got a number with out trying


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2007
Reaction score
ok, so I was trying the smiling at girls thing right? I'm at this audition for a youth symphony, and I smile at this girl. All of a sudden, as I get up, she gets up and goes and talks to me. And sits next to me, and talks some more. That is easy. Lesson one, if a girl likes you, she'll talk. Ok, I'm at another audition, and she pops up. Turns out, its her school I'm auditioning at and she's taking pics. So she goes pic crazy for me. Then she asks me how I performed. I said the results weren't out yet, but I'd tell her later. Response: "how can you tell me if you don't have my number?", so I hand her my cell, and there is her number in it, like magic. Its been a couple o days, I haven't called her, but will see her in like 2 more for rehearsal. All from a simple smile. But, I'm lost on what to do talk more? simple high school ask out?


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Well, if you are interested in seeing something develop, call her! Wait till it has been 4 days (which I believe it has) and than call her. If she does not pick up, leave her a message. Hopefully you know how to leave a proper message. Most likely she will pick up (Take note the times you call her. If she is in high school, call on a weekday in the later evening, most probably 9 PM.)

Have a casual conversation with her, try to keep it less than 20 minutes in length and your primary focus for that call is to get to know her better, bust on her balls, and develop rapport with her. Also make sure you make a transition so that SHE calls you next time, don't plan it but say something a long the lines of "So I guess we'll talk later than.. but don't call me too soon, otherwise I'll have to file a restraining order against you!" ;)

After 3-4 days, she will call you, and your goal for that conversation is to meet her in person. These are all the different bridges to conversation you need to overcome. I'm sure you get the point.

Than you meet her, kiss her.. and next thing you know, you guys are together. Just make sure you think it over if you really want to do this with the girl, doesn't seem like you are too interested in her. If you aren't, I would wait.. if its anything I learned, there is no point going into a relationship with somebody who you are unsure whether you like or not, it's time consuming and pointless.

Hope I helped, best of luck!