Girls are stupid.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Really they are.

Its begining to dawn on me why female friends can be bad. And thats because, when it come's to relationships, women are stupid. No matter how good you are, you must NEVER underestimate a woman's ability to **** a perfectly good thing up.

I'm serious when I say this, if you want to save yourself some agro with a girl- make sure she understands what you say. You can be the greatest DJ in the world, but if you overestimate your girls understanding of what you say, she will screw everything up.

I find this annoying cos I always used to be all for equal rights and ****. But its true, the vast majority of girls and so annoyingly dumb what you tell them, in plain and simple english, gets contorted in their heads, into something completely different. This is compounded by the fact that girls do that stupid sulking thing if they've got a problem.

So next time your talking to your girl, usually about something serious (relationship wise) oh-my-god please, for the sake of your own sanity, make sure they understand.

...I've had a long week...


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
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Don Juan
Feb 1, 2002
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Michigan, United States
Yes, girls are often stupid. If this certain girl or girls is given you so much trouble Cloud-uk, why not move on? Why not just say "F!@# this!" and move on? No one's week should be considered "a long week". If the girl is bringing you down, move on. There are countless other girls. Or be single and not deal with any problems.

No need to ever let anybody bring you down.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Durham, NC
Why do you care so much? Is it really worth it? We all know women are ****ing evil, power driven control freaks, but how many people post in confusion and devastation like you have posted. I can tell a girl ****ed something up with you, but who cares? Find one who isn't AS dumb as the rest. Don't let their **** get to you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Actually I've had a long week cos my mobile and walet got nicked and I got stuck on a waste of time holiday. My girl being stupid just topped the whole thing off. Sorry guys but what the hell do you mean **** her? If you go through life ditching partners the first time they do something less than perfect you'll end up very lonely. Its not afc to show some mercy.

I dunno, I guess I strongly disagree with what you two have said. Everyone has long weeks. Where for some reason **** just doesn't glue. But you cant solve all your problems with the skills and mindset you have from this site. You just deal with it and keep living. I also feel that there's a difference between knowing when to draw the line and being defeatist. No one's perfect, not even the most sucessful alpha male on the planet. Girls are stupid sometimes, but thats life. You don't be single to avoid the inevitable downpoints in your relationships. Thats like becoming a hermit because sometimes you fall out with people.

Just to give you something to think over...:p


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2002
Reaction score
Michigan, United States
Originally posted by Cloud-uk
Actually I've had a long week cos my mobile and walet got nicked and I got stuck on a waste of time holiday. My girl being stupid just topped the whole thing off. Sorry guys but what the hell do you mean **** her? If you go through life ditching partners the first time they do something less than perfect you'll end up very lonely. Its not afc to show some mercy.

I dunno, I guess I strongly disagree with what you two have said. Everyone has long weeks. Where for some reason **** just doesn't glue. But you cant solve all your problems with the skills and mindset you have from this site. You just deal with it and keep living. I also feel that there's a difference between knowing when to draw the line and being defeatist. No one's perfect, not even the most sucessful alpha male on the planet. Girls are stupid sometimes, but thats life. You don't be single to avoid the inevitable downpoints in your relationships. Thats like becoming a hermit because sometimes you fall out with people.

Just to give you something to think over...:p
I thought she was the major reason your week was long. Sorry about that. Now after learning about the extra crap that is bogging you down I understand a little more.

If her bringing you down lasts more than a week or two THEN you might consider moving on. She should be be making your hectic life easier and not more complicated.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 2, 2002
Reaction score
I don't know where I'm coming from
I'm glad more and more people are realizing this, because it truly is a worldwide epidemic.

Girls more often hear what they want to hear than what is actually said. That's life, unfortunately. We have to deal with it. The price you pay, I suppose. :)
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Have you heard about the fairy tale Adam and Eve?


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
No ****, Sherlock.
lol, yeah- I'm guilty of overestimating one, don't nobody do the same!

I'm all better now, I have a far nicer walet and a far more stylish phone. Insurance fraud is a beautiful thing...


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
All I have to say is this... Yes, a lot of girls are ****ing stupid. That just means you guys are talking to the wrong ****ing girls.


Dig the Funk

Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
I agree with the feee-male above: seriously guys, what's with the chick bashing? Yeah they've got their issues, but that just makes it all the more funtastic. Women are great, and I don't mean that in the ridiculous sexless male feminist way. Why else are we on this site? Frustration over the gals is a waste of any man's time better spent making them squeal. I guess it's like my guitars....none of them always does exactly what I want them to do ALL the time, but I'll be durned if it's not fun to play them naked. Yes, I do realize that makes no sense....sue me. Oh, by the way, Adam was whipped enough to eat the apple at Eve's behest so his sin is basically the same. The first man an AFC? Thank God for evolution.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Adam was whipped enough to eat the apple at Eve's behest so his sin is basically the same. The first man an AFC? Thank God for evolution.
heh heh, yeah. "Woman, you have sinned- so you are expelled from eden. Adam, you are far too girly. Come back when you get some balls."-God telling it as it is.

Yeah I agree, I'm sure some women out there arn't stupid. I'm just saying don't be suprised if a girl you thought was on the ball cant think for ****.

as some depressing **** once said "the secret to life is to set low expectations". I dont agree with it, but if you always expect the best of people your setting yourself up for dissapointment.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2002
Reaction score

I've come to realize that it's because of men, well boys like you who can't control their emotions that men like us can have the prime choice of the ladies out there. I'm sure you're around 14-16, your hormones raging and you're trying to be as much of a man as possible, putting up all the bravado in order to show the ladies "hey, im the alpha male, wanna fvck me?" and to tell other guys "rawr, im big and bad and i'll kick your ass." Welcome to the 21 century where the world is a civilized place. Your mysoginistic messages bashing women doesn't help anyone. The world need one less arrogant fool like you. I might be overly critical because of your age and many high school girls are shallow and some are even dumb, but there are many many decent candidates, the type that you want, understanding, beautiful, caring. It's your attitude that drives them away from you, leading the dumb ones to frolic around you. If you change your attitude toward women and the way you think (as you dont think women are below you, they are your equal and you should treat them like a human being not some "stupid hoe"), im sure the better ones will show themselves.

Women aren't stupid in relationships, you think they are stupid because they don't think the same way as you do. Different=stupid in your mind but it's not true. Different hormones cause them to react differently than we do. Just try and understand instead of hate, learn some tolerance or you're going to be stuck with shallow girls, one night stands, and all the STDs in the book.

The high school forum's always been a place of group think, of lowest common denominator sydrome. As in, they all try to sink into the lowest level and root each other on.

Why do you care so much? Is it really worth it? We all know women are ****ing evil, power driven control freaks, but how many people post in confusion and devastation like you have posted. I can tell a girl ****ed something up with you, but who cares? Find one who isn't AS dumb as the rest. Don't let their **** get to you.
Half of your post is useless junk that doesnt help anyone. Do you really think women are evil and power driven? If that's the truth, your mother would've snuffed out you a long time ago because you cost a lot of money to raise and that extra money could be used for a better lifestyle.

Oh, i love this guy's post.
damn man, dont get me started on stupid hoes.....
Wow, "cant think of a user name," with your wisdom and advice giving ability, you should start your own talk show. Group think to the utmost. Before you bash women further, go to school and learn how to speak proper English. Uneducated people like you should be banned from speaking to the public (damn that Bill of Rights); reading your reply killed a couple of my brain cells. You're probably going to turn into a womanizing, abusive alcoholic; if im wrong, please contact me from prison in the near future and tell me why you really got locked up.

Adam was whipped enough to eat the apple at Eve's behest so his sin is basically the same. The first man an AFC? Thank God for evolution.

heh heh, yeah. "Woman, you have sinned- so you are expelled from eden. Adam, you are far too girly. Come back when you get some balls."-God telling it as it is.
Cloud, if you were looking for solutions or atleast advice, did that sarcastic comment you made enlighten you, i don't think it did. Waste of people's bandwidth.

The only two commendabe posts i've seen on this thread was made by Dig the Funk and Sexy_Malibu, those two actually gave proper advice as opposed to rant.

In closing: Don't let your hormones control your actions, use the head above your neck to think, that's what it's there for, we're advanced enough not to act on instinct. Grow up.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Jesus christ man, what's up your ass? Seriously. You don't know me. You don't know what situation lead me to give the message "don't overestimate people", a perfectly valid statement.

Some of the stuff you just said was totally pointless, I dunno if you're having a bad day or something, but you need to calm down. Might want to apologise to a few people, just a thought.

My advice stands, just cos a girl nods at what you say doesn't mean she gets it. Sorry to you girls who clearly do get it, but I'm just warning the guys about those of you that dont.

but don't listen to me, apparently I'm an "arrogant fool";)

Salacious D

Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
Reaction score
Strawberry Fields
Amgine is just playing Teresias, that's all. Although, without the part about Teresias usually being correct...


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
who's Teresias? lol, that just went right over my head!:D


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
I dont find it necessary to have a go at any one for having a different point of view then me, AmgineEX i dont believe you were required to speak to the other posters in that manner. Surely it would have been easier, and alot more polite if you had just given your point of view and you would also of found that the other posters would have been alot more understanding then if they thought you were insulting them.

However you did bring wisdom to this thread, women are different to us, that is true. Insticually, we are on a different level to women. To find out young women want we should look at what is popular with them. The majority of young women want to be exactly like famous women like Britney Spears and Holly Valance(as examples). This character is called the "midriff" (this was coined by MTV while they were finding out what was 'cool'), the midriff has alot of sex appeal, is energetic, loud, outgoing and is constantly in the spotlight.

Where am i going with this? Well on their quest to becoming the midriff character they need to find out a way to get themselves in the spotlight, they use drama as a way to do this. They do this in many different ways, perhaps they intentionally cause fights or intentionally misinterpret information, this is their way of trying to validate their lives and getting themselves in the spotlight.

Thank god women grow up. :)

On an intelectual level there is as many stupid women as there is stupid men. Just we find there insticnts different to ours.