Girls: Silly and Cute


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2020
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This PUA artist. Chase, has slept with a lot a lot of girls. He was written tons of articles about them. He says, treat girls as “silly and cute”

Chase says:

“What it really comes down to, though, is being able to smile at girls’ antics and think to yourself, “Girls are so silly and cute.” Because, heck – they are! Girls do the silliest, cutest things – they dress up trying to look cute and sexy, in silly little outfits; they’re kind of clumsy, and drop things or run into things or break their heels; they scream and yell and make a lot of noise and dance and generally act like little kids trapped in grown people’s bodies. Girls are silly and cute.”

Chase says:

If a girl makes a mistake, or says or does something mildly offensive, it doesn’t bother you and you chalk it up to her just being a silly girl. When she tries to apologize, you dismiss it, because you know she was just being a girl and it doesn’t really matter.


How can a guy who has slept with so many girls, give this type of advice? If a man treats a girl like this, she will get all his Money and make him homeless.

Ive said it before, when a girl goes to court and testifies, the law treats her words with utmost “respect and seriousness”. Her words can destroy a man’s life and kill him. But Chase ignores this fact, he says ”for you layman, don’t worry what the most richest and powerful people do with these girls, YOU treat her as silly and cute girl who doesn’t know any better.”



Dec 30, 2022
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PUA's giving watered down cookie cutter advice

I'm not surprised

Anytime anyone gives advice on women and generalizes women as a whole without mentioning how women differ from person to person, is someone you should not want to take advice from. There's some general things about women that may be similar or thes ame throughout women but alot of it is personality based and dependent on how masculine or feminine a woman is based on her life circumstances.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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Sounds like another way of saying Amused Mastery. Guessing he doesn't mean to be a doormat. Anyway it's nothing new.