Going S-L-O-W

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
I love Chili Cheese Fritos. BUT, I’m also a gym nut, a workout freak, do MMA, and keep in top shape. So unfortunately, I cannot eat Chili Cheese Fritos everyday. I treat myself maybe once/week—tops. And every time I grab a handful and chow them down--MAN ARE THEY GOOD!!

Well my man, it’s the same thing with women…read on…

One variation of Male Indifference that has worked well for me is Going Slow.

This can be a hard one especially when you have a hot chick in tow, but the benefits far outweigh the risks:

1-You separate yourself from the AFCs who want to rush in and do everything fast because they're so excited to be with her
2-She sees you as non-needy and confident (neediness may be a woman's #1 turn off)
3-She will usually ask you for more time, etc., trying to win you or validate herself
4-Women love to fanaticize; show her a GREAT time on the dates, be affectionate, funny, and treat her well, then distance yourself for a while. If her IL is high, she will simmer, stew, wonder, think, dwell, crave, and possibly boil--all in anticipating your next move.
5-Continue this routine for a while, SLOWLY advancing things. Women heat up slower than men.
6-If you feel resistance or are losing control of the relationship somehow, pull back for a few days. Go silent. This usually elicits a response from a girl with mod-high IL which lets you know where things stand. YOU then determine when the next date will be, but not too soon, go SLOW remember.
7-Limit the phone conversations in-between dates. 15 minutes max, set up the date, throw some c&f at her, and GET OFF the phone. Save the chit-chat for face-to-face.

Some guys I've told this to say, "Yeah, but what if some guys slides in while you're doing the slow thing, don’t women crave attention?" It can happen but keep in mind 90% of ALL guys are AFCs which means he won't last long AND if you played your cards right to begin with, doing all the DJ things, she is simmering and highly anticipating your next call or date invite. The attention she’s craving is YOURS, not some predictable AFC’s who will spill his guts or act all AFC right off the bat. Most dates don’t ever get past date #1 or #2. The new dude could well be gone in no time--and this will only RAISE your value. You’re UNIQUE, a DJ (TOP 10%), not an AFC commodity--and after dating a lot of guys she knows and sees this.

You’re different AND you treat her well. You are not around all that much because you are your own man, you’re in demand with other women and your friends. You WANT her in your life, but you don’t NEED her in your life. So you go at your own pace.

I like to date a girl once every 5-9 days in the early going, at least until you decide to be exclusive with her—around the three-month mark—if SHE makes it that far with you based on YOUR standards, not hers.

If she DOES hook up with another guy in the interim and dumps you, she’s either a Professional Dater or so NEEDY she has no life and can't STAND being alone. So DJ, do you really even want a chick like that in your life?

So, its' really all good no matter how it works out in the long run.

You can't lose by going SLOWLY and letting her heat up.



MMA Juan

Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
Western Australia
Nice post, what's your MMA Styles?


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2007
Reaction score
MMA Juan are you an MMA recruiter or something b/c thats kinda off topic.

MMA Juan

Don Juan
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
Western Australia
It is off the topic a bit isn't it, but girls aren't my only interest in life, I also talk to sosuave members about other topics aswel


Senior Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
Reaction score
Great tip man!

For the beginners and newbies (like myself) its better to just take it slow and let the girl "fall for you" so to speak.

My biggest sticking point was trying to be sexual too FAST for her to reciprocate. It made me look needy and needless to say there was no 2nd date.

Gunwitch style is great but I am taking it step by step. Right now I am practicing non-sexual rapport with my cold approaches to solidify my confidence and ability to talk to women without fear/anxiety.

Even Gunwitch himself advises practicing non-sexual rapport building before moving on to the more advanced stuff (sexual state, voice tonality, kino)


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
I am 27 and have a nice car, good looking and funny. I have really only ever loved 3 girls in my life and was wondering when a suitable prospect would come along.

Enter the girl..

(As per my previous posts) I met her, had the best time ever, fell straight in love and basically asked her out on the 2nd date to which she said she doesnt want a boyfriend. Since then i backed off big time and have been seeing her once every week and sometimes 2 times a week.

I have seen her about 6 times now. Each time it is better than the next.

I am not used to this slowness and it is really tearing me apart but I have been strong and have shown no sign of jealous or neddiness whatsoever.

When I am with her it is better than perfect and everything is fine. It is just when I am not with her she doesnt ring or call much.

I find it hard to comprehend that she likes me alot when she barely makes contact and because she doesnt I dont either.

The worst thing is i cant eat or sleep or do anything without thinking of her but I havent led on that i am head over heels for her.

Anyway I was out with her thursday night and we started talkin about our status and we both agree we are seeing each other but she makes a big verbal hoora about being just friends, but then it is always followed by intense kissing and affection.

I told her that I am so happy how things are right now and i just enjoy the time i spend with her (where as i am really torn apart).

The thing which confuses me is does she like me? ofcourse she does shes seen me 6 times and spends all night with me wen she sees me and hugs and kisses and everything is perfect.. but why doesnt she ring or sms ever.

I admit I am a needy person and i assume she isnt.

My lack of friends probably exxagerates my need for her and her full on social and work life probably distract her from thinking about me.

On the other hand i sometimes think she is playing me but even me a big old time player can not see a girl like her (good respectful, cant even touch her boobs after 6 dates) as being a player.

I am probably babbling on here but I am confused as to where to go. I constantly think about her and I sometimes wonder how long will this go on for.. months? years? maybe she will just leave me or maybe I am at the beginnings of a life long relationship.

We did speak of this once after I said well I dont know if you like me and we will date in the future or we will drift apart and she said she was not sure..

My question to you is.. does a girl who has seen me 6 times over 2 months (5 weeks were not seein each other due to holidays), who hugs me, kisses me, holds my hand, is so sweet its like we are married plus spends 90% of her time with me in front of her family (good italian family) actually like me or think about me?

or am I just a backup to satisfy her needs while she tries to figure out her own life.

I can accept it may be option 2 but i really do believe that if i see her long enough she will fall in love with me isnt that how nature works?

I just cant understand why there is no phone calls from her ever and only a few texts. Perhaps shes holding back? or is still hurt by her ex? (which i know she is partially) or maybe she just doesnt give a **** and is just playing me.

Anyway I plan to send her some roses to her work mid next week if i havent spoken to her with a cute note saying... just friends right? (she is very verbal about us not dating but her actions say otherwise).

thanks guys and would appreciate any responses


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
After reading this inspiring thread http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=83349&page=3

I have decided a few things.

1) stop being a *****
2) stop listening to mariah carey and keith sweat
3) start listenint to pac and 50
4) not give a **** abouyt anything

In my playin days i used to say to a girl to her face. "you will never win with me ever" and they would ask why and id reply "because i dont care, you can call or not call, cheat or **** everyone of my mates i dont care"

I think i need to stop giving a **** and pshycoanalysing every single ****ing event about one stupid girl. How can 5 letters of a name **** my head up so hard.

5) I also think i may be split personality to have to different opnions in so short a period.

I just got home because i didnt want to be out. Now i am going out to live.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Girls like to "fanatacize"? LOL, are they turning into Muslim radicals or something?

Sorry, I know what you meant.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
This is probably the best post I've read in a long long time.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
I tried this technique and it didn't work too well. I played it cool, acted DJ, but made one crucial mistake. I played it too cool, so cool, that i failed to take the potential relationship to the next step. I didn't try to get sexual or make any moves.

Failing to get sexual, causes the girl to seek validation some where else. In my eyes, sex and playing cool will lead to much greater success in the dating game.