Girls are pathetic


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
I was working at a part time job where we were doing some marketing face to face - me and a chick. It's nothing serious so we were messing around a bit and I didn't care much about it because this is just a minor side job.

When I arrived the work leader paired me up with the chick and she basically says "no, anybody but him! hes too reckless!" about me infront of the work leader. Then the following hours she tries to talk me down and was generally cranky and trying to neg everything I did. I was just indifferent to everything she said but tried to act nice. I just ignored her and barely had any eye contact to peg her down a notch because she obviously thought too much about herself.

Subsequently, a random girl with 34Ds and cleavage walked past and it went like this:

This chick: "she should change shirt, what a slut. Cant believe how girls can walk around like that"
Me: "You seem jealous"
Me: "If you want boobs like that, you could save money for an operation instead of putting down others" - this was said with a 'tongue in cheek' tone.

Then she went quiet and just sat there the following 3 hours being sour without talking to anyone. :crackup:

After we finished she went straight to the work leader and told him I was mean, that I told her she should get breast implants because her breasts were too small (shes a HB8 but had 34A). And that she's not gonna work there any more if I'm still there. The boss calls me up when I get home, tells me everything and says I shouldn't come in tomorrow because I was being mean.

The funny part is - last time we were working together I was at the end of a cut @6'3 190 lbs wearing a XL-shirt and she called me tall and skinny bones. Did I cry to the work leader? No.
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Don Juan
Apr 20, 2013
Reaction score
You pretty much summed it up, she's pathetic. I'm not a fan of grouping women together collectively and calling them all pathetic or crazy, because it's the same as them saying all men are pigs - we're not all the same.

In that case though this chick is a child. Telling on the leader? Did she even ask you to stop? Or better yet, did she realize she was talking too much sh*t and shut her mouth? I hate girls like that. That's so childish, telling on someone.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2012
Reaction score
You should really have a chat with the team leader about her. Tell him that she's blatantly harassing/putting you down while you're working together, and further affecting your ability to work. Use specific examples to back your argument, including her complants about you. Say it would be better for both of you to not work together.

This is for your job, and for your income. You cannot just be tough and 'take it', when she's affecting your job so much with your boss. **** that *****.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
Central Time Zone
There's times where you stand there and act indifferent, and there's times where you stand up for yourself. This is the latter. I don't know what kind of job this is, but as it sits right now you could be very close to losing it. You need to get your side of the story in with the team leader while you still can.

No way would I have stood by while she slandered me to my boss and then gone submissively into the night when disciplined for it. Holy smokes would I be pissed.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
1. Terrible attitude. Check.

2. Double Standards. Check.

3. White Knight group leaders. Check.

You must live in a 1st world country. Christ, I'm happy I read this forum, I mean its sh1t like this that keeps me here in the 3rd world. Women here don't act like that... stupid 1st world princesses and their feminist propaganda. I would call up leader and tell him to go fvck himself, probably a mangina piece of sh1t anyway. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany... all fvcked.

Faeyt: You know aswell as I do that any woman from Ontario would do just the same and probably in less time. The women of the first world countries are just like the KGB, they are always watching and listening for you to say anything against women or the way women do ANYTHING. They will always defer to some manginac higher authority before crushing his balls between their fingers after they get what they want.

Its your leader who is truly contributing to the downfall of men, he should have told her to get back to work and stop wasting time worrying about you. Stay home cause you were mean... lol... equality, women can't handle equality.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:
Its your leader who is truly contributing to the downfall of men, he should have told her to get back to work and stop wasting time worrying about you. Stay home cause you were mean... lol... equality, women can't handle equality.
I agree, he is obviously a WK-moron. Giving an ultimatum "him or me" which he accepts because he thinks I'm a douchebag for just hearing her bias side of the story is probably the most pathetic thing I've encountered while working. Especially crying to the boss instead of coming to me. Words can't express how much contempt and disgust I have over this girl.

The funny part is, I don't really care about the job since I will have to focus on my preparing studies in medicine during the summer and have enough $ to do whatever I want - while this chick is studying some irrelevant subject at university and does whatever she can to save money.

the_stig said:
No way would I have stood by while she slandered me to my boss and then gone submissively into the night when disciplined for it. Holy smokes would I be pissed.
Yes, I was pissed over the comment and told her I don't tolerate when people slander me, especially not infront of my boss. She just went "ok", without any apologize or showed any signs of remorse whatsoever.

I wasn't aware she was crying to him, he called me up when I was driving my car home and told me how she thought I was "mean".


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
Hydrak said:
The boss calls me up when I get home, tells me everything and says I shouldn't come in tomorrow because I was being mean.
You lost a shift (i.e. money) because of an unsubstantiated complaint by another worker and your boss didn't investigate it in any way?
I'm not sure what your work laws are like where you are, but if a boss tried that here in Australia, they'd be getting their arse ripped by a certain government agency.

Whether you care about this job or not, you need to get back on the front foot with this one, otherwise the boss will just continue to believe whatever she says.

Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Before I say what I am going to say, realize that I totally side with you on this issue, I agree that she's a conniving b1tch and your mangina manager needs to get his act together and realize that just because a girl is crying, it doesn't mean that she is right. Fuvking moron.

Anyway, you have absolutely no legal recourse and should stay away from the issue. Legally you are dead. You made a sexual comment (her breasts) and you would be massacred under "sexual harassment" laws. The company has every right to let you go right away because they probably have some variation of "sexual harassment" in their code of ethics and even the best lawyer won't do sh1t for you.

Next time, choose your words more carefully.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Sexual harassment laws are very harsh for men.

For your case, you need to make a stand. This dude is a mangina white knight. Why the f**k did he not investigate?

I can't stand f**kin' White Knights!