Girlfriend has had sex with 12 guys before me


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2014
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Beast Coast
paradox/paradine said:
the second one was raw yes and the first one like i said the condom broke and yes she is testes, she got a check up few weeks back and nothing showed up and i take a test monthly and i'm clean
I really have to ask you man. Wtf are you doing talking about who let her hit it raw and who didn't. And your expecting this **** to not lay on your mind. For real. Move on.


Don Juan
Jul 10, 2014
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NEPA said:
Lol. Maybe you should work on your grammar game a little man. It means if you can't do that to her, the broad is to wild for you.
sorry about the grammar as i'm not in a open state of conscience as you at this point to make a small misdemeanor in punctuation and i just didn't know how to interpret the message that's all


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2014
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Beast Coast
Sounds like your gonna save this one. Just think if she didn't meet you if she kept up at the rate shes going by the time shes 30 she only would have slept with 80+ men. Sounds reasonable no? Use your head man.


Don Juan
Jul 10, 2014
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NEPA said:
I really have to ask you man. Wtf are you doing talking about who let her hit it raw and who didn't. And your expecting this **** to not lay on your mind. For real. Move on.
dude the **** is weighing heavy on my mind, i just want opinions/advice that can make me be at ease to be honest, i do care for her as i have not cared for any of my exes or past relations and i'm trying to cut myself a break, she is genuine but like i said i'm more disappointed than mad


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
Bible_Belt said:
The next time you fvck her, bend her over, beat her ass, and call her a wh0re. If you can't do that, then you're not ready for this girl.
+1 rep. Exactly right.

If the OP is gonna come at her all nice,sweet,and respectful,she'll either dump him or start some drama HERSELF with him in 2 to 3 weeks.

Goes back to the ole' "Don't go by what they "SAY",go by what they DO" rule. Funny how out of all of the 12 guys the OP mentioned,the one who treated her THE WORSE is the one she stayed with THE LONGEST.

She is not trying to use it as a self esteem booster, she was in a rough phase of her if where she didn't have anyone to talk to and trust so in sense she was rebelling, her exes messed her up bad and i have been a guy in a long time she has been able to trust which is why she told me all of this
You know keep with up,and you're gonna get friendzoned. I hate what I'm about to say,but it's the truth anyhow......

If you wanna date and/or have sex with this girl longterm,you'd have a better chance ACTING AND BEHAVING LIKE ONE OF THOSE 12 SHE DATED than sitting around and talking to her about the 12.


Don Juan
Jul 10, 2014
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NEPA said:
Sounds like your gonna save this one. Just think if she didn't meet you if she kept up at the rate shes going by the time shes 30 she only would have slept with 80+ men. Sounds reasonable no? Use your head man.
actually at first she was strong she admitted that she faltered and right after the last guy she beat herself up about it and said she doesn't want that whole messed up scene come back again, in sense she was not gonna falter again, as you have a girl that you are in love with i think maybe you should understand a little where i'm coming from

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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How old is this girl now?

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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bukowski_merit said:
Sosuave can't really be this gullible....
People fall for trolls easily.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
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London, UK
Well it's not like girls like this don't exist at the end of the day, all girls love dïck. Just absorb that for a minute. It's not your dïck. It's dïck in itself. As soon as you get used to the idea that women will get horny, make "bad" decisions and shag a stranger a few hours after meeting them life becomes a little easier. No one says you have to commit to these women but just accept they exist.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
obvious troll here, sluts from the clubs/bars have fvcked more guys than this, so what? just fvck them but don't make them a girlfriend.

girls are fvcking around more, if you have a problem with it you shouldn't bang them.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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The more partners a woman has had, the more likely she'll cheat or get divorced in marriage. Anything over 1 sexual partner prior to marriage will net you a minimum divorce rate of 53% and it gets worse as the numbers rise because women learn more to separate sex from bonding.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
applegoo said:
The more partners a woman has had, the more likely she'll cheat or get divorced in marriage. Anything over 1 sexual partner prior to marriage will net you a minimum divorce rate of 53% and it gets worse as the numbers rise because women learn more to separate sex from bonding.
this is bullsh!t right here, the average number for a woman was always at least 4 partners, try finding a girl with just 1 partner, impossible!


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Look on the bright side, you're #13. The tightness factor is waaaay better than being #1,113. Wax that ass while she's young.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
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you are still just a kid have some fun chase some girls wrap it up and don't get her pregnant if you were my kid that's the advice I would give you.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
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asa_don said:
this is bullsh!t right here, the average number for a woman was always at least 4 partners, try finding a girl with just 1 partner, impossible!
Not impossible. In the club scene, yeah, probably.

Ok, as far as what I said being BS:

Kahn and London, 1991

Data from the National Survey of Family Growth indicate that "women who are sexually active prior to marriage faced considerably higher risk of marital disruption than women who were virgin brides." These scholars explain that even when controlling for various differentials between virginal and non-virginal groups -- such as socio-economics, family background as well as attitudinal and value differences -- "non-virgins still face a much higher risk of divorce than virgins." 1

Laumann, Gagnon, Michael and Michaels, 1994

The massive and highly respected National Health and Social Life Survey, conducted at the University of Chicago, was the first serious, fully reputable study of sexual behavior in America. It found a marked connection between premarital sex and elevated risk of divorce. The authors explain:

"For both genders, we find that virgins have dramatically more stable first marriages…" 2

"The finding confirms the results reported by Kahn and London…those who are virgins at marriage have much lower rates of separation and divorce." 3

Additionally, "Those who marry as non-virgins are also more likely – all other things being equal – to be unfaithful over the remainder of their life compared with those spouses who do marry as virgins." 4

This higher prevalence of marital infidelity among the non-virginal is assumed to be an important factor in their higher likelihood of divorce, while "those who are virgins at marriage are those who go to greater lengths to avoid divorce." 5 Essentially, non-virgins typically appear to do more to harm their marriages and virgins do more to strengthen them.

Heaton, 2002

In a study looking at factors impacting increased marital stability, Brigham Young sociologist Tim Heaton examined how premarital sexual experience, premarital child-bearing, cohabitation and marrying someone of a different religious faith were all associated with greater risk of divorce. Heaton explains, "Dissolution rates are substantially higher among those who initiate sexual activity before marriage." Heaton asserts that divorce is more likely among the sexually active and cohabitors because they have established their life together on "relatively unstable sexual relationships." 6

Teachman, 2003

Sociologist Jay Teachman examined how both premarital sex and cohabitation impacts risk of divorce among women. He found that "t remains the case, however, that women with more than one intimate relationship prior to marriage have an elevated risk of marital disruption." 7

Paik, 2011

This newest study looks specifically at first sexual experience in adolescence and was conducted by Professor Anthony Paik at the University of Iowa. He explains that his "research shows that adolescent sexuality/premarital sex is associated with marital dissolution" and that a significant factor is whether the sexual experience in later adolescence was welcomed by the girl. He explains, "Adolescent sexual debut that is not completely wanted is both directly and indirectly linked to marital dissolution" which are the overwhelming majority of adolescent sexual experiences for girls.8 Seldom do they report not being pressured or forced into sex.

Paik also found that females who first had sex in their teens had roughly double the risk of divorce later in life compared to women who had their first unmarried sexual experience in their adult years.

He found that teen girls who experienced their first sexual experience with a young man who would eventually be her husband did not have particularly elevated risk of divorce. However, very few of girls who lose their virginity in their teens end up having only had sex with their husband. The overwhelming majority of non-virginal adolescent girls – nearly all – end up having had sex with multiple partners before marriage, thus increasing their later risk for divorce. 9


And check this out:

Anything else?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2011
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The girl's a hoe. Just play her out. Fvck till you're bored of her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
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S Town
applegoo said:
Anything else?
you cite information from over 20 years ago? yeah, those studies are old and are bullsh!t, try to find a virgin today, the divorce rate is falling each year, people are waiting until they are older to get married, that mean more sexual partners, that 50% divorce rate stat is bullsh!t.

what do you have to say about this?

The 50 percent statistic is very misleading, if not completely wrong. "The demographics of divorce are routinely reported wrong, calculated wrong or misinterpreted," says Robert Hughes, a former professor in the Department of Human & Family Services, College of Human Environmental Science, University of Missouri-Columbia. Hughes says that for every two marriages that occurred in the 1990s there was one divorce. "This does not mean the divorce rate is 50 percent [because] the people getting married in a single year are not the same ones getting divorced," he says.

No one is really certain about how the 50 percent number imbedded itself so deeply in popular imagination. "The assumption has been (by those who have not studied it carefully) is that the 50 percent number came from someone noticing that, in the U.S., we have about 2.4 million marriages a year and 1.2 million divorces a year. Hence, 50 percent of married couples divorce," says Scott M. Stanley of the University of Denver.

"No serious demographer ever looked at the approximately 2.4 million marriages a year and the 1.2 million divorces a year to arrive at the 50 percent number. That is a misunderstanding that began early in the debate about that the divorce rate reality - a misunderstanding that is, unfortunately, widely perpetuated," Stanley says

Thus, the divorce rate is misleading for a number of reasons. Not all states report divorce statistics. The divorce count is based on the total population, not the total married population. Using per capita at today's population distorts the comparison of current marriages because divorces that happen today arose from a smaller population yesterday.

Divorce rate at an all time low

In honor of the recent anniversary celebration for my wife & I (2/4, 19 years), let me remind us all: the “50% divorce rate” is a myth.

Barna’s studies have found that one-third of all Americans who have been married at least once, have been divorced at least once. The Census Department also has a chart of “ever-married, ever-divorced” at This goes into much greater detail. Table 6 of this document shows a significant variety in the % ever divorced by age, and the statistics are very interesting indeed. Of those over age 15 (and I presume this includes never marrieds; e.g. this is not ever-married ever-divorced), about 20% of men and 22% of women have been divorced at least once. About half of those are not married now (that is, the rest remarried).

Ever married = 67% of men, 72.8% of women.
Ever married men = 77.6 million
Ever married women = 89.7 million
Ever married, total = 167.3 million

Ever-divorced men = 23.7 million men.
Ever-divorced women = 27.6 million women
Total ever-divorced = 51.3 million

% of US adult population (incl. never-marrieds) ever divorced: 21.4%
% of US ever-married population that has been divorced at least once: 30.6%

(We see Barna and the US Census statistics are in pretty much agreement.)

The divorce rate in America was 4.7 per 1,000 population in 1990, and it has been on the decline–down to 3.9 per 1,000 population in 2009. (This is the rate of divorce; e.g. for every 1,000 people, there were 3 divorces this year, affecting 6 married people).

If you’re not getting married because of the 50% divorce rate, well… time to find another reason. He who finds a wife finds a good thing.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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OP, you arent comfortable with her past, so move on. Personally Im not a fan of women who average too many partners per year. I understand people go through phases, but shes not far removed from this phase, and youre both young.

Find someone more suitable for you, who has a similar view on sex and relationships.