I hear through a friend that she was saying that I give off an "im better than you" attitude. She is one of those girls that always has guys sucking up to her. Well everytime I see her I neg her like crazy. She seems to like it and I know her friends love it too because she is the one always picking on everyone else. So its a nice chage for her friends to see the hot one getting picked on for once.

Im not sure what to make of this.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
What? was there a question in there??

I don't know what you're trying to ask..

You say:

"Im not sure what to make of this."

but then you have already explained the situation just a few seconds earlier:

"She seems to like it and I know her friends love it too because she is the one always picking on everyone else. So its a nice chage for her friends to see the hot one getting picked on for once."

Are you asking whether she'd want to go out with you?

like you said, she seems to like maybe.

However, I will say this: It's not a good idea to spend too much time worring about whether she likes you or not....just assume she does and act accordingly...(but don't be too obvious either) fact, just read the DJ bible.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2005
Reaction score
L.A., CA
Yeah I agree, your thread is just...there. It's more of a statement, not really a question (DUH).

But allow me to show some +'s and -'s.

+ you're giving her a taste of her own medicine, and she's liking you for it
+ you're not like the other hapless chumps kissing her ass and licking the dirt off her feet
+ her friends seem to be on your side, so i think it's safe to say that you're in her circle of friends

- you should do a #close and take this girl out, because the whole C&F charade won't last for too long, since C&F/kino is part of the attraction stage. If you want her @ this point, I say take it to the next level. If not, then oh well.
- ask a more proper question next time!