Girlfriend trouble, or am I over reacting

Early DJ

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I have been dating this chick for 3 months now and this is a long distance relationship but we see each other every weekend( I know I know) just an fyi.

Ok so problem one: she is still in contact and hangs out with her ex, I mentioned something about him one time and she asked me if I had a problem with it and I said yes to which she replied that they share a lot of friends which is true, and she also said that she never spent time with him alone. We usually text each other because I work a lot and she gets busy too, plus she rarely talks on the phone. I looked at her phone one time not spying, I just looked at how often she text him without even looking at the texts. Her phone groups the texts for each person and mine was in the hundreds and his was 70, but that could have been over time. This is a side problem.

Here is the object of the post.

She is having a lot of family trouble at the moment so she is very invested in that. Last week she went to another state to help watch over a relative in the hospital (the family problems) and she didnt have her charger but had one in the car. She barely kept contact that weekend, then as soon as she got back she said that she got a charger and what not, but still rarely kept contact. Then wed I called her and she didnt pick up and sent me this message an hour later: im sorry about being shady you havent done anything and it has to do with her family. And then this is how it went after that. This following text conversation is up untill tonight. I replied to her text this:

Me: Your family is not letting you use your phone?

She didnt reply because she was apparently asleep.

Then in the morning I sent her the following:

Me: btw if you think Im worried about what I have done you are out of your mind.

Her: Im sorry I didnt mean to offend you I just wanted to let you know that it wasnt you.

Me: So just out of curiosity why couldn't you call last night

Her: I was sleeping.

I logged on to facebook on wed night and saw that she had finished dinner at her friends house. She posted that at about the same time I called

Me: All day?

Her: no last night when you called I was in the hospital with my family.

Me: eating chicken with (name)?

Her: yes thats what I had for dinner. (she deleted the facebook message by morning)

Me: you texted me an hour after I called, but thats besides the point Ill just wait till you humor me later. (she said she would call that night)

So she never calls or text and neither do I contact at all until tonight just plain saying: Amazing

WTF anyone ever come across something like this or have any suggestions. BTW im not letting this go and wont do anything until she CALLS.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
read my post on weakness


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Early DJ said:
I have been dating this chick for 3 months now and this is a long distance relationship but we see each other every weekend( I know I know) just an fyi.

Ok so problem one:
NO, problem one is the part where the relationship is an LDR, which is immediate grounds for disqualification. I can tell you, this is already over.

she is still in contact and hangs out with her ex, I mentioned something about him one time and she asked me if I had a problem with it and I said yes to which she replied that they share a lot of friends which is true, and she also said that she never spent time with him alone. We usually text each other because I work a lot and she gets busy too, plus she rarely talks on the phone. I looked at her phone one time not spying, I just looked at how often she text him without even looking at the texts. Her phone groups the texts for each person and mine was in the hundreds and his was 70, but that could have been over time. This is a side problem.
Side problem?
She basically laid down the law on YOU and said: Hey, I'm talking to my ex whether you like it or not...

And what did you do?
Stick with her.

Good job. You rewarded her behavior.

To be honest, I'm not even going to read the rest of the post, because it isn't necessary. Simply put, this one is done. Too many red flags and too long distance. You can do better in your area.

She's definitely low IL and you bugging her about where she is makes it even worse. Next time she calls you, dump her.

Early DJ

Don Juan
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Ok yeah my plan since the ex boyfriend time was to just keep ****ing her, and look for greener pastures lol. The reason I wrote this was to just get your guys opinions on the situation especially the second one for the future, I already know my answer which is the first sentence, but I just want to hear what you have to say. Another thing is there is so much talk about the ex boyfriend trouble and how if you say something it shows you are insecure and ****, wtf do you have to be ok with that? I find it disrespectful to me.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
Early DJ said:
Ok yeah my plan since the ex boyfriend time was to just keep ****ing her, and look for greener pastures lol. The reason I wrote this was to just get your guys opinions on the situation especially the second one for the future, I already know my answer which is the first sentence, but I just want to hear what you have to say. Another thing is there is so much talk about the ex boyfriend trouble and how if you say something it shows you are insecure and ****, wtf do you have to be ok with that? I find it disrespectful to me.
No you dont have to be ok with her hanging and or texting her ex!! She wouldnt like it if you did the same to her.This is a womans double standard thats running rampent today.Dump her ass or its going to get ugly!You cant argue logic with a woman period!!! And ya the ldr never work you will just mindfvck yourself wondering what shes up to!