Girls Girls Girls


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
So...I'm thinking maybe the view that girls are a goal, and you reach that goal (winning) by applying techniques is counter productive.

I'm going to try this post again, hopefully without creating a defiant American uproar.

If you want to get good with girls, and you think you can do that by getting better at your neg hits, or perfecting your ****y&funny routine I can't help feel that you're barking up the wrong tree. Coming back to this site I see the posts by "Doc. Love", and the posts in this forum, and can't help but feel that they are geared towards the devaluation of women from people into goals.

Might sound a bit "rarrrr! Woman's Rights!" there, but that's how I feel.

-And, come to think of it, this isn't really about respect to the fairer sex, it's still about getting guys who feel they're not getting anywhere to break out of their shell.

All the talk of moves and lines and techniques detracts from the fact that most guys suck with girls because they don't understand them. This ignorance usually manifests itself in guys either seeing the whole female race as divinity incarnate, or as glorified sex-boxes ("she's my sex box- and her name's Jeneen!"obligitary family guy quote).

This is just great! If you sort out your thinking about girls, that no, they're not from Venus, they're just people who work slightly differently, you've pretty much sorted it out.

Confidence? Why fear something you understand? I'm not that confident with computers because I'm not an I.T. expert, but I am confident for example. I can look at a piece of modern art and "get it". Getting it is really what this is all about.

Some of the best instant success I've had with girls is when I tell them what I think about girls, and why some guys sometimes get nervous when it comes to the social phenomenon of dating. I can imagine some guys here would be reluctant to admit that they frequent a self-help-dating website, yet if I tell a girl that the whole Venus/Mars thing exists mostly because guys focus is totally on the girl- what she is like, whereas girls ("yourself included"), well, what rocks a girl's boat is how the guy makes her feel, the responce is always good. Her prince charming can be a scruffy waiter from Essex, if he excites her, if he makes her feel good, because feeling good is all we really want isn't it?

Guess where I learnt this stuff from? Girls? Haha- yeah right, girls hardly know it themselves. Everyone has guys licked- we are beautifully superficial. We know that. They know that. However, girls are a far more difficult matter, but since they don't know what they want either we needen't feel dumb.

No. I learnt it from this site right here. I'm not here to learn how to get a girl into bed, I'm here to learn about how girls tick, so I can escape the stunting ignorance that plagues many a teenage guy.

Maybe this is what girls mean when they say they like a sensitive guy? Very likely, stupid women. They could have worded it a bit better, possibly produced it in a leaflet containing the above. Would have saved us all a lot of trouble:rolleyes:.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Girls, girls, girls - what an awesome song

takes after its namesake :)
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
southern California
This time I read your post Cloud-uk. Hahahaha! Yes it is very true that girls ( esp younger ones) do not know what they want. I learned this first hand becuz of my older sister,22, and have seen all sorts of contardictory nonsense come from her!

I just treat girls like they are my buddies with boobs and pu$$ies!


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
This is a good post. I feel the end goal should be getting the most out of interaction (sex, whatever), having the most fun possible and learning from the experience. I also agree with the part about not understanding women while using these techniques, it is not much good using C&F if you do not know what you are using it to convey. I think that men should not see women just for sex but I think they should see women as sexual beings and should be comfortable that girls are sexual beings and so is the guy.
About the girls wording things better they've never really been good at communicating what they want:D . Good post.

Wont Stop Mackin

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2003
Reaction score
Chesapeake, VA
I dont think this site is geared to the devaluation of women at all. This site is SUPPOSED to be geared at building confidence and understanding things that you might not even of ever thought of unless someone else (this site) brought them to your attention, it has some helpful things and some are just plain out not very helpful. Of course its not always supportive of womens rights but hey, its doing more good for guys and not much damage for women in my opinion. Of course i could be wrong.

And as far as neg hits and ****y&funny routine goes, those are just tips and pointers, nobody said they were to help anybody understand women or girls, but obvioulsy your on another level, and dont need all that, but a little ****yness with the right amount of confidence and conversational skills as well as intelect never hurt nobody. Oh and we cant forget maturity...


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Wont Stop Mackin
its doing more good for guys and not much damage for women in my opinion. Of course i could be wrong.
It does girls good as well because girls dream about meeting their perfect guy(a DJ)

And as far as neg hits and ****y&funny routine goes, those are just tips and pointers, nobody said they were to help anybody understand women or girls
Yeah I agree with you by here I just get the feeling that alot of people seem to over-estimate the power of these things and start to focus on the material over the attitude. They then get nervous when they've run out of material and get nervous and learn more material and the cycle repeats. The guy who introduced me to this site is like this and feels that its what you say over what you do. I think that C&F is good especially for new people because it helps them convey personality traits that can be quite hard to get over to another person via body launguage at the start but they should not become dependant on it to succeed.