Girl wants me to meet half way or come to her


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
Then she said if i had my car ide have no problem coming to me..Next or meet halfway?


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
I want her to come to me, I want to meet in my town, dinner or w/e the f*ck...Then well take it from there. I dont have a car, ide have to take a train to go see here..Not a long train ride but still.

Gray The Prince

Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
Just go see her dammit...then next time when you have your car or something, she'll come to you.

I swear you guys ask the silliest, most obvious questions.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Crissco said:
I want her to come to me, I want to meet in my town, dinner or w/e the f*ck...Then well take it from there.
Assuming this is a girl you've recently met, you are freaking nuts. If anything, YOU should go to her; she doesn't have enough trust yet and who is there to blame her? Girls are raped, beaten, abused, molested ALL the time. Some even have this happen to them by their fathers unfortunately.

I dont have a car, ide have to take a train to go see here..Not a long train ride but still

If it isn't a long ride then why are you whining like a little girl? Is this the attitude you're going to present to her? You'll be out of her life pretty soon if that is the case. If she's attractive, she has a bunch of orbiters drooling to spend time with her and you're lowering your chances with these dumb actions of yours.

Do you want her to be easy? Think about it; if she and you were in a relationship and she met a dude un school or someplace. Would you like her to go to that dude's house not long after meeting him?

A skilled Dj selects women, but the woman is the one who makes the ultimate, yet subtle decision. If you can see her signal, she will respond to you and you're on your way with her!

PS:I agree with the other person; this is a dumb question.


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
lol Normally ide have no prob, i actually ide rather pick her up I got more control then. But then I read, have the girl come to you...etc

I think im going to surprise her, by taking a train to see her.

She also kept asking me about other girls in my life, like 3 times last night, I was like wtf..She even went as far to know I know u have otger girls, u seem like t he type of guy where girls bow down to u...never got that one before ha ha..def a big ioi..She also called me on V-Day around 10pm.. Couldn't pick up tho, was on another date


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
Robyn923b said:
Assuming this is a girl you've recently met, you are freaking nuts. If anything, YOU should go to her; she doesn't have enough trust yet and who is there to blame her? Girls are raped, beaten, abused, molested ALL the time. Some even have this happen to them by their fathers unfortunately.

If it isn't a long ride then why are you whining like a little girl? Is this the attitude you're going to present to her? You'll be out of her life pretty soon if that is the case. If she's attractive, she has a bunch of orbiters drooling to spend time with her and you're lowering your chances with these dumb actions of yours.

Do you want her to be easy? Think about it; if she and you were in a relationship and she met a dude un school or someplace. Would you like her to go to that dude's house not long after meeting him?

A skilled Dj selects women, but the woman is the one who makes the ultimate, yet subtle decision. If you can see her signal, she will respond to you and you're on your way with her!

PS:I agree with the other person; this is a dumb question.
Never met, met her on POF..Talked a couple of times. Last night was the first night she truely opened up to me about her family, friends and life. First time she even called me on her unblocked house number. The trust is obv builing up
Not a long ride at all. Like I said im going to surprise her and go to her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Crissco said:
lol Normally ide have no prob, i actually ide rather pick her up I got more control then. But then I read, have the girl come to you...etc

I think im going to surprise her, by taking a train to see her.

Remember what's on this website is mostly golden, but YOU are the owner of your life and the one who makes decisions accordingly.

She also kept asking me about other girls in my life, like 3 times last night, I was like wtf..She even went as far to know I know u have otger girls, u seem like t he type of guy where girls bow down to u...never got that one before ha ha..def a big ioi..She also called me on V-Day around 10pm.. Couldn't pick up tho, was on another date.

Haha, it is amazing how they identify a guy with game, but she fact that she asked you three times is a sign that she is thinking about getting closer to you and wants to make sure you aren't just gonna hit it and quit it.

I actually had this happen to me when I met my ex-gf about 31 months ago. We lasted 2.5 years and her name was Caroline. Anyway, she dropped the bomb and said in text messages " seem like a player." I responded with "Really, whaaat makes you think that way?" She responded with " You just have game. How many other girls are you talking to right now?" I responded with " hmm...well, I AM talking to this girl...I think you know her. Her name is Caroline." She wrote back saying:" :) See? Lots of game!" She wasn't over her ex bf; I nexted her and she texted me a month later saying she was single asking me to hang out.

Never met, met her on POF..Talked a couple of times. Last night was the first night she truely opened up to me about her family, friends and life. First time she even called me on her unblocked house number. The trust is obv builing up
Not a long ride at all. Like I said im going to surprise her and go to her.

Sweet! She's opening up more and calling you with her phone number showing; this is a huge progress in trust. I'm 99% sure she wanted you to come to her for the very same reason: she doesn't trust you well enough YET.
Make a comment about her interests when you DO go see her. Be like " I usually don't come to a girl (be careful, this could reinforce her thought of you being a player), but after that call and the conversation we had, I decided it was worth coming :cool:"

You're giving her a liiitle validation and rewarding her trust. At the same time, you're projecting you aren't easy and your trust and interest must be earned.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
Reaction score
I think this is where this site and seduction advice is detremental. It conditions guys to try and get the power over every little situation, when it reality it doesn't matter. Don't sweat the little things and don't be afraid to do things her way from time to time.

Good relationships are built on compromise.


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
Robyn923b said:
Make a comment about her interests when you DO go see her. Be like " I usually don't come to a girl (be careful, this could reinforce her thought of you being a player), but after that call and the conversation we had, I decided it was worth coming :cool:"

You're giving her a liiitle validation and rewarding her trust. At the same time, you're projecting you aren't easy and your trust and interest must be earned.
Ive been called a player. A NUMBER of times, when I ask what makes them think that, I get everything from my ****y grin, to my really good comebacks, to my looks.

Already said I usually dont come to a girl. Shes aware of that im taking time out of my schedule for her. Which to her is very special.

I think this is where this site and seduction advice is detremental. It conditions guys to try and get the power over every little situation, when it reality it doesn't matter. Don't sweat the little things and don't be afraid to do things her way from time to time.

Good relationships are built on compromise.
Exactly...One this site does condition you to try to have the power in every possible situation. Which is why I asked. I noticed when i give the girl just a bit of power, she either A. Takes advantage of it, or B. Shes all over me.

110% agree that good relashionships are build on compromise.

Good advice both of u.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Crissco said:
Ive been called a player. A NUMBER of times, when I ask what makes them think that, I get everything from my ****y grin, to my really good comebacks, to my looks.

Niiice, you sounded like you had a good part of your game together and you wanted other points of views/advice on the situation. You handled it well and you should feel good about yourself!

Already said I usually dont come to a girl. Shes aware of that im taking time out of my schedule for her. Which to her is very special.

This is golden; you're a challenge in her eyes and that's a plus.

Good advice both of u.
PS: I'm not the best with comebacks. Do you have some comebacks for usual situations to share?


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
Robyn923b said:
PS: I'm not the best with comebacks. Do you have some comebacks for usual situations to share?
Give me an example situation bro.


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
The College Jock said:

OP isn't trying to seduce her, he's already done that. For most of you, IT'S AN UPHILL BATTLE TO even get her to agree to see you. He just wants her to come to his, its not a tit-for-tat or one man upship thing, just logical logistics in slaying a slampiece.
Ive never had a problem seducing women, in person, on the phone or over IM. Im good when it comes to that. Even a close isnt much of a problem for me when im feeling good. This one I seemed to f*ck up.

All started last night, we hung up after a good convo then she texts me asking me about audio playback program I told her to download (Look up reverse speech) It was a **** test and I failed it. I called her, she didnt answer. I fekl right into, basically I gave her the power(untill I get it back)

Todays convo went like this

Me: Hey, I have a suprise for you
Her:Oh really, whats that (Can tell something was up, doesnt act like that)
Me (Im coming to (her town name) tonight.

-Should of said. I cant tell u that, itll ruin the surprise. You'll see when I come and see you tonight.

Maybe I had the wrong town name I dont know lol but she didnt text me back after that. I didnt even want to hang out tonight but i didnt want to wait any longer. Decided to say fu*k up and not say anything after desipte the fact of looking needy, and the fact I had 4 hr sleep and went to the gym.

I did get a call from a restricted number 4 hours later. I know she used to call on her house from a restricted. That could of been my doctor though, I called him earlier in the morning.

Any idea? Im thinking of going no contact for about 4 days

The College Jock

Don Juan
Feb 16, 2011
Reaction score
Crissco said:
Ive never had a problem seducing women, in person, on the phone or over IM. Im good when it comes to that. Even a close isnt much of a problem for me when im feeling good. This one I seemed to f*ck up.

All started last night, we hung up after a good convo then she texts me asking me about audio playback program I told her to download (Look up reverse speech) It was a **** test and I failed it. I called her, she didnt answer. I fekl right into, basically I gave her the power(untill I get it back)

Todays convo went like this

Me: Hey, I have a suprise for you
Her:Oh really, whats that (Can tell something was up, doesnt act like that)
Me (Im coming to (her town name) tonight.

-Should of said. I cant tell u that, itll ruin the surprise. You'll see when I come and see you tonight.

Maybe I had the wrong town name I dont know lol but she didnt text me back after that. I didnt even want to hang out tonight but i didnt want to wait any longer. Decided to say fu*k up and not say anything after desipte the fact of looking needy, and the fact I had 4 hr sleep and went to the gym.

I did get a call from a restricted number 4 hours later. I know she used to call on her house from a restricted. That could of been my doctor though, I called him earlier in the morning.

Any idea? Im thinking of going no contact for about 4 days
I'm in a similar situation as you, met girl on a social networking site, I dropped this girl though, who was just purely negative and part BPD (saying she was raped at age 13, doesn't bring guys to her home because of this). She was diagnsed with Pelvic Inflammatory Infection (pid) recently, and I was back-and-fourth on the phone to her whilst she was in the hospital.

I grew on her, and now she's gaming ME. You've done enough Crissco, its time for her to start gaming you. Like Atom Smasher says, if a girl wants to see you, she'll move mountains. This girl I was talking to, I just didn't contact her for about 3 days before Valentines, she called me two days later after Valentines.

Read some Eckhart Tolle bro. You'll start realizing that you're in your mind when you analyze this stuff --- It's hard to explain, but I get a much more peace of mind when I am utterly clear headed when it comes to dealing with women. I'll be reading some Tolle, and the next thing, I realize I have 100 missed calls and texts --- I reply after I finished reading.

I just get to the point, ''When are you FREE?'', ''We should hook-up on XYZ day'', if her reply is iffy, then it's a ''NO'' on MY part. No, persuasion or PUA crap. That way, I take all POWER out of her hands, even if she said yes, then thats a bonus. In no way, do I let women mess with my weekend or schedule ---

Let her game YOU.

P.S, Don't listen to this Robyn guy. Check his posting and thread history. Guy runs a mock of pitiful POF messages and puts the poon on a pedestal --- Classic ''community'' newb and Keyboard Jock. He doesn't get LAID, yet he's here, trying to run advice on someone who potentially has a slam? If not a slam, has a girl he's talking to. Dude is a dud.