girls and dogs


New Member
May 10, 2004
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Tampa, FL
I've searched the forum thoroughly, and honestly surprised that this topic has never come up. What do you guys think about girls that are a little too attached to their dogs? I'm dating this one girl right now, and she has two (fairly big) dogs. She has a cage for them during the day, and when I'm over at night she has kept them in a cage. However, normally she sleeps with them in the bed. I have no problem with that per se, but at some point I'm thinking she'll get tired of locking them up just for me, and want them on the bed. Which of course, is annoying as crap, and I'll just leave. Should i say something? next her? I'm sure some of you have been in a similar situation.

The other part of it is that she will never stay over at my place, because she has to be home to let the dogs out. It's hard to plan any kind of overnight trips because again, you have to account for the dogs. It's just as if she has kids, maybe even worse. It's so annoying.....any suggestions?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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She likes her dogs’ big deal.

Why do you want her at your place anyways?

Why is it a big deal if they are in the cage or not?

And Are you afraid of them?

What I notice about single women in there 30’s and higher they have dogs.


Here is my little spill

Chicks that have small dogs are usually,

Single Mothers,
Fat chicks,
Single Women in their 30’s or higher,
Business type women or women who are focusing on their career who are lonely and depressed.
And divorce women.

Now sometimes you get those chicks that have a big dog. Usually it’s for protection because their single.

And then you have your freaky cat ladies.


I personally think the reason why they have small dogs is 1 they are easy to control physically and mentally.

Walking them is a synch

Feeding them is cheap

And they’re not that big of a hassle as big dogs.

Plus you can have a small dog in lot of complexes especially when your only allowed to have a pet no heavier then 30 pounds.


Back to the topic…..

I personally don’t see the big deal unless they are on the bed when your having sex and licking your balls or something. Unless you’re into that kind of stuff :p

But seriously if you can’t handle the dog thing then move on.

But if there really isn’t a problem then don’t fix it if it ain’t broken.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2005
Reaction score
^^^^^ I would APPRECIATE it if the above poster and any other posters stop posting double spaced messages.

Also, the dog issue is HER issue, not YOURS - so stop worrying about it. I tend to find women who enjoy having large dogs around usually are the ones wearing the pants in the relationship. I would take the above previous poster's women dog owner stereotypes with a grain of salt.