girl put off by my ****y nature or arrogance


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
So yeah my ltr is pretty much dying now. It's a mix of two things; one is my totally afcish behavior for a long time, and also because so much bad crap has been happenening to me recently I just have been less andess interested and the spark seems to have died. I mean I don't even have a car anymore. I have always been nervous and worried and I have been unable to give her as much attention as I think she needed, but also she said we aren't rig for each the waythqt she can't stand my ****y nature. She said that I act as a know it al all the time and that even my friends hate it, now that I think about t I think I do act like a wiseguy know it all. My quesion is what is the embodiment and description of the ****y that girls like?


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
I have always been nervous and worried and I have been unable to give her as much attention as I think she needed, but also she said we aren't rig for each other.....
Bad mindset. If you were smart this would read "...she has been unable to give me as much attention as I think I need..."


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
If you admit you had AFC behavior for a long time and then ur mixing in ****y and wiseguy know-it-all pretty obvious to me that you're incongruent...

Girls want a guy who isn't ashamed or scared to be what he is and not bend for anyone. If a guy is in a group of people and the pretty girl has something on her face he'll tell her without any apologies...

"Hey babe, u got crap on ur face... here *hand her a napkin* get it off already"

Of course she'll give him the pretend attitude and think he's an ******* and try to ignore him, but secretly she likes this... compliment things like this with a genuine cool guy persona... aka make the group laugh, inject fun into the group and you've become ULTRA ATTRACTIVE....

You have to have VALUE to be ****y, a loser who is ****y is just that a LOSER... a popular guy who is ****y is an ass that girls want to tap... still think he's an ass but he's a sexy ass

Also not even a popular guy can be 100% ****y he's got to show caring side sometimes, funny etc... have to compliment ****y with other things



Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
Reaction score
you're listening to a break up excuse and trying to rationalize.

Girls like ****y. ****y as in *******, ****y as in confidence, ****y as in wiseguy. All the same.

Of course she's gona come up with silly reasons and accusations about why you arent right for eachother.

Thats not the problem, the problem is her Interest Level.

Being ****y doesnt lower it. Being AFC, and a whole load of other things that go under the catagory of AFC does.

What a coincidence that you jsut happen to have been an afc for a long time! No, thats what it is. Its not the ****y, its the low interest.