Got LJBFed cos I'm a virgin


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Damn it!

You know how important it is to keep being sexual around a woman so you don't get LJBFed? Well I had a make-out buddy, who broke up with her BF because he wanted her to stop seeing me as a "friend". We made out a lot and it was getting heaving. She's even dreamt of having sex with me before. I was very sexual and I did turn her on. I know for a FACT that I could have f__ked her if I wasn't a virgin. She's not a virgin. So of course, the sexual talk eventually got beyond me, in the sense that I just didn't know what to say anymore.

Once I told her on the phone "I want to have my way with you". She asked me, "Ok, so what would you do?". F--k, I went blank and made a fool of myself. Of course, being sexually inexperienced and the occasional blunder has lead her to no longer wanting me sexually and she says she's going to work things out with her BF. If I wasn't so inexperienced I could have fuked her. She's the type of woman that wants to be f__ked, not have some virgin @sshole trying to find the right hole before he cums. :D How the hell am I gonna get laid? :p

Of course I'm her "best friend" now. I belive that cos' of all the **** she has been through with her BF to keep seeing me. But it sucks. I am seriously having evil thoughts of using some chick for my first time to get it over with...


Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by Santos
Damn it!

You know how important it is to keep being sexual around a woman so you don't get LJBFed? Well I had a make-out buddy, who broke up with her BF because he wanted her to stop seeing me as a "friend". We made out a lot and it was getting heaving. She's even dreamt of having sex with me before. I was very sexual and I did turn her on. I know for a FACT that I could have f__ked her if I wasn't a virgin. She's not a virgin. So of course, the sexual talk eventually got beyond me, in the sense that I just didn't know what to say anymore.

Once I told her on the phone "I want to have my way with you". She asked me, "Ok, so what would you do?". F--k, I went blank and made a fool of myself. Of course, being sexually inexperienced and the occasional blunder has lead her to no longer wanting me sexually and she says she's going to work things out with her BF. If I wasn't so inexperienced I could have fuked her. She's the type of woman that wants to be f__ked, not have some virgin @sshole trying to find the right hole before he cums. :D How the hell am I gonna get laid? :p

Of course I'm her "best friend" now. I belive that cos' of all the **** she has been through with her BF to keep seeing me. But it sucks. I am seriously having evil thoughts of using some chick for my first time to get it over with...

Yeah, it sounds you're in the LJBF zone. The only mistake that jumped out at me is that you opened yourself up without any defenses by saying that you wanted to have your way with her. Here's a HUGE DJ rule. Do not say or do anything that you can't back up."

No matter how good your sarging skills, if you're caught with your pants down, everything you've done up to that point is wasted. One thing you could have said is that you wanted HER to have her way with you. She may not have heard that line before but more so, it is true and you could back it up!

Another DJ rule is not to put all of your eggs in one basket. Its another waste of your time and if the one HB you are pursuing realizes this, you will be her whipping boy. Move on to another target but always keep this one in your sights. Her interest may change while watching you have a good time sarging other women.

Hugh G. Rection

Don Juan
Aug 15, 2003
Reaction score
Hey Santos, that happened to me too!
And I've learned from that mistake. Sometimes women ask if you are a virgin. Why, I don't know (could someone tell me?), but now I always reply with something like "If you wanna know for sure, come with me to my place, and there you'll find out in a short time", followed by a smile. It hasn't worked yet, but hey, I've tried it only twice. Good luck to you, and maybe you'll come up with a better response.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Your chances are not blown - she knows you're sexually inexperienced.. do what the above guy says.. seek other women and let her know this.. it will get her interest and she will think "well this guy's not a loser" or next time fellas, don't tell a girl you're sexually inexperienced.. at least say you know oral/massage techniques but not banging action.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
if she ever asks just say you been with "enough women." this is not a lie. if "enough" to you is zero, then it's true. don't let her get a number out of you. if you have to just sit there and smile. you are in control.

b's nuts

Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
If I was up your ass you'd know
lie, lie, and lie again to get what ever you want. If she asks if you are a virgin, tell her no, if she asks how many girls you have slept with, tell her 2. wtf do you care, you just want to get in some panties? (this might backfire if you are going to be a one pump chump once you get her in the sack, i suggest getting slightly intoxicated and you will go for a while, not to drunk or you won't go at all)


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Whats so evil about using some chik for sex? :) . Dude, go out and just bang some chik you don't care about or aren't even attracted to, get it out of the way. trust me, you'll thank me in the morning. ;)


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Dude you're putting a lot of pressure on yourself.

She's the type of woman that wants to be f__ked, not have some virgin @sshole trying to find the right hole before he cums. How the hell am I gonna get laid?
Either hole will do.

No seriously , you have to be a bit selfish your first time and just be in it to enjoy it. Worry about being amazing in bed later (or alternatively , learn how to go down on her, f*** her however you feel like and then make her come that way (Read The Bible)).


Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Dude, you didn't get dumped JUST because you are a virgin! You FORCED yourself into dirty sex talk on the PHONE and did not deliver!

You were in over your head kid!

Learn from it, and don't say that sh*t on the phone anymore unless you are READY for it and treat it like a game. Some guys are suave (SO suave even!) and some guys aren't.

I am NOT suave, so as soon as I saw what you SAID to her, I cringed. Girls will always call you out on that kind of thing, because they deal with guys that say **** like:

"Baby, I would spin your ass around, rip off your pants, grab your hair.....blah, blah, f*cking, blah..."

Only it would be much smoother of course.

See, if you were THERE, you could have just SHOWN HER what you wanted to do! Think about that!

You have to look deep down and see if YOU were beating around the bush sexually. (Pun definitely intended there!) Maybe you were a little insecure about that (V-card) and she could SMELL it on you? She could tell that you were a tad uncomfortable with sex and she was not ready to be queen-slut and "deflower" a guy that was not ready?

Don't blame it all on virginity, even the players in the world were virgins at one point. Everyone has to start from the bottom and work thier way up.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
los angeles, CA
I don't think you can blame it on any one small thing, I think what happened was that your anxiety and excitement at the prospect of losing your virginity got the best of you. It made you seriously lose your cool and act desperate.

Am I right?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
LOL, why did you tell her you were a virgin??? I'd say depending on age 90% of girls think that there's a definite reason your a virgin. I remember back when I was hold my virgin card. I told all the girls I dated the same story. I said I've banged my fair share and was pretty damn good at what I did :D

Rule of thumb: NEVER tell a girl your a virgin, that's like going to an all you can eat buffet and just staring at the food from the glass window outside.

Don't shoot yourself in the foot again...LOL


Oscar Wilde

Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score
Ouch, nasty.

I recommend you V boys get out and watch some Sylvia Saint and Jenna Jameson.

Check the web, you'll find some free stuff. Gotta learn somewhere I guess.


Master Don Juan
Apr 14, 2003
Reaction score
Geez man, haven't you seen a porno before, you should have the skills to roll with sexual talk and be comfortable with it if you think your ready to get laid. You don't have to have had sex before to be able to say enough for her to spread her legs. she wanted the fantasy and excitement you were gonna bring, so you shoulda just made some **** up.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
It really is a mystery why chicks wouldn't jump on the opportunity to take the virginity of a guy like a guy would for a girl. Older women will jump on it. I heard from some guys that they didn't start getting laid on a regular basis until they lost their virginity. Is it a good idea to just get it over with like pulling off a band-aid or actually go for a memorable girl?


New Member
Aug 28, 2003
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Got a feeling this is going to be slightly unpopular from the view of the above posts, but what the hell. :)

Damn near every lassie thats ever asked how many girls ive slept with has always recieved the same stock reply "Me? God im still a virgin!" along with a look of mock shock and horror, plus i presume a sub conscious twinkle in the eye or smile or something. This has always been met with giggles, disbelief, continued asking to try and get a number out of me (with increasing intreast), which subsequently is always met with the same charade of mock innocence. (And their giggles of disbelief).

As far as getting to know/getting on/getting into a girl, its always been a failsafe answer for me. Plus if u end up being serious, theres plenty of time to discuss statistics afterwards.

Hell, girls aint the only ones who can be mysterious lol. :)
Dont bullsh1t about ure virginity, tell her the truth, but make damn sure ure confident when u say it, she'll never believe u anyway. Aint bugger all to worry about.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
Gville, Florida
read my post in waldens boot camp thread, page 8. I am in the same boat as you. the only difference is, i dont think or act like a virgin, buyt you do. Come on, youve seen your share or porn, you know the basics. its just sex: 4 billion years of evolution will guide your instinct.

I agree tha tyou shouldnt have admitted to beign a virgin. Some "normal" people will think it is weird, especially for a 22 year old like me. If you had to answer, say like 2 or 3. And if you LATER have to explian why you were so bad in bed, say, "its been a while since i was with my last girl." But dont try to lessen the blow BEFORE sex, by saying "im a virgin or inexperienced, so i might screw up." this, i imagine, will turn her off.

just do it, wear a condom, and do your best. do a lot of foreplay before so that you dont seem selfish.

good luck


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
Originally posted by Santos

Once I told her on the phone "I want to have my way with you". She asked me, "Ok, so what would you do?". F--k, I went blank and made a fool of myself.
Santos I know some people would say things like go and watch some porn and stuff like that. Do that too, especially watch lesbian scenes. That what kazzaaa is for.

But I would have given it a bit more thought before saying the "I want to have my way with you" blunder. Something like this would have worked:

So your intention is to get some experience righ? My answer is simple. Use your imagination to create a sexual fantasy that works for both of you.

You: "I want to have my way with you"
Her: "Ok, so what would you do?"
You: "First I want us to play some roles. Do you like role playing?"
Her: "yeah/maybe/oh sure"
You: "Ok. I'm going to play a 15 year old teenager who's got the hots for the teacher, and you'll play the teacher. The guy wants to get into his teacher's pants, but is scared because he's young and inexperienced."

So you got the hook. Now explain some details about the scene. How you will dress, how she will dress. How you're gonig to enter and ask the teacher for some help with a homework, and how the teacher gently will persuade the teenager to get his clothes off and give him some tips and tricks and then ride him on top. Later the more experienced teenager (you dummy :D) can fock the teacher better.

She'll be amazed how well you played your role :D :D :D