That's a great job of further raising your post count without addressing his question Saine. Impressive.
Regarding your abs pedro.
Nothing too fancy. Maybe some bent knee leg raises on the Roman chair, perform slowly and with control. You could also perform some kind of crunch move - don't come up more than 30 degrees as you will start to use your hip flexors rather than your abs at that point. Again, slow and controlled, try 3-5 seconds up and the same down, cross your hands over your chest. Your neck may have been hurting, partly because it needs strengthening - which will come in time and also if you are performing the movement too fast and coming up too far, possibly also if your hands are behind your head and therefore pulling on your neck.
Try some Russian Twists for the obligues. Sit on a mat, legs out in front with knees on the floor and legs bent. Hold a light ball of some sort, turn to one side, let the ball drop and bounce, catch it then slowly turn to the other side. By dropping and then catching the ball it will stop you going too fast from side to side.
Focus on lower reps for these exercises. Most people do way too many reps for abs. Up to 15 reps max should do it, 5-10 is also very good when executing the movement slowly as I have outlined. Two to three sets per exercise
Don't forget some dorsal raises (hyperextensions) on the mat to strengthen your low back. You don't want to create strength imbalances.
That do ya Pedro?
(PS, Happy Birthday Metal)