give the B^TCH another chance?


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2002
Reaction score
Dirty South, USA
Theres this chick who i went out with a couple times about 4 months ago, shes was cool as hell, but she had some family problems and said she needed time to let things play out be4 we started dating again. so we stopped seeing each other for a while, well like inbetween then and now, she went out with another guy a couple times, which kinda pissed me off since she had told me she needed time to let things seettle ya mean (although her fam probs are legit) but i didnt let it bother me too much cause i had other stuff goin on, but her thing with that guy got broken off like a couple weeks ago.

Well, this wendsday night out of nowhere she calls me to talk to me and said we needed to hangout. then she called me this sat to see what i was doin, and told me to caller her later to see what up. i called her later that night and left a message sayin "i was just seein what you were doin, just gimime a call back when you get this or whatever", it was pretty late so im not expecting a call back till tommorow, or if at all.
I've got a couple questions about this whole situation.

1. does she have interest in me again, or is she just wanting to be friends? (i know this is a stupid ques.)

2. Should i consider going out with her again?

3. What should i do if she doesnt call me back? (yea i know afcish)


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by 20P02
1. does she have interest in me again, or is she just wanting to be friends? (i know this is a stupid ques.)
Not a stupid question. It sounds to me like she has legittimate interest. If she wanted a friend, she'd get a dog, or call one of her girl friends.

Originally posted by 20P02
2. Should i consider going out with her again?
Do what Doc Love would tell you and give her a "60 day evaluation period." Don't put all your eggs in one basket (the basket being this girl) right away because she doesn't sound like the most stable person. Keep your options open but see how it goes with her.

Originally posted by 20P02
3. What should i do if she doesnt call me back? (yea i know afcish)
She doesn't call you back? To hell with her. There are too many fly *****es out there to spend time worrying about one slut who doesn't return your calls. Find one.


Don Juan
Nov 10, 2002
Reaction score
Dirty South, USA
well, she did call me back that night, we just talked for like 5 min.

anyway...what exactly is the "60-day evaluation period"
and waht does it intale


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2003
Reaction score
south florida
He explained it up there bro. It's like you're giving this girl a chance to be your girlfriend but you keep your options open, because she appears unstable. After the 60 days, or whatever length of time, you decide if she goes up or down or stays as a hookup.