Going impotent? GUYS HELP!


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
3 Days ago, me and some good friends of mine went drinking, like we normally would do in the weekends. Well we got very insanely drunk, never been so drunk before, it felt like skunk.

The day after none of us remember anything, AT ALL. All we find is a dirty house also kinda thrashed. But here comes the scary part. We find 2 empty bottles of moonshine. Only the host knows what is in them, we are all very chocked, but thought what the heck, it might be good. The host just stares with an empty look in his eyes... "what!?" we all ask, "WHAT!?", "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU PUT IN IT??" - Silently and slowly he whispers.. Bleach... quickly he says, "not much though". WHY THE HELL WOULD THAT MATTER! It's a miracle we didn't beat him up, but maybe he really didn't plan to serve it, none of us could really know.

Now all of us begins to act crazy and nervous. Why the hell would he mix bleach into his moonshine, and don't hide it anywhere safe?! He said he didn't know how we got to drink it.

Now three days after, I'm having a really hard time getting an erection. I'm scared , very scared. Going to the doctor will solve nothing. What happened to my friends is still not known, i think they're okay, only my closest friend, Mark, says he has a hard time seeing things. Well he has always needed glasses, I don't think we can blame the moonshine on that one.

Guys, please, its embarrasing enough to admit erecting problems. Please tell me that these problems won't last. If this problem is permanent, I do not know what I will do!

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
1. I doubt the erection problem is physiologically 'cause of the bleach, it's more a psychological thing. Ditto for your friend about not seeing things.

2. I wouldn't be surprised that you're having erection problems, bleach or no bleach, since you're obviously so used to getting insanely drunk on a regular basis .. that's bound to have a detrimental effect on your libido.

3. You're all stupid ****s. I'm sorry, but getting so drunk you don't know what the hell you're drinking is just absurd. You deserve anything you get.

4. Your 'host' is a bastard. He probably laughed his arse off while you were drinking it, but of course, you idiots were too drunk to know. I'd condemn him to loading up the bar for semag's deadlifts for all eternity. In a pink tutu.

5. You're all very, very, very, very stupid.

6. I doubt the problems are permanent if it was only a 'little' bleach. You probably puked it up anyway .. but I doubt you remember that either.

7. The remedy is (no joking) to drink 2-3 gallons of water a day to flush out your system, eat bland food for a few days, include red meat in your diet, do some (heavy) lifting and cardio .. that should get your test levels back up there. If you don't feel horny after a heavy squat set then you're probably impotent with no hope of rescue. And it'll serve you right.

8. You're all idiots. If you go out next week and get smashed again, I worry for your children .. that is, if you can even make babies after this.


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2005
Reaction score
If you guys drank bleach, erection problems would be the very least of your worries.

I'd be more concerned about kicking that nasty oxygen habit of yours.

Like Alex said, if you all can't remember the night before, chances are you puked it up and got it out of your system anyway.

Even if you didn't you'd be far worse off by now anyway.

I'd try not to worry. Few days you'll be back under control.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2002
Reaction score

loading and unloading that damn bar is the worst part.