Good old Mother


Don Juan
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Well I've been with this girl for a little over a week now and we've hung out quite a bit. I've just learned that her ma says she can't go anywhere without another friend. And lately my mother has been bugging me about adult supervision. How should I get some alone time with her? And since we have been hanging out like every other day is it time to be more of a challenge? Thanks guys.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
That sucks a hard one, man. Parents can be a major nuisance. My perspective on this is: unless you're a 12yo horny bastard with no concept of morals and no idea what a contraception device is (did i get that right?), then it is not up to them to decide how you want to handle girls. Today, I was macking my girl in the shoe closet (don't ask =}) and her mom comes over and tells us she is 'not comfterable' with us being in a confined space (what she thinks is that we have a simple platonic relationship. Jeebers, hand-holding is a sin to her. Only if she knew...).

The favorite way to get out of this thight-arse situation is to lie. She wants a friend with you guys at all time? Fine, so be it... or make her think so. They never have to know. Adult supervision, your mom says? Sure, take her to the next rave. See how well that goes. If you seriously decide to go through with that idea, lose her in the crowd as early as possible.

AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
I wouldn't suggest lying or any form of deception. Remember parents were once horny teenagers too. I'd suggest earning the trust of her mother instead of lying to her. Tell her that your mom is concerned about that too and perhaps they could talk it out. This will do 3 things:

1) Stun her because you're acting like a man who is unshaken and taking responsibility by acting rationally thinking about what's she's saying rather than only with your d1ck.

2) Your GF will be stunned by how calmly you handled the situation with her mother, as even she has had difficulty dealing with her mother. And now you waltz up in here with no conflictions.

3) You will arouse suspicion. Simple as that.

Now 1 and 2 are good. 3 is potentially good. You just go along with their plan for a while and keep your girl on the edge of her seat the whole time. They will trust you and eventually just let you go out on your own.

I mean, her parents are probably the most influential people in her life. If they don't like you, how can you hope to get further with her? LYing is just like digging a hole deeper and deeper.

Remember, do not do anything wrong...aka...something you need to hide/lie about, for it will always come out into the open. Just like Lewinsky and Bill.

Take care,


AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Almost forgot, making your girl wait is like delaying an orgasm. It only makes it stronger. And you asked about pulling away/being more of a challenge.

This is the perfect opportunity.

Do not cut out the C&F just because her mom is there. This stuff works on all women. Just dont go off screwing her mom lol.