Got a quick question about calorie intakes


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
Alright let me hit you with some background information.

I started working out about 2 years ago. Started off a little wrong and I was like working out like crazy, running, swimming, all kinds of stuff. I liked doing that but I was like lifting every day and doing all this stuff and wasn't really seeing any definite results so I revamped the whole thing.

I changed everything I ate and saw a massive difference. Ive been eating like this for about two months and it is going really well. I eat lean meats, wheat and complex carbs, fruit vegetables, water and thats it.

I have been lifting real heavy on top of this intake and so my muscles are defining themselves and im loosing the little bits of fat I have left.

nightime gets me though,
thats the problem i eat like three meals a day and then at night im talking about like 9-11, i have like a bowl of cereal and a sandwhich or something like snacks like that, still healthy, but late.

im wondering

1) if you think this is making any significant difference in my physical appearance

2) if i add cardio to my workout will this balance it out, and cuold i then eat whatever i want at night.
For the most part cardio is no existant in my workout, but i would have no problem adding some intense sprint level running every other day if i could eat my bowl of cereal every night


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Walk on the treadmill at a light pace where you can keep a conversation the entire time ( 45min )first thing in the morning 4days a week.

Also cut carbs off 3-6 hours before bed. Eat lean meats, tuna, chicken, beef, cottage cheese, nuts, whey, eggs, veggies for your meals after cutting your carbs.