girl straight out said friends only.. wtf do i do now?


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
so wtf, this girls making plans sayin lets do this n that soon cause we've only met once and then she says this in the middle of our conversation today:

her: btw, just want to get something clear between us. we are friends yes? i mean platonic friends

me: sure

girl: you have no romantic expectations from me and neither have i

me: no not yet, lol... jokes

her: lol, good :D cause i do like you as a buddy

me: that's good :)

her: excellent!

WHAT ... THE... ****.

is it cause she just broke up with her bf? i knew something was off the moment i met her. it felt too friendly the date. like thats what she wanted. only met her once too for like an hour.

gahhh what do i do now.. we've already half set up meeting again but no time or date yet. great... another girl FRIEND.. thats all i need.

i actually saw her as a possible relationship as we have so much in common and she's a nice gal.

maybe its cause i dont have a license and im 4 years younger who lives with his mom. probably put her off.

i bet shes fuking someone else :(


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
"Thats good :)"


Obviously you have not tried enough advancements, either get rejected outright or get accepted, if it isn't one of those two, you're doing it wrong.

Just forget about her, the only possible way I see this turning out well for you is if you initiate silent treatment. Stop all contact.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
man, if she doesn't have hot friends and your intentions were to get into her panties then you should have told her, "no thanks, i have enough friends" , you could always try to turn it around but its a harder road then finding someone else


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
No license,4 years younger,living with mom. It's official, you are her new nerdy little brother. You don't stand a chance in hell right now with her. When you are 25,have a car,have a pad,have a job-maybe. I dated a woman 3 years older than I was at age 25,but until you can at least be on the level she's come to expect of her Boyfriends-no chance.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
Yeah, what are you so upset about? She's four years older than you and you're probably not that old, your chances were next to none to begin with. Plus the whole "no, not yet lol...jokes" comment was some pvssy sh!t.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
you: "excellent, because I've always thought of you as a buddy too."

you should start calling her bro, bromosexual... etc. from now on.

have fun with this, she's probably just screwing with you to see how you'll respond. turn the tables and you do the screwing instead. be in charge no matter what.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
When she calls again, bring up the "friend" conversation, and tell her you just want to fvck her. It's fine if she never calls again; you have nothing to lose. I would also take the opportunity to tell her that all of the guys who act like they want to be her friends really just want to fvck her. Don't be mean or angry, just matter-of-fact about it.

No guy has ever said that to her. You will have the best revenge, which is living on inside her head. She will think of you for the rest of her life every time an AFC sucks up to her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
Wow well done. You fvcked yourself over by agreeing to friends only and you're surprised this turn of events has come about?

Be a fvcking man and lay down the rules, don't let her do it.
Girl: So this is strictly platonic?
You: No, i already have enough friends.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah, you're ****ed dude. You can listen to what Bible_Belt said if you want, just don't go in with any expectations.

Do you think she didn't find you attractive? Were you not 'masculine' enough? Too nice (pushover)?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
wall street
Bible_Belt said:
When she calls again, bring up the "friend" conversation, and tell her you just want to fvck her. It's fine if she never calls again; you have nothing to lose. I would also take the opportunity to tell her that all of the guys who act like they want to be her friends really just want to fvck her. Don't be mean or angry, just matter-of-fact about it.

No guy has ever said that to her. You will have the best revenge, which is living on inside her head. She will think of you for the rest of her life every time an AFC sucks up to her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
teacha said:
I think Bible_Belt is right.

Unless you have awesome game, being frendzoned by a chick means you have no chance with her.

If the dude has no interest in being her friend then there is no point in stick around. Might as well go out with a blaze of glory.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Just move on. Don't even worry about playing any games here. The best thing you could have done was just to say to her, "I'm not interested in friendship" and move on. Man up. If you go to a job and they say, we like you, and we want you to work but we don't want to pay you. Are you going to keep going to work hoping you can trick them into paying you? No. If you aren't getting what you really want, move on. You guys promoting he should play games or be her friend are pathetic.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
wall street
Whatever you do, do not verbally tell her that you wanna fukk her because most of the time she's just gonna reject you because of societal conditioning.

Ok here's what you do, next time you guys hang-out make sure you are sexual towards her and subtly touch her while calmly making eye-contact. KINO is a great way to test her interest towards you and don't really pay attention to her words but her ACTIONS!

Dont be nervous about being sexual towards her because every women even though they may have a BF or engaged want you to be sexual to them and also think that she already want to fukk you and it's just a matter of when (unless proven otherwise:D ). 'Make sure she smells your agenda for sexx'


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Dopaminergic pathways
chance- said:
her: btw, just want to get something clear between us. we are friends yes? i mean platonic friends

girl: you have no romantic expectations from me and neither have i

her: lol, good :D cause i do like you as a buddy
Those were sh!t tests and you my freind have failed them :D

And this is what you should have done. She mentions the word 'friends', your reaction 'Yea, but you see friends can't touch each other like this..' *take her hand and caress it*

You get the idea.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
girl straight out said friends only.. wtf do i do now?
1. Delete her cellphone and never call her again, don't answer her calls
2. Delete her facebook/myspace or any other forms of communication you had with her.
3. Talk to other girls and forget about her, this cased is closed, move on, next!

That is what a real man does. A real man does not have to accept a woman's contract to be friends. You have no obligation to. You don't want another friend you want a lover. If she is not at that level with you fine get rid of her from your life.

BTW you really f***ed up that conversation that was just awful. You have 0 chance with her that you agreed to her contract with you. You will forever be another girlfriend for her.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
wall street
f283000 said:
1. Delete her cellphone and never call her again, don't answer her calls
2. Delete her facebook/myspace or any other forms of communication you had with her.
3. Talk to other girls and forget about her, this cased is closed, move on, next!

That is what a real man does. A real man does not have to accept a woman's contract to be friends. You have no obligation to. You don't want another friend you want a lover. If she is not at that level with you fine get rid of her from your life.

BTW you really f***ed up that conversation that was just awful. You have 0 chance with her that you agreed to her contract with you. You will forever be another girlfriend for her.
Damn some of you guys are real quick in 'nexting' chicks. Why would you next a girl without even finding out if she really wanna be just friends? Some girls may just pull that 'we just friend's right?' statement in order to evaluate your interest in them because she herself is interested in you (i'm not saying she did that).
But at least try to find out if she really not interested in you than just taking her word for it. Judge by actions and not words, see how she reacts when you are sexual towards her and when you touch her.

If she's not receptive to your sexual state, then fukk that bitch-say no to friendship, there's more where she came from. (at least that's what I do).


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
Reaction score
You should have told her..WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WANTED YOU MORE THAN THAT? and smile.

You NEVER take a girl seriously unless she's your girlfriend. Always have fun with them and don't take them too seriously.

Next time that's all you gotta say. You may get em or you may not, but at the end of the day you know who got owned. =p


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
teacha said:
Damn some of you guys are real quick in 'nexting' chicks. Why would you next a girl without even finding out if she really wanna be just friends? Some girls may just pull that 'we just friend's right?' statement in order to evaluate your interest in them because she herself is interested in you (i'm not saying she did that).
But at least try to find out if she really not interested in you than just taking her word for it. Judge by actions and not words, see how she reacts when you are sexual towards her and when you touch her.

If she's not receptive to your sexual state, then fukk that bitch-say no to friendship, there's more where she came from. (at least that's what I do).
Moving on is what he should do now. What ever test he failed or didn't fail...its over now. There is no need for further contact.

I was dating a girl who started playing games, I told her point blank this wasnt going to work and I nexted her. I ran into her at the pub the other night, we had a few and caught up and she gave me her number and wants to go out sometime. Now I have no plans for going out with her...but I just moved on and now I still have some respect.

Or even better, this other girl I dated, she was 25...we went out. kissed on the first date (which she said she didn't usually do) and then after the third date she says she just wants to be friends. I just moved on. I found out later that she told another female friend that she wasn't all that attracted to me for several reasons. Now when I see her in the street, she always speaks and we have respect for each other but I didn't play any games. Imagine if I would have kept hanging on and kept trying...or hoping she was just sh1t testing me, I would have made a fool of myself. I suppose that's the risk you run. But I'm too damn old for that **** (danny glover voice). If she's interested, I don't expect that crap and if she's foolish enough to throw that friends sh1t out there, well, she'll find herself by herself or find someone else. I'll let you boys play what's behind door number three, I'll be pushing forward.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
wall street
Moving on is what he should do now. What ever test he failed or didn't fail...its over now. There is no need for further contact.
I disagree with you on that one, he shouldn't move on (well not yet anyway).

I was dating a girl who started playing games, I told her point blank this wasnt going to work and I nexted her. I ran into her at the pub the other night, we had a few and caught up and she gave me her number and wants to go out sometime. Now I have no plans for going out with her...but I just moved on and now I still have some respect.
nothing wrong there with walking away, more power to you.

Or even better, this other girl I dated, she was 25...we went out. kissed on the first date (which she said she didn't usually do) and then after the third date she says she just wants to be friends. I just moved on. I found out later that she told another female friend that she wasn't all that attracted to me for several reasons. Now when I see her in the street, she always speaks and we have respect for each other but I didn't play any games.
Yea they all say that lol. The thing is, you were sexual with her from the start and she LBJF you, at least you tried. But this guy hasn't even tried being sexual towards her or initiated kino yet and you already telling him to move on and forget her. Mind you he's only had one encounter with her which lasted only for an hour, at least let him try and then he can decide whether he wants to move on or not based on the results.

Imagine if I would have kept hanging on and kept trying...or hoping she was just sh1t testing me, I would have made a fool of myself. I suppose that's the risk you run. But I'm too damn old for that **** (danny glover voice). If she's interested, I don't expect that crap and if she's foolish enough to throw that friends sh1t out there, well, she'll find herself by herself or find someone else. I'll let you boys play what's behind door number three, I'll be pushing forward.
Maybe if you had just tried just once instead of just taking her word for it and moving on, who knows what may have happened. I'm not saying you should keep trying but at least try once and see what happens, if she rejects you then fine move on.
You were scared of putting your ego on the line and end up making a fool of yourself but at the end of the end of the day you realise that nobody fukkin cares. Don't take life so seriously man...How one worships their ego very much alters their fate in life.