Girl with bf is attracted to me and I feel the same


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
There's this girl in a few of my classes that I started liking. I have a good feeling she likes me too cuz when I talk to her she smiles and plays with her hair and what not. In fact in class today she asked the teacher if she culd come to the front to sit next to me, always wants to be my partner, and gives me little hits and all that good stuff that tells she is attracted. But in class today I asked who she was goin to prom with and she was like her bf. I am still going to try get her but how do I take it up a notch?

P.S - Shes not the only girl im flirting with just happens to be the one im most interested in at the time.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2010
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Or she could just be a c0cktease, who having seen how easily she is reeling you in, is enjoying the attention and playing with your feelings.

Whatever she says is meaningless.

Here's how to work out how she is truly interested:

- Invite her somewhere where the two of you will be alone (e.g. homework date, like someone suggested).

- Tease her and get physical.

- If she goes along with it, she is into you.

- If she doesn't, she's not.

It's that simple.


Don Juan
Jun 10, 2010
Reaction score
lol@ everyone encouraging him to fuk a girl with a bf. ahh well


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
I probably do sound corny with the touching hair stuff but those are some hints. But yea Im going to get her # 2mm and invite her over for the break. Im a newbie to this stuff, and yes I have read the Don Juan Bible but I still do get nervous on dates, after I get her some place I might get stuck and cant find a way to really like tease her and kino without being wierd.

Real Talk

Don Juan
May 27, 2010
Reaction score
She has a bf for a reason.

You can spend all the time with her you want and can speculate on all the little "hints" you pick up on all you want, but as long as the above is a fact you're better served going for girls that are available. The fact that she has a boyfriend should 100% OUTWEIGH any "signs" she gives you. the fact that she has a boyfriend is the ultimate sign.

I would go find another girl, and trust me, there are PLEEENTY. you're still young and what you're describing is a early sign of one-itis. Sooner you start having fun with other girls the better :)

spoken from experience

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
blackwolf said:
lol@ everyone encouraging him to fuk a girl with a bf. ahh well

I've banged girls with boyfriends. Sometimes it happens. What's the big deal?

As long as no one is telling him to fall in love.

Real Talk

Don Juan
May 27, 2010
Reaction score
Mantis Toboggan said:
I've banged girls with boyfriends. Sometimes it happens. What's the big deal?

As long as no one is telling him to fall in love.
well, I think the debate of whether or not to make a girl cheat is another discussion altogether but it seems like OP doesn't have much experience with girls. To be some girl's sidepiece isn't a great start for him, don't you think? he said himself that he is new to it, so there's the risk that he will in the end catch feelings

IMO its not worth it to be a homewrecker in high school when you know the girl, her bf, and they know you. There are too many other girls around who aren't worth the trouble.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Mantis, Real Talk, iliketennis, and runner83 all win this thread!

Judge nismo has some addendums. Don't catch feelings for this girl. If she's into you, she will get close and f**k and/ or blow you. Otherwise, just take her words with a grain of salt.

BTW Whether or not she has a BF, if she was attracted to you, she wouldn't have brought up a BF. But she did, so she's just not that into you. And quit over-analyzing these "so-called signs!"

You are guilty of catching feelings and oneitis development. This carries a fine of one (1) week with your hands and a trip to Friendzone-Platonic, Colorado. The court will also order you to go after more chicks before you get your feelings hurt.

Thank you OP, but your princess is in another castle.

Case closed. Court is adjourned.


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
Ive had a bad experience with one itis before and vowed never to have it again. Im not in "love" with this girl I just want to hit it to tell u the truth and she is kinda coming to me I cant avoid her because we got alot of classes together and she always wants to be my partner and what not. And I know alot of girls that will mess around even if they have a bf. Same situation with some other girl from my english class, she likes me but has a bf, yet she sends me pics and flirts with me alot. I have no interest with her so i dont really try anything.

Mantis Toboggan

Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Real Talk said:
well, I think the debate of whether or not to make a girl cheat is another discussion altogether but it seems like OP doesn't have much experience with girls. To be some girl's sidepiece isn't a great start for him, don't you think? he said himself that he is new to it, so there's the risk that he will in the end catch feelings

IMO its not worth it to be a homewrecker in high school when you know the girl, her bf, and they know you. There are too many other girls around who aren't worth the trouble.

I totally agree. I don't think that this particular guy can handle the act of snatching someone else's girl.

But in an overall sense, I don't really hate on a man for trying to take another guy's girl. I'd rather avoid it. I like a nice, quiet life. No drama. But sometimes it happens.


Don Juan
Dec 23, 2009
Reaction score
Mantis Toboggan said:
I totally agree. I don't think that this particular guy can handle the act of snatching someone else's girl.

But in an overall sense, I don't really hate on a man for trying to take another guy's girl. I'd rather avoid it. I like a nice, quiet life. No drama. But sometimes it happens.
what her bf dont know wont hurt him :whistle: thats one reason im not too big on relationships right now. They just wont work. No matter how much your gf likes you she will eventually end up messing around with some one else. HS girls just don't know what they want..


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
remember, there is a good chance that the BF is AFC, AFC's have been known to kill for pu$$y ;)


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
She has already mentioned a boyfriend but still accepts your attention anyway, hence she probably enjoys the attention and wants someone to do her homework, if you want to u can always flirt with her but no guarantees where will that go. Whatever it is, don't develop what they call here as Oneitis for her....also keep up flirting with other girls, she sounds like a waste of time...

No Girls 4 U

Don Juan
Feb 12, 2011
Reaction score
Lots of times, a girl may no longer have interest in her BF, but hates the idea of being single. So, they'll stay with the BF while they look out other suitors.

This doesn't necessarily mean you should go after her. However, if she's coming after YOU, and is consistently asking YOU to do stuff, there's a chance she's thisclose to dumping the bum and is hoping you'll take over as the new man in her life.

I had this happen a while back: a girl I knew had a boyfriend that she was constantly complaining about. They had been dating for 3 years and all she did was go on and on about how badly he treated her. Despite this, she still wasn't willing to dump him for fear that she wouldn't be able to find anyone else to date her.

Finally, one night I hung out with her and one of her friends, and while she was away doing something else her friend mentioned to me that she had expressed interest in wanting to hook up with me.

Fast-forward to later that night: after we dropped her friend off, we went out for a 2 A.M. meal, went back to my place and hooked up. We agreed we would still be "just friends" after it... and yet, lo and behold: the next day, she broke up with her boyfriend.

I say all that to say: it IS possible for this type of thing to happen. Just don't expect it, and don't push for it - if she decides you're the next one in line, she'll let you know.