What's up players,
I found this site just randomly looking around on the web trying to find some good info. I'm told I'm a good looking guy but I am quite shy around females. Actually, once I get to know a girl, I can get some pretty good conversation going.
The thing is, sometimes girls get nervous around me also. I'm told I'm a good looking guy and sometimes I think the females are somewhat at a loss as to how to respond to me. I tried to game this cashier girl yesterday and she was getting really flustered and embarrassed. She messed up the transaction and wound up giving me ten more dollars than she was supposed to! I didn't realize it until later.
Sometimes these girls almost seem to get mad when I game them. They'll say something sarcastic at me or frown or something if I just try to be polite. Is anybody else dealing with some of the same issues?
PS: I am 27, so I thought I would post over here instead of the main forum.
I found this site just randomly looking around on the web trying to find some good info. I'm told I'm a good looking guy but I am quite shy around females. Actually, once I get to know a girl, I can get some pretty good conversation going.
The thing is, sometimes girls get nervous around me also. I'm told I'm a good looking guy and sometimes I think the females are somewhat at a loss as to how to respond to me. I tried to game this cashier girl yesterday and she was getting really flustered and embarrassed. She messed up the transaction and wound up giving me ten more dollars than she was supposed to! I didn't realize it until later.
Sometimes these girls almost seem to get mad when I game them. They'll say something sarcastic at me or frown or something if I just try to be polite. Is anybody else dealing with some of the same issues?
PS: I am 27, so I thought I would post over here instead of the main forum.