Going away to college, advice needed, Medical school ?'s


Don Juan
May 13, 2007
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Hey guys, I was hoping that some of you who are older and more experienced would be able to help me out. I'm 21 years old, I live with my parents, and haven't been in school for the past year and I haven't actually been in college full time since I was 18. My parents dont help me pay for school (I pay all my own bills) and I'm not trying to use that as an excuse but it has been very hard trying to manage working full time and going to school at the same time. Well I'm sick of feeling like I'm "falling behind" so in January I'll be going to be going away to school. I only have 30-something credits so I'll only be considered sophmore status.

I want to be a Doctor, in the field of Sports Medicine to be exact. I'm not sure what the **** I should major in though. I know that the program of study is PreMed but I'm pretty sure that PreMed isn't an actual major. So what would one major in if they want to be a Sports Medicine doctor? I was also thinking of trying to minor in business or something since it seems like it would be good to know the business side of things as well.

My GPA so far is a 3.1 and I'm also worried if that is going to hurt me later down the line when trying to get into Medical School. I'm a lot more mature and focused than I used to be so I'm going to be working my @ss off to try and get a 4.0 these next few years.

I'm going to be picking my classes this Friday and hopefully the counsler will be able to help me out but I've been really stressing out over this stuff lately. If anyone has any input who has been to college or who knows anything about the field of medicine then I would appreicate it.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
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You could look at physical therapy school but as far as going to med school a strong science degree in chem or bio would help in my opinion. Im not a med student but my ex is starting med school at harvard, I'm not sure if there is an actual premed major or not. There wasn't at my university. You also have time to get the GPA up if you are a soph, try to get it to at least 3.5.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
My pre-med friends all studied bio, chem, and some math. Pre-Med is basically a prep course major for the MCAT, which is a b!tch of a test. Having a good mcat and gpa is more important than your specific major. The problem with being specifically bio or chem or whatever as a major is that you might not be as prepared for the mcat by not being well-rounded. You might also have to take more in-depth, upper level classes in that major, which could bring down your gpa. I think that is part of the thinking behind pre-med as a major.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Considering that your ambitions are medical and Med school has it prerequisites, I urge you to look at those pre-defined qualifications and seek a major that would fulfill it, to your utmost advantage! Meaning, what are you good at? Major in that, and you will get a higher GPA in that which exhibits your strengths!! Medical school is is supposedly based on science relating to the body and its multi-faceted dimensions - your major should be aligned with this!