Got a number now what???


New Member
Apr 19, 2013
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Whats up don juaners.Im a 36 year old city bus driver.Today before i went to work I stopped in this 7 11 i frequent to get a redbull and some fruitsnacks.While getting my items i notice this girl i always see working there.I like her body spanish girl with a nice shaped ass and a cute face.Anyways I never approached her but i saw her stocking items so i just went for it.I asked her name and if she had a boyfriend.Her name was bonita and no boyfriend.I complimented her and asked for her number and she gave it to me,at first with a little hesitation she said "give me yours",then she saw my uniform and forked it over no problem.I'm wondering where should i go from here,i would love to bang her with no strings attached but have no clue whats the next step.Don juaners can you help??????


These 7-11 chicks get hit quite frequently so they are quite entitled. What you want to do is wait a few days to text her, trust me, those will seem long, but you need to set yourself apart. Text her who you are and a little banter. You want to say meet me at xyz on Xday at XPM. If you are looking for just NSA then you need to pick a bar or lounge. Preferably happy hour and liquor her up. One word of caution, given where she works, there will be a lot of guys after her. And those guys aren't always the nicest guy. I dated one for a couple of week until a couple of guys were up to no good. Started making trouble around the neighborhood. I got into one little fight and my mom got scared. And said You're moving with your auntie and uncle in bel-air.


New Member
Apr 19, 2013
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thanks man I appreciate the response.Your so right also,when i left the store some guy already in the store noticed her and said "oh i didn't see you over there beautiful,how are you?".If i could smash her once or twice i would be satisfied if it never happened again,lol.I don't see her as long term material.hmmm happy hour,thanks man