Girls are such retards.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
not telling :P
It doesn't make sense, ive been an AFC for as long as i can live but recently ive aquired the attitude of 'fvck em all those stupid *****ez can die// i hate em all'

LOL, so on the bus ive stopped being social and this lass(hb9.5) that used to walk all over me and make me do stuff for her (yep she manipulated me... i belive she fancied me once but when she found out i was an afc, lost all attraction 2wards me and USED me) anyways there i was n i go "YO [Name] come sit here!!" n she goes "no he cant".. normally i would back down but i just had an argument wiv her about who owns the bus LOL . anyways she then said "awwwwww uve come out of ur shell..... gimme a hug" n i was like "no fvck off u stupid b'itch" n she hugged me then she later bit me 4 sum reason and tried knicking my walkman.

WOW... i hardly talked to this lass for ages n now she doin all this, n i hate her now.

aFter bus ride i felt well good and super confident.

Anyways this is wot pi$$ed me off,

next day on bus shes like 'hey' n was acting like an afc herself.
i reverted back to an afc n she ignored me l8er.

Now 4 my question, when she suprises u and acts afcish, and you dont know what to do? What do you do? it caught me of guard this and i just shyly said hi n idont want this 2 happen again.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2005
Reaction score
You are your own man.
Confident, powerful, stick to the new you. She kinda appreciated your change, I "suspect", so just be your imporved self, never go back to AFC'ism. Just my 2 cents, some masters could tell you otherwise though.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
act the same way. be a ****ing man.
and don't became a jerk yo.

You don't NEED her attention but you don't just be like '**** off' if you have no reason to. Like this girl tried to make the person sitting with her sit with me on the bus and I said " **** you *****." and that's fine. And then she came up and hugged me from behind later yo. you know what I'm saying?
for instance you do it when it's appropiate. Like I only talk when I have something to say, or when it's a girl I need to talk to. besides I just do my own thing. It's how I roll.

See but the reason you reverted back to AFCdom is because you're not fully transformed in the mindset yo. Practice it and it takes time man. It ain't no one night stand.

Tenechiwa *****es.



Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
not telling :P
thanks for the input guys, i just feel really confused at the moment.
How come girls respond so well to down right abuse?
it doesn't make sense. If a guy said to me "fvck off u queer" i would think hes an ******* and hate him. Do this to a girl and they act all 'afc-ish' on you.
Personally i think women are messed up, attraction should be based on looks LOL then i wud b KING OF DATING :D (lol ok im not a model but i see myself as reasonably attractive 8/10 maybe)


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
You're change was temporary. The desire to talk to her and impress her is making you return to you're AFC ways. When you TRULY stop giving a **** about her, only then you're afc nature will go away. You have to take her of the pedestral and start flirtin with other girls


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Forget her, and look for new girls. You gave in because she was acting afcish so you did too. Because if a guy acts pissed off at you, you act the same. If the guy acts nice to you, you act the same. Men and Women are NOT the same. When you did wat u did, you won her over, dont give in, SHE WAS KIND OF TESTING YOU to see if you would return to an afc.

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
in front of my computer
it all comes down to basic psychology, the most basic level being that the female wants to mate with the strongest male, in order to have the strongest offspring. a male that acts like a jerk and doesn't kiss up to girls sends the message that he doesn't need any one girl, he has lots. This equats the male with dominance in her eyes.

This works both ways, girls that act AFCish turn off guys because we have the same instinct, mate with the strongest and most beautiful females.