theres this girl I have been out with 3 times over the past 3 or 4 weeks, I cant remember. I was walking through downtown one friday on my way to a party and I saw her sitting on the floor writing stuff on a notebook. so I approached her, made some brief convo, got her number and moved on to the party.
anyway during these "dates" we have kissed a bit.
on the first one I tried to kiss her at the end but she moved her head to the side. I had a conversation with her later and by the way she behaved decided I would try again, give her another chance so to speak.
on the second one I kissed her but she didnt kiss me (she didnt open her mouth) still she didnt move her head this time which I interpreted as some progress. plus we met with 2 of her girlfriends and one of them was taken away for a walk by a friend I ran into. the other I kept talking to her and at one point in the conversation when we were talking about fitness she said right in front of this girl to me "you are hot" and my date told her "I cant believe you just said that".
but I was getting tired about that sort of behavior (the face turning) and was deciding wether to next her or not since it didnt appear she had high enough interest level when just after I got home from the second date she called and said she was thinking about me and blah blah blah. I was just like yeah, sure, and made polite chit chat for about 5 minutes, then told her I had to go.
she asked me if I was going to this party we heard about during our date from a friend of mine who we ran into.
I told her I was and she said "good luck ligando (ligando is a slang word in soanish that sort of means macking) girls"
I said thnks and she was like we should call each other later so we can do something etc and I was like yeah sure and hung up.
I went to the party and met a few chicks and talked to some friends and life went on. I didnt se her for a week cause she went vacationing with her family.
I called her up later and set up the third date to which she replied, well let me call you on monday (the date was on tuesday) (I told her to call around 6 pm) to see if I can. I said ok.
monday goes by and she doesnt call, so she is oficially nexted and I am kinda dissapointed but then on tuesday afternoon around 2 pm she calls (the date was at 8pm). I wasnt home but they took the message and when I got back i called her and she is like "I just called to make sure we were still seeing each other today, that you hadnt forgotten, etc." so I pretend I didnt even realize she didnt call when she was supposed to (implying that my life is too busy for me to remember or get mad when some girl told me she was going to call).
so we go on the third date, more kino, we walk around downtown hand in hand and we kiss this time, though before it happens she moves her head (eventhough we were walking hand in hand) and finally we french kiss a couple of times.
anyway she tells me what r you doing friday and I say I am not sure yet, why? and she says well I wanted to invite you somwhere. I say ok. she tells me to arrive a little early before my class starts at downtown so I can go to this place shes going to be at because she submitted a storie for this contest and the awards are there and there she we can discuss the plan for friday. she arrived late to the place and I already had to get going for my class so I was like hi/bye. but I asked her just before I left and she said she would call me the next morning.
which she didnt.
now my question is what to do?
I was thinking about running into her at a class on wedensday or iof I cant make it because of other commitments of calling her up and asking why she didnt call and saying that I waited for he phonecall but since she didnt call I went to party with my friends. when she tries to justify herself I say " you kno, that doesnt speak well about you, takes points off of you u know. makes me think you have no real word. how do u plan to make it up to me?"
what do you think? have a better solution?
whats the deal with this girl?
anyway during these "dates" we have kissed a bit.
on the first one I tried to kiss her at the end but she moved her head to the side. I had a conversation with her later and by the way she behaved decided I would try again, give her another chance so to speak.
on the second one I kissed her but she didnt kiss me (she didnt open her mouth) still she didnt move her head this time which I interpreted as some progress. plus we met with 2 of her girlfriends and one of them was taken away for a walk by a friend I ran into. the other I kept talking to her and at one point in the conversation when we were talking about fitness she said right in front of this girl to me "you are hot" and my date told her "I cant believe you just said that".
but I was getting tired about that sort of behavior (the face turning) and was deciding wether to next her or not since it didnt appear she had high enough interest level when just after I got home from the second date she called and said she was thinking about me and blah blah blah. I was just like yeah, sure, and made polite chit chat for about 5 minutes, then told her I had to go.
she asked me if I was going to this party we heard about during our date from a friend of mine who we ran into.
I told her I was and she said "good luck ligando (ligando is a slang word in soanish that sort of means macking) girls"
I said thnks and she was like we should call each other later so we can do something etc and I was like yeah sure and hung up.
I went to the party and met a few chicks and talked to some friends and life went on. I didnt se her for a week cause she went vacationing with her family.
I called her up later and set up the third date to which she replied, well let me call you on monday (the date was on tuesday) (I told her to call around 6 pm) to see if I can. I said ok.
monday goes by and she doesnt call, so she is oficially nexted and I am kinda dissapointed but then on tuesday afternoon around 2 pm she calls (the date was at 8pm). I wasnt home but they took the message and when I got back i called her and she is like "I just called to make sure we were still seeing each other today, that you hadnt forgotten, etc." so I pretend I didnt even realize she didnt call when she was supposed to (implying that my life is too busy for me to remember or get mad when some girl told me she was going to call).
so we go on the third date, more kino, we walk around downtown hand in hand and we kiss this time, though before it happens she moves her head (eventhough we were walking hand in hand) and finally we french kiss a couple of times.
anyway she tells me what r you doing friday and I say I am not sure yet, why? and she says well I wanted to invite you somwhere. I say ok. she tells me to arrive a little early before my class starts at downtown so I can go to this place shes going to be at because she submitted a storie for this contest and the awards are there and there she we can discuss the plan for friday. she arrived late to the place and I already had to get going for my class so I was like hi/bye. but I asked her just before I left and she said she would call me the next morning.
which she didnt.
now my question is what to do?
I was thinking about running into her at a class on wedensday or iof I cant make it because of other commitments of calling her up and asking why she didnt call and saying that I waited for he phonecall but since she didnt call I went to party with my friends. when she tries to justify herself I say " you kno, that doesnt speak well about you, takes points off of you u know. makes me think you have no real word. how do u plan to make it up to me?"
what do you think? have a better solution?
whats the deal with this girl?