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Got another date


Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Finally I've gone out on a date with a new woman. She seems nice enough, but we will have to go out more to see where things go. At least Chantal is out of the picture and I've moved on with my life.

I practiced eliciting values during our convo. Also she invited me inside her place when I took her home. But I declined because I already had made plans with my friends. I purposely organised the date a few hours BEFORE I was supposed to meet my friends so I could keep it short and interesting. Get this - SHE payed for ME. I was happy to split the bill, but she insisted.

Well I'm at uni and I've taken up a Psych course for extra credit. HUNDREDS of hot women there. If any of you are at university/college TAKE UP PSYCHOLOGY. Seriously, full of HBs. Although I took it up cos' I was also interested in what it would be like. Obviously if the subject bores you, don't do it.

It's suprising how easy it is to AVOID REJECTION. A lot of the times I've asked girls out on dates when we did not have any rapport. It's actually easy to tell if a girl will decline an invitation for coffee, most of the time. What is a first date really, merely an interview.

Just thought I'd post.

DJ Jeff

Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
good for you man, and yes, i totally agree with psychology :)
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
" What is a first date really, merely an interview."

Yeah, that's the truth. Your there looking for her life story...and she will tell you what it takes to seduce her happy butt too.

This is taken from another posting board but the real meat of it still applies Santos:

Let me start by stating an obvious fact. Biatches love to talk. Go anywhere, ie a coffee shop, lunch, chat rooms and you will find the truth of this statment.
So I have found that the art of the mouth piece isn't being able to converse with them as much as it's being able to give the impression that you are truely listening. Before you mutha fu*cka's start. I am not talking about becoming a symp!
The only way to get her life story is to do active listening. I know we fella's hate to listnen to biatches blather on & on about nothing of substance to US, that's why I said "give the impression" that your listening.
Here's a simple model of what I mean:
* she talks
* you listen
* you repeat some of what she said
It's that simple.
While the ***** is giving you her life story you say one of these:
* Hmmmm
* Damn you don't say
* Uh-huh
Every now & then add:
* Damn, that's sounds "twisted" or "crazy" or some **** along those lines.
There are 2 almost magic words that I've read will cover most of the topics the ***** is going on & on about.:
* Frustrating
* Exciting
70% of the time biatches are feeling some form of unpleasantness in their little ****ed up lives. Saying : Dam that **** sounds frustrating as hell will fit most occasions.
Most of the other time a biatch is feeling "pleasant", so "Yeah that sounds exciting will fit.
Or try this phrase: "Dam you must feel___________". You can use either positive or negative. Like Furious, or mad as ____ (a skin head watching the Jeffersons) (don't use that one). Or positive: "you must be feelin thrilled boo".
All you gotta do is listen and from time to time say a couple of syllables or comment on a feeling she's describing.
For you shy mutha fu*ckas like I used to be...fu*ck that. You don't have to be afraid to listen. They love to talk, just bring the two of you together and there you go. Todays special is pus*sy on the platter served to your perfection" A biatch will do anything once you get control over her funky ass.
The whole time your managing the biatch. Letting her talk her way into your web. Remember your not a symp who ends up in the FRIEND catagory you gotta get those panties also. That's what I mean by managing.
Next time a biatch approaches or you approach say:
"how are you feeling?" Do not use "doing." Women love to tell someone how they are feeling. If you give the apperance that you are actually listening then BLAM you ass is in there. You become stored in her little head as a good memory.
Add this to the stuff in my other article the What, where, why when **** and you become unstoppable. Boom baby you blow up.
Who do you thing she is going to call for good memories?
Now I don't go around soliciting every ho's ear. I combine this **** with my: aggressive male dominating, super confident, ****y as ****, I will **** the hell out of you until you scream jesus, then I will make love to you until you hear the birds singing ,attitude and you can see why I call myself the ZenMack. I will go all zen on a ***** when she tries to start somethin (you know those dam tests they like to try).
If your feeling what I'm spittin then holla at a playa.
One last thing DO NOT TRY TO FIX A BIaTCHES PROBLEMS!!! Leave that shi*t alone. If she wanted advice let her ass write to Dear Abbey or some sh*it. I know it's hard for us Men not to fix problems but believe me she isn't looking for advice. You make will place yourself into symp zone when you try to. Your not in the problem solving business, your pimps.
When you come to the table you come to own the entire building it's in. Symps come to the table to help them so maybe they might on a day the baitch is feeling good about herself and has nothing else to do and the alpha male dude she is really diggin is fu*cking someone else, just might let the symp rub her funky assed feet and then send his sorry ass home, after listening to him blather on & on about she should do this and she should do that when she knows good and dam well she's gonna do what she is gonna do. Do you feel me brotha's?


I still recommend taking an active interest in her life...but for those of you who are shallow hals the above will apply.


Santos, the above post is kinda raw, but I think you can get the idea from it.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 16, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks Player, that was funny as hell. But 100% true. Lots of useful advice for me to use there.