Giving a girl YOUR number

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
Whats up guys...
Trying to figure out the best strategy to close a hot girl that works at the mall. Have dealt with her a few times for cell service, we have a pretty good rapport. She is always behind a counter though and I don't want to embarass her around the other people that work there. Some people will say **** it just go for it but I think girls do take that stuff into consideration. I was thinking tomorrow after I take my cell back to get it reactivated to just slide my number across the counter folded up when she gives me back the phone, and then just say bye and walk out.

Any ideas. I usually get the number from the girl, every once in a while i'll give them my number. Yes I am spinning other plates but it would be nice to hook up with this chick, and going for the covert approach since shes right next to the other workers.


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score

For whatever reason, "giving" a girl your number never works. Even if she WANTS it, she won't call you if you give it to her first. Really.

Right or wrong, that's how it IS.

Just suggest she step away from her coworkers for a moment ----

and then TELL her to speak her number into your ear. The exact wording I'll leave up to you, but that's the gist of it. Remember it, and put it into your phone in a little while.

Be sexual. But not "grabby."



Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
I wouldn't recommend it. You'll look like a stalker! Get her number and hope you don't get rejected. Do this by making her dial your cell phone number.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
I can't really "pull her away" from the counter because it's a service station where they only work behind the counter. Theres people a foot away from us helping customers or whatever. It is just an idea, but I mean come on it works sometimes. I gave a girl my number this weekend and she called me and wants to hang out. But shes kinda big and Im not going to chill with her lol. But I am still stuck on the approach to this, it's the last time I'm going into that store for a while, been having phone problems so I've been in there about 3 times.

This is just a different situation though so its not comparable to the chubby chick taking my number. I don't think I have ever closed a girl in this kind of situ where no kino possible, theres a counter there, how do I close. Some more suggestions I appreciate the advice already.

The Inside Man

Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
I'm not "grabby" though, I mean theres def. a lot of EC, laughing, etc.. Maybe just work into the convo if she goes to school down here, what is some cool places to hang out (ive been in my new south fla city for 2 months), then just go for the # close? I mean if she is professional she won't be giving out her number on the job with all her coworkers around... It is a small section of a larger town so theres the chance we could run into each other somewhere else at the mall, the beach, downtown..but not real likely and not what I want to go with.

Nismo at first I didn;t like your post but I thought about it more and I think it could work...Like "Can you call my phone from yours to make sure it works this time? Is that the best shot?

Keep em comin !


Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
The Inside Man said:
I can't really "pull her away" from the counter because it's a service station where they only work behind the counter. Theres people a foot away from us helping customers or whatever. It is just an idea, but I mean come on it works sometimes. I gave a girl my number this weekend and she called me and wants to hang out. But shes kinda big and Im not going to chill with her lol. But I am still stuck on the approach to this, it's the last time I'm going into that store for a while, been having phone problems so I've been in there about 3 times.

This is just a different situation though so its not comparable to the chubby chick taking my number. I don't think I have ever closed a girl in this kind of situ where no kino possible, theres a counter there, how do I close. Some more suggestions I appreciate the advice already.


Try saying -----"C'mere, I wanna show you something" and pull her away for a minute.

And just ask for her number then. Do her co-workers have to see, or hear?

just an idea.



Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
the only thing that's stopping you is your nonbelief that you can do it...

the first couple of times i hit on girls over the counter i failed. girls in stores seemed to be totally different then let's say approaching them on the street.

partly it was because there were other people around, there were customers waiting, she was working, etc... then i knew i just had to not give a sh1t about them and just work your way up to a point where you can get her number.

btw i would never just give a girl my number. maybe i would give her my number first then right after have her call my cell


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
In my opinion, getting her away from the counter is a bit unnatural and seems to me as it wouldn't create a comfy opportunity. I'd do it as you suggested, start to bring the convo to something that ain't work-related and then just go like "you seem like a cool girl, would be fun grabbing a cup of coffee later on... whatsoever bla bla". You should try to keep it natural and spontanious. Handing over your number over the counter looks like you've been planning it for days (kinda true...)...

Concerning her co-workers, ... them! As long as you are convinced that there ain't a problem with them (might just ignore that they're around) she might go for it. Just get her focused on your convo so that she doesn't have the opportunity to worry ;)

edit: whoops, haven't seen xdreamz post, basically I support his opinion ;)


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
guys trust me on this, the girl never calls. I've had girls that i met that were so into me that they approached and they still never called. There's a million reasons why she wont call, so therefore at the end of the day you make sure to get her digits.

Road Demon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 1, 2004
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NYC Metro Area
If a girl is hesitant about giving you her number, suggest that you exchange numbers?

Then you call her.


Master Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Bay Area, California, Currently in SoCal (UCR)
If you're in a situation where you can't get her # and only she can get yours, then I don't think you should bother caring if she calls you or not.

Sort of like a if she calls, cool, if not, oh well.

based on my past experiences, girls rarely if ever make the first call

Mr. Wolf

Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
aliasguy said:
For whatever reason, "giving" a girl your number never works. Even if she WANTS it, she won't call you if you give it to her first. Really.

Chick wants hard core sex without consequences. You suppose to provide that. Here you are, putting that sh1t on her shoulders, for her to worry about. She just might come across as a slvt.

Slide her a pen and a paper, look at her superfly, and tell her to write down for you something interesting.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
DjDan said:
you're so fvcked up you cannot ask a woman for her number and do this covertly, beating around the bush like a b1tch would.. yet you dare to say i'm a skinny dork and women won't be attracted to me.

what kinda man are you?

you dumb a$$ fool. look at yourself moron.
I normally don't do this, but GROW SOME MOTHER***KIN BALLS, DAMMIT!!!

Sorry if I hurt you over the computer, but maybe a little fire under the @$$ should help out.

Get HER number! And you'd better do it! If you give out yours, look at RYilmaz123's reply...Nuff said.

That giving out your number sh*t and not getting the girl's in return? :nono: Go clean your room! Stop that sh*t right now.

Make her dial your cell phone and everybody goes home happy. :up:


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
DjDan said:
you're so fvcked up you cannot ask a woman for her number and do this covertly, beating around the bush like a b1tch would.. yet you dare to say i'm a skinny dork and women won't be attracted to me.

what kinda man are you?

you dumb a$$ fool. look at yourself moron.
I normally don't do this, but GROW SOME MOTHER***KIN BALLS, DAMMIT!!!

Sorry if I hurt you over the computer, but maybe a little fire under the @$$ should help out.

Get HER number! And you'd better do it! If you give out yours, look at RYilmaz123's reply...Nuff said.

That giving out your number sh*t and not getting the girl's in return?:nono: Stop that sh*t, NOW.

Make her dial your cell phone and everybody goes home happy. :up: