Girlfriend 'partially' breaks up with me over a TEXT?


Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
Hey, I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for a month now. We met up here where I live, exclusively dated after a week (fast, I know) and then she had to go back home for 2 weeks, pack her crap up and move, before she comes back here, which will be in 2 days.

Everything was great until 4 days ago. I was going through some emotional crap with my alcoholic father; he shut my sister and nephew out of his life 4 days ago and 2 days ago he tried to commit suicide by ingesting pills. Obviously devestated, I call my girlfriend.. at her GOING AWAY PARTY (I completely forgot and was a stupid move) only to have her say she can't 'handle this' and she basically hung up. A little pissed off, I call her back twice (Mistake two).

Then an hour later she texts me saying 'it's too much for her to handle and that maybe once she's in town we'll see what happens.' Apparently I was overthinking too much and was always coming to the worst conclusion about everything, which I was. I pull off a TOTAL AFC and say to her that she should rethink this, she's the one for me, bla bla bla. Way too much texting and I smothered her, which put the power in her hands. My emotions were everywhere and I couldn't control them. Should of went RIGHT to my friends and family, not her. Another lesson learned!

So. She calls me the next day, I apologize to her saying I haven't been in the right frame of mind for the past 4 days and that it's all over now, which it was. We get off the phone, she immediatly texts me saying she's having 'doubts' about the relationship. Instead of just ignoring it, I tell her that we can work on it and we will get through it, just a bump in the road.

She calls me again, we talk for an hour, everything seems pretty good, like it's back to normal.

So she texts me this morning with this;

"What we are doing is crazy. It's done, at least until I get there, which is probably not 'til Friday or Saturday. Don't try and fight this, just let it happen. Talk to you later."

My good friend that knows her well texted me saying she was talking to her and said that we're not broken up but we're on "a break."

So for one, who the hell breaks up with someone over a text and breaks up over Facebook before you even have the courtesy of a phone call? Second, what the hell do I do? I haven't texted her back and won't. I think I'll just throw her aside, I'm way better than this. She has all the power in her hand and she thinks I'm gonna sit here, like a puppy, waiting for her?

Screw that. I'm better than this. I did some AFC moves, I know of this but it's all a lesson learned in the end.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Juicyjays said:
Hey, I've been in a relationship with my girlfriend for a month now.
I don't really consider anything that's only been happening for a month to be a "relationship". But we'll get to that later.

Everything was great until 4 days ago. I was going through some emotional crap with my alcoholic father; he shut my sister and nephew out of his life 4 days ago and 2 days ago he tried to commit suicide by ingesting pills. Obviously devestated, I call my girlfriend.. at her GOING AWAY PARTY (I completely forgot and was a stupid move) only to have her say she can't 'handle this' and she basically hung up. A little pissed off, I call her back twice (Mistake two).
That's kind of a d*ck move on her part. I mean, forget girlfriend, if just a regular friend called me with such issues, I'd at least give them 10 minutes of my time, and tell them, "I'm in the middle of a party. I'll call you later."

I pull off a TOTAL AFC and say to her that she should rethink this, she's the one for me, bla bla bla.
Well, at least you know that's an AFC thing to do. Never do that again. If a girl ever tells you that's she's reconsidering your relationship, just tell her, "Yeah that's cool. I'll see you around." Remember, much like terrorism, you cannot negotiate attraction. If she's threatening to leave, treat her like she's already gone.

she immediatly texts me saying she's having 'doubts' about the relationship. Instead of just ignoring it, I tell her that we can work on it and we will get through it, just a bump in the road.
Yep. See what I wrote earlier.

So for one, who the hell breaks up with someone over a text and breaks up over Facebook before you even have the courtesy of a phone call?
Well, to be honest, if I'm dating someone only for 3, 4, 5 weeks or whatever, I'd probably not bother to call either. It's not like we're talking about a real relationship. Hell, I probably wouldn't even text. I'd just stop hanging with the girl. Let it fade away on its own.

Second, what the hell do I do? I haven't texted her back and won't. I think I'll just throw her aside, I'm way better than this. She has all the power in her hand and she thinks I'm gonna sit here, like a puppy, waiting for her?

Screw that. I'm better than this. I did some AFC moves, I know of this but it's all a lesson learned in the end.
You THINK you'll just throw her aside?

Come on, there's no doubt about it. You gotta move on. The female is leading this relationship. It's already trash. You're the guy, you're supposed to lead. That's not happening. Time to hit RESET.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
You can't repair this. Even if you do man up. You have to move on now. If she somehow gets back with you she knows she has the power over you. Your supposed to be the coach. You can't let your players overule you. Cut her into free agency and find another free agent.


Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2011
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
That's kind of a d*ck move on her part. I mean, forget girlfriend, if just a regular friend called me with such issues, I'd at least give them 10 minutes of my time, and tell them, "I'm in the middle of a party. I'll call you later."
I agree. It is a **** move on her part. However she's most likely right in saying that she can't handle this. Also, we often look to the girls we're with to support us in our tough times. And while I think it's important that, if you have a girlfriend, she is able to do this, it is also important to do anything in due time. Leaning on a girl you've been involved with for only a month isn't exactly smart..

Fela Kuti

Senior Don Juan
Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
Well, to be honest, if I'm dating someone only for 3, 4, 5 weeks or whatever, I'd probably not bother to call either. It's not like we're talking about a real relationship. Hell, I probably wouldn't even text. I'd just stop hanging with the girl. Let it fade away on its own.
what? are you serious, man? whether it's 4 weeks or a day, official is official. there's no way you can stop hanging out and assume the relationship is over.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
AlexDP said:
I agree. It is a **** move on her part. However she's most likely right in saying that she can't handle this. Also, we often look to the girls we're with to support us in our tough times. And while I think it's important that, if you have a girlfriend, she is able to do this, it is also important to do anything in due time. Leaning on a girl you've been involved with for only a month isn't exactly smart..
You're absolutely right. I didn't think about it that way.

Fela Kuti said:
what? are you serious, man? whether it's 4 weeks or a day, official is official. there's no way you can stop hanging out and assume the relationship is over.
Official is a word, and words are nothing. There's no 4-week "relationship" that you can't just walk away from. If I'm dating a girl for 5-6 months, then obviously I liked her enough to warrant an official breakup. 4 weeks, however, is a joke.


Master Don Juan
May 12, 2011
Reaction score
AlexDP said:
I agree. It is a **** move on her part. However she's most likely right in saying that she can't handle this. Also, we often look to the girls we're with to support us in our tough times. And while I think it's important that, if you have a girlfriend, she is able to do this, it is also important to do anything in due time. Leaning on a girl you've been involved with for only a month isn't exactly smart..

You really need some bros / family to lean on for times like this. A girl your seeing for a month probably isn't the best.

As Ice said it's great you can recognize where you went wrong. Now it's all about moving forward and applying what you know. That situation is really sh1tty dude and it would get the best out of most people.

But that's pretty fvcked she wouldn't want to go out with you because of that(coupled with your MAJOR AFCness afterwards). But now it's in reverse, you are the insecure / nervous one hoping she'll want you. I would call it toast and move-on. Unless she really pushes to see you etc.

Aaron B

Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
the easiest way to play it is to assume her frame (surrender is a valid tactic)

she thinks she's pulling some powerplay and that you will come after her and beg and supplicate

so instead go with her premise that you are broken up. soon the tables will turn and she will be the one begging you to get back together

every communication you have with her should involve you reminding her that she broke up with you and you are now single and free to do as you wish, which includes seeing other women

act as if this break-up has been the best idea she's ever had, and make sure she sees you enjoying your freedom