Going to get a gym pass.


New Member
Aug 30, 2011
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Going to get a pass to a gym about 5 minutes away from me.

Should I buy any supplements? I mainly want to achieve a six-pack and get bigger arms. My friend has told me to buy creatine instead of protein powder. But I figured I would ask other people instead of listen to one person about this.



Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Braeden said:
Going to get a pass to a gym about 5 minutes away from me.

Should I buy any supplements? I mainly want to achieve a six-pack and get bigger arms. My friend has told me to buy creatine instead of protein powder. But I figured I would ask other people instead of listen to one person about this.

Depends on your diet. If you already have lots of protein in your diet with every meal creatine would be more useful than protein powder. If you don't have enough protein, how are your muscles going to grow and build themselves, from what? Water?

The supplements you buy are based on your needs. You should at minimum have vitamin c (ester form is best since it's stomach friendly), vitamin B and zinc (magnesium is reccomended also). You can get both zinc and magnesium from ZMA. The rest you should be getting from your healthy diet but these vitamins and minerals tend to be used up very quickly especially with heavy exercise.


New Member
Aug 30, 2011
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Alle_Gory said:
Depends on your diet. If you already have lots of protein in your diet with every meal creatine would be more useful than protein powder. If you don't have enough protein, how are your muscles going to grow and build themselves, from what? Water?

The supplements you buy are based on your needs. You should at minimum have vitamin c (ester form is best since it's stomach friendly), vitamin B and zinc (magnesium is reccomended also). You can get both zinc and magnesium from ZMA. The rest you should be getting from your healthy diet but these vitamins and minerals tend to be used up very quickly especially with heavy exercise.
True. So should I get protein,creatine and a multi vitamin?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Braeden said:
True. So should I get protein,creatine and a multi vitamin?
How am I supposed to know? You're not giving me much info to work with so I'll assume you're starting from zero.

If I were you, I would start the gym routines first. At the beginning it's not going to make much of a difference since you won't be able to hit your muscles hard. You've got to practice your form and begin to feel your muscles and your own mental state (like how tired or how energetic you feel).

In order to gain muscle efficiently you must hit the muscles hard, but not too hard otherwise you put too much stress which over time accumulates and you break down. Recovery takes weeks which is wasted time.

At the end of a gym workout you should feel tired physically but still fairly energetic mentally.