girl that pulled the wool over me


Don Juan
Apr 26, 2015
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So there's this girl i met in my college class that i met on the first day of this semester. Well, she asked me for my number so i immediately thought she was interested. So what do i do? i wait 2 days to send her a text pertaining to that class. She sends me 2 long ass paragraphs and then i just ignore those texts. Well thursday comes and she invites me to go have some lunch. Now, while doing all of this I didn't really pursue anything with her. I would say this feeling she was having lasted until the beginning of April. In these 3 months that i knew her, about 2.5 months in I had to know where we stood, so i asked her, "What are we?" She responded, "Well, i would like to get to know you longer, but i see us getting into a relationship." Well, then right after easter she started acting sketchy. Out of nowhere she sent me a text saying she was overwhelmed with school, work and she said that she wasn't the person to see someone everyday and needed some space. So i was giving her some space and she thought i was mad at her so she came over and surprised me with some candy. Then she started texting me like it was normal again. So that was on April 10th. Well, two days later she invites me to go to church with her and everything was normal and all between us. Then that's when things started taking a turn for the worst. That whole week after she wouldn't feel the need to come hang out after work like she used to when she was super into me. Fast Forward to April 17th, she went out with some friends. Needless to say, her response time was going from 1 hour at max, to 4-5 hours at max. So 1am rolls around, and i get a random call from her saying she missed me. It was obvious she was drunk and she said she'd call me back when she got home. Never did! Then, the next day it was her birthday so i go out to eat with her family and things seem awkward between us because we weren't speaking at the table and then after when she drove me home, i told her to text me when she got home. She decided to text me the next day saying "Good Morning" and i called her out on not texting back. Well, what she decides to do is ignore me again. April 20th-April 24th, she decides to avoid me after she gets off of work. Well, since we usually met after class i asked her on the 21st to come stop by thursday, and she said ok. So wedneday night we were texting like usual and i asked if she still was coming over and she said she all of a sudden had to babysit. Kinda fishy eh? so i asked her what her plans were for the weekend and she said she had work all weekend. After that text, she said for the whole next month of May she'd have no freetime because she would be working all the time. So i got pissed because of her attitude so i ignored her for 2 days and then Saturday rolls around and she sends me this text:

Okay so i cannot do this to you any longer. As a person you are phenomenal, so do not take this the wrong way and blame yourself. The reason i have not spoken to you much lately is because i have been thinking... The more i get to know you, i realize we do not have much in common and i am just not ready to settle down yet. I know i have led you on for a while so i apologize, whether you believe it or not. I am sorry. You have treated me better than i deserve and i could never thank you enough. Everyone i brought you around loved you and your personality. So once again do not take this personal. It is more me than you. I am not a confrontational person when it comes to these sort of situations. I would love to continue to be friends with you but i completely understand if you are not comfortable with that.​

I am confused at where my mistake was and what to do? I am gonna ignore her and if she initiates anything, i'm gonna be short with her, but i need some advice from some experts.