Got a Weird Text from a stripper's boyfriend. What's going on?

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Back story: I've been texting with a girl who is a dancer/stripper. I met her there at the club and pull game on her. She gave up the digits. We text for awhile but something came up so nothing happened. Then I went back and she was eager to see me again. And she seem really interested as far as I can tell and no it's not because I spent a ton of money on her; I didn't. I ask her if I can text her again and she said it was okay. So I did (4 days later opps) but no response. Then again a few more times but none. Then two weeks later last night I decided to text one more time and got this back from some guy:

Me: Hi, blah blah something...
Him: This is her boyfriend man
Me: I figured. Then you should keep an eye on her. bye.
Him: She hasn't text you back ever lol
Me: What are you talking about?
(~30 mins later)
Him: She hasn't texted you back in a while...She's a dancer off course shell give you her number
Me: And you're okay with your gf doing that? What are you doing with her phone in the first place. Did you steal it.
(~40 mins later)
Him: No she showed me man And it's fine it's part of the job.

My thoughts in red:
Me: Hi, blah blah something...
Him: This is her boyfriend man
-okay it's cool. so she lost interest and has a bf already. it happens. NEXT. but then...
Me: I figured. Then you should keep an eye on her. bye.
Him: She hasn't text you back ever lol
-WTF are you laughing about.
Me: What are you talking about?
(~30 mins later)
Him: She hasn't texted you back in a while...She's a dancer off course shell give you her number
-first hint something doesn't seem right. the dancers I know don't easily give their number out because of the many weird guys that frequent the clubs. A bf should know this. Doesn't sound like something a bf that should be angry/jealous would say either.

Me: And you're okay with your gf doing that? What are you doing with her phone in the first place. Did you steal it?
(~40 mins later)
Him: No she showed me man And it's fine it's part of the job.
-I call bs on this. Dancing is one thing but it's pushing it if your girl is giving out numbers and texting customer when they aren't at work. What kind of guy would be okay with this?
-And what girl would be showing her cheating text convo to her bf? It's not like I said anything interesting or AFC. Just some hey how are you comments to see if she responds. second red flag.


I want to think that this is some douche that stole her phone and that's why she hasn't been responding. I was certain her interest level was high last time I saw her. There were smiles and eye contact. But is it just me or does the convo from the bf sound odd? What's going on?


Don Juan
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
i don't mean to be a downer, but maybe she gave you her boyfriend's phone number on purpose?

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
thechosenone2190 said:
i don't mean to be a downer, but maybe she gave you her boyfriend's phone number on purpose?
No it wasn't her boyfriend number. I text her before this convo. And then saw her again at the club and we talk about things that only me an her texting would know. Just to clarify.

I figure I can just come back and get her to clarify in person. Just want to know if it's worth the trouble or if I should just NEXT.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Speculator E said:
I ask her if I can text her again and she said it was okay.
This is running game on a girl? Stripper or not, this is a pretty chump question.

So I did (4 days later opps) but no response. Then again a few more times but none. Then two weeks later last night I decided to text one more time and got this back from some guy:
To get a stripper you have to differentiate yourself from the customer role. You didn't do this well enough.

-first hint something doesn't seem right. the dancers I know don't easily give their number out because of the many weird guys that frequent the clubs. A bf should know this. Doesn't sound like something a bf that should be angry/jealous would say either.
You don't know enough dancers then. Many dancers have 2 phones, a "work phone" and their personal phone. The bf is 100% right, its part of her job. That's not to say you can't meet, attract and pull a stripper, you absolutely can. Its just MUCH easier to do it when you meet her in a normal venue like a bar, rather than when she's at work at mainly thinking about $$$$.

Dancing is one thing but it's pushing it if your girl is giving out numbers and texting customer when they aren't at work. What kind of guy would be okay with this?
Dude she's building a client list. Yeah you might not have given her much money the first few times you went in, but she's likely banking on the fact that if she flirts with you a bit that you will eventually fork up the cash, esp if you go in somewhat regularly.

I want to think that this is some douche that stole her phone and that's why she hasn't been responding. I was certain her interest level was high last time I saw her. But is it just me or does the convo from the bf sound odd? What's going on?
Again, def not saying you can't pull strippers with solid game, you def can; but this is not one of those cases. Her interest doesn't sound high and it looks like either a) she realized your not going to fork over the big pay day b) the fact that you text her multiple times over with no reply that finally required her bf or whoever to spell it out for you.

Carry on, nothing to see here.



Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
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The Summerlands
The thought of dating a stripper makes me cringe.

So... unclassy... plus, men who put women on pedestals go to see those women tease the sh!t out of them, meaning they're used to being an object of desire.

To me, it's just not worth it.

You MUST have something better to do with your time than go to a strip club, right?

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
This is running game on a girl? Stripper or not, this is a pretty chump question.

To get a stripper you have to differentiate yourself from the customer role. You didn't do this well enough.
Enough with the game comment. I didn't write anything on what I did to pull her in so there's no way you could know. I ask her b/c I was leaving to see if she's open to it again.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Sneevox said:
The thought of dating a stripper makes me cringe.

So... unclassy... plus, men who put women on pedestals go to see those women tease the sh!t out of them, meaning they're used to being an object of desire.

To me, it's just not worth it.

You MUST have something better to do with your time than go to a strip club, right?
LOL. it depends. There's a lot of nasty strippers out there I agree I wouldn't touch them as some are Fat and Ugly with **** personality.

But this one is a pretty hot HB9-10. With a pretty sweet and nice personality. She's going to college I know because I go to the same college with her.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
I read something like the following quote on these boards a while back and it's so fvcking true:
"Don't place any stock in the actions of a woman whose job it is to be nice to you."
This means waitresses, barmaids, strippers, ushers, receptionists, nurses, clothing store sales girls, etc.
Obviously, if you meet them when they're not working, that's a different story.

In the OP's situation, as Nismo would say, case closed.


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
It's part of the job to use game to keep you comming back, or in some cases to use you as sugar daddy. But the b'tch always runs back to her pimp. Strippers and prostitutes are the lowest scum on earth, you can only use them for f'cking, even then tripple bag it.

They have several numbers and getting one is pretty easy.

Believe me you don't have enough game to get her, she can teach you game.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 14, 2012
Reaction score
The Summerlands
Speculator E said:
LOL. it depends. There's a lot of nasty strippers out there I agree I wouldn't touch them as some are Fat and Ugly with **** personality.

But this one is a pretty hot HB9-10. With a pretty sweet and nice personality. She's going to college I know because I go to the same college with her.
Well, to me, the fact that they're entirely willing to strip naked in front of complete strangers is just a huge turn-off.

I would never be comfortable dating a girl like that.

It's just an automatic "NO" for me.



Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Top 10 Signs that a stripper is LIKELY really interested (it's never guaranteed):

1) She initiates texting.
2) She asks you to take her outside the club.
3) She tells you she has feelings for you.
4) She requests romantic dates.
5) She initiates kissing, and kisses indefinitely.
6) She wants to meet your family.
7) She sleeps over.
8) She asks you to take her to a hotel in a faraway city that night.
9) She doesn't charge you.
10) She introduces her best friend.

Even then it can evaporate in an instant. But that's how it is with all beautiful women.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Pimp-sicle said:
This is running game on a girl? Stripper or not, this is a pretty chump question.
I almost laughed out loud when I read that he asked that question...I mean...really? That is pretty AFC to me...


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Pretty much all strippers either have boyfriends, sometimes girlfriends, or husbands. They were screwing people before you met them and will continue to screw those people. This situation is pretty black and white, the stripper has a boyfriend. He doesn't care that you're texting her. He knows that's all you'll ever have with her. At the end of the day, he's banging her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
fvck picking up strippers and you ask her if you could text her? Lol I almost sh1t my pants at that comment. Forget about it man who cares, just move on and care less.... re read that over and over again until its drilled in your head.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Heh. This site really has devolved over the years. Just a bunch of beta newbies thinking they are pimps. Lol. What was I thinking coming here for help.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Just an fyi. I dont need strong game to pull in hot chicks. I get by with my look and alpha prescene just fine. So I can say what the hell I want to. Not like you newbies here. Lol.


Speculator E said:
Just an fyi. I dont need strong game to pull in hot chicks. I get by with my look and alpha prescene just fine. So I can say what the hell I want to. Not like you newbies here. Lol.
I'm sorry, did we hurt your ego?


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
The stripper would play the my boyfriend/bouncer beats me game if you see her again. How I know? From my pimping life. And you wrong about others being afc here, everyone who replied has strong game.

Better than spend your cash to daddy that wh0re, spend it on some coaching.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
Maybe she pretended to be her bf so that way she could reject you without feeling guilty. These responses seem pretty feminine in some ways. I never use lol. Also if she had a bf and he knows the score then why would he even bother to respond. He'd annoy her by messing with her client list. I think she may have realised you we're either not gonna drop any money her way or ya came on too strong so she used this bf tactic to eject.

Speculator E

Master Don Juan
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Those are possible. But i dont think so. If she really wanted me gone she would've just left it alone with me saying bye. I see no point for her in continuing the convo.

Im not her client. She knows. When I first met her I didn't even get a dance but I made sure to put on some strong game to her. Eye contact and smiles. That was the hook. Then I left and said ill come back to see her. It also helps if you look good.I came back two weeks later to see and she was interested. She did this thing where after noticing me she when up to a customer sitting in front of me and chatting. It was obvious she was trying to catch my attention. I approached her later and we had a nice brief chat. Lots of questions. Eye contacts and smiles. I may have gotten one dance from her that was it.

She called me cute and sweet which is woman code for when they are into you. And I ask for the digit later when I was about to leave. She said she needed to think about it because she doesn't give her number to customers. That's fine I gave her time. She was eager to tell what days she work and time that I can come back. There was big smiles coming from her. Heh.

Which I did and she gave up her digits fast. So there thats how you seduce a hot stripper.