Girl Playing Games


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Okay I need some advice from the experienced people here. I went to prom with this girl that denied me at first because she was going out w/ her best friend, but she came running back. I took her to prom and we hooked up. But before and through prom I could tell she was playing games and seems like a player herself. I played my own games and played by my rules and we exchanged control back and forth. During prom she was all over me, we hooked up, and I denied her for sex. She kept trying to test me and I kept winning. The next morning after prom, she calls me up and asks to hangout that night. I say ok, but she calls me later after she gets home from work and tells me she's too tired and is going to sleep. I called her today and asked to hangout and she said she wasn't sure what she was doing tonight and would give me a call. She never did...

I decided to stop for a second and move away and think about it. She's been playing games and continues to. On her myspace she changed her relationship status from single to married I think she may be back w/ her best friend. I'm not counting on her calling me tonight, so what I plan on doing is not calling her for 3 days. I'll call her then and see whatsup. I was talking to my friend who's experienced at this and he said I should step away asap before I get one-itis which I already have. He's gonna have a party at his house just for me some I can find some new prospects and take my mind off this one.

Please gimme some insight on what I should do and if what I plan on doing is right. I know I should NEXT her, but I can see her as a possible fk buddy.


Don Juan
May 15, 2006
Reaction score
South Africa
Hey whats up mayn...
Im no dj YET but....

Why did you "deny" her sex? that could have been your only shot at that a$$

she was prob hurt & weak from the incident with her "best friend"
you should have just taken full advantage of the situation and what she was offering..... I could be wrong but it would have been harder for her to hook up with her "best friend" again if you banged her.

Pro DJs am i right???



Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
She wanted to have sex in the bathroom of the party bus which barely fit 1. I told her to wait for the afterparty. But then she got totally trashed and wouldn't putout in the bathroom of the she was more willing when she was sober.

Now I need some advice on what to do...she obviously was still interested in me if she asked me out the morning right after. But she seems to can't make up her mind..she's all over the place. And I don't want to be desperate and call her again for a few more days because she hasn't called me like she said she would.

BTW...she's not back w/ her best friend...the "married" thing was just to her girlfriend since they are bff'ers.


Don Juan
Dec 10, 2005
Reaction score
If there's anything I learned in my experiences, it's that you have to strike when the moment is right. What is your goal with this chick? Relationship? Hook-up? Fvck buddy? In the case of the latter two, you should have, as they say, struck while the iron was hot. Don't let more opportune moments pass by. In fact, forget what I said earlier, you should have gone for it in all three cases. The whole point is to get more pvssy, why reject it?


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
I know, I kind of regret it, but it wasn't like I was purposely denying her, I told her to wait for the loft. The bathroom barely fit 1 person.

Now I'm trying not to call her for a while, because its been a 4:1 ratio of calling since prom and she's been flakey.