Girl winks at me while shaking my hand

mr. kennedy

Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2012
Reaction score
I was at a networking event last night with a few of my coworkers.

I was talking to 2 other guys when this HB8 walked up to us and introduced herself. You can tell she was extroverted and comfortable in her skin. The 4 of us started talking about what we do for a living, where we work, etc.

At some point, the 2 other guys started talking and I was talking one on one with the HB8. I avoided the work talk, chatted about fun things and teased her a lot. We spoke for 10 minutes before she told me she had to step out because a friend arrived. She shaked my hand and winked at me.

I then went back to the 2 other guys to talk. At the end of the night, the HB8 cameback to say bye to the 3 of us as she had plans with friends for supper. At a bar, I would have asked for her number but I didn't feel it was appropriate to do it in front of my coworkers.

Am I reading too much into this or is she into me? There is a networking event every month so I might see her again.


Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
mr. kennedy said:
I was at a networking event last night with a few of my coworkers.

I was talking to 2 other guys when this HB8 walked up to us and introduced herself. You can tell she was extroverted and comfortable in her skin. The 4 of us started talking about what we do for a living, where we work, etc.

At some point, the 2 other guys started talking and I was talking one on one with the HB8. I avoided the work talk, chatted about fun things and teased her a lot. We spoke for 10 minutes before she told me she had to step out because a friend arrived. She shaked my hand and winked at me.

I then went back to the 2 other guys to talk. At the end of the night, the HB8 cameback to say bye to the 3 of us as she had plans with friends for supper. At a bar, I would have asked for her number but I didn't feel it was appropriate to do it in front of my coworkers.

Am I reading too much into this or is she into me? There is a networking event every month so I might see her again.
A wink means nothing. A yes to a date and a show up to the date with you does.

If you see her next time ask for her number and if she's single, then ask her out. Otherwise don't think about it.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
IOI's are useless. They don't mean sh*t.

When a woman says yes and her actions back it up, that is interest. AFAIC, all other talk is either useless or just a cry for attention.

Case closed.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 2, 2014
Reaction score
It means that she is already in love with you and wants to have your babies!!!!

I'm just messin' with you romeo. :whistle:

It doesn't mean anything. I've had girls kiss my shoulders or kiss me on my arm, play with there hair, wink, etc it doesn't mean anything until and unless you close the deal and blow your load with a woman. Once you f@ck a women than you check for signs of interest but even then it might not mean anything. Women are very fickle by nature so you have to keep that in mind when approaching. :rockon: