Full time student, full time job.
When I first started my schedule I dropped almost 25 pounds in the matter of a month because I never had time to eat.
Then I made the mistake of never going grocery shopping (never had time) and having NOTHING in my fridge.
This forced me to always eat fast food (something I avoid like the plauge) and have a horrible eating schedule. This led me to get flabby wich was really bad after losing 25 pounds of hard earned weight.
Don't fall into that trap. Here's what I've been doing the last 2 months to get my groove back.
I buy those 10 lb bags of chicken quarters. I'll boil a whole pot at a time and then just put them in the fridge. One 10 lb bag lasts about 2-3 days and costs less than $5. If you don't like the blandness of straight boiled chicken then bake it or use lots of hot sauce (what I do).
Buy lots of yogurt. This is a quick, easy, healthy snack.
I cook a big pot of whole grain rice wich lasts a long time.
I'll boil a couple dozen eggs and put them in my fridge. Its easy to grab an egg when I'm headed out the door.
I make big bowls of tuna or salmon salad (just miracle whip and onions). That way I can just scoop some between some bread and voila!
Always keep fruit. I atleast keep apples.
Sometimes I'll cook a big pot of beans. This can be mixed with the rice.
All this is what I take to work to eat (and all I eat at home) . I just grab a plastic bowl and throw some rice in there with a peice of chicken and a tuna sand.
That's all I got for now. Just get creative.