Got invited to a highend New Years Party by an ex, but I have no game. HELP!

Dec 7, 2009
Reaction score
As I've said before for the past couple of weeks, I've only been solo sarging for over a month now, but in all that time, I've only managed to do 3 approaches. My first 2 resulted in near-immediate blow-outs. I didn't even get to practice any material. My 3rd approach resulted in a pretty decent and lengthy conversation, but when she rejected me at the number close, I was so shocked and disappointed, I actually lashed out at her and told her off (my bad).

The thing is, I'm friends with my ex-gf, not because I've been holding onto our past relationship, but because we work together, and we had to learn to be cool with eachother (and I haven't been able to find another job).

She's really hot, and, naturally, really popular. And she invited me to a New Years party at a pretty high end lounge. I looked at the facebook page, and there are gonna be a lot of hot girls there.

But this has me really nervous. I'm going know no-one else there besides my ex. I was thinking of having her be my female social-proof, but my game and material are so under-developed and poorly practiced, I'm afraid I'm not just only going to embarrass myself infront of her, but lose any opportunities to meet new girls through her. What should I do? I need info asap.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
What do you want us to say that will make you feel better?

All I really have to say about this is that you need to stop caring so much. If you're really that nervous about losing your ex as a friend then you have a problem with that relationship, in that no relationship should mean that much to you that you're not already comfortable with (i.e. you wouldn't be nervous about going to this party if it was one of your guy friends because you know he wouldn't give a **** if you made an idiot out of yourself).

So first you need to gain some perspective and realize that you are putting too much importance on this girl's acceptance of you to the point where it's letting you affect how you think of yourself and how it affects your life. You should be able to drop this girl in a minute without any stress if this was healthy.

So my suggestion is to learn to do that first off, and second off go to the party. If you make an ass out of yourself and this girl doesn't want to talk to you anymore then you'll learn the hard way that this girl wasn't as important as you were making her out to be, and that you're just fine without her.

Go have the time of your life and stop caring about whether or not you make an ass out of yourself, because if you care that much then you're bound to do it.

Don't let this girl's opinions stand in your way or determine how you act; her opinion of you doesn't matter.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
Be cool man! Just walk in there and show em that your equal. I myself have just gotten out of a relationship. So, tonight I'm just going out to the bar to have fun and meet new people. Though, I got a couple of friends going with me...

Do you have a friend or two you could bring? Either way just have fun. Get into that mindset where your the man and everyone wants toknow you.