Bad play, you just displayed neediness. I also refrain from asking her out directly on the site, personally. Try to get her number to chat. The rapport is key before the first date, especially online. This isn't a necessary step in day-game, because rapport is established in person.
Now you're explaining herself (seeking her approval).
She's giving you a chance, now you messed it up displaying more neediness. You send her a ping text with something a little less needy.
"Name from site."
Dude, you never leave the house for either of the first two dates without a confirmation text. Send it about an hour or two before you leave.
"If you get there first, save me a seat."
Make sure it's something non-needy. Make the assumption she will show. If you get no response, don't leave.
And now you further lowered your value by calling her out.
I go on 3-4 New dates a week, I have 3 active fvck buddies and another one I had an 8 month fvck buddy relationship with who is back in the picture I met up with Saturday who basically texted me the day after that she wanted to fvck last night and can't wait til she sees me again so that can happen. She was out of the picture for 4 months, I assume dating someone, which was cool, whatever, but I made her plan the date, pick the place and pay for it because I told her I'm done putting any effort into her and it's her turn if she wants something to happen. Whatever switch I must have flipped it seemed to work because she is trying to get st me hard again.
I have no neediness. I express myself directly and if they don't like it then that's on them.
And it doesn't matter to me if I "lowered my value" to her, she is automatically DQ'd. I am bordering on overconfidence/arrogance right now, which might be a bad thing, but whatever. I'm turned up to the max right now. I've never done better with women then I am doing right now in my life. It's almost like they can sense my success and want to find out more about why.
As far as going to the place, I could care less, I'm VERY well known there by the employees and if they don't show I flirt with the bartenders, waitresses, etc...besides, it's on the way to 2 of the fvck buddies places so once I leave I just text the preferred one, if she responds in a timely manner, i head over there, if not I text the other one and head over there. If neither respond, I stay and flirt and see what else walks in. As in very well known, known as a guy who brings lots of different women thru there,makes out with all of them, and their assumption is that I have sex with many of them.
How do I know? Because one of them told me "I don't know how you have sex that much, doenst your d!cm get worn out??" And 3 other girls there started laughing hysterically and one said "I was thinking the same thing"...I laughed and responded, no it works pretty well, "Why are you trying to find out?" and she turned red and giggled...That is never a bad thing. Apparently I'm a topic of conversation when I'm there and they make bets among themselves as to how long it will be before I'm making out with the girl...true lie.
I have gotten to the point I just do what I want because I have so much available right now, if one wants to think I'm "needy" then they can think what they want. I delete their number and keep it moving, there are 3-4 options to replace them next week.