Girl on POF has guy write me to give me her number again


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
Ok....I think this is totally weird so I thought I would share it with you guys. I tore my meniscus back in October and was bored sitting around so I went back on POF after like 8 months of being off. Nothing really changed on there. Mostly ugly, fat, tatted up, single moms, and used up looking chicks on there and some I talked or hung out with before were still on there.

Saw this one girl on there who was better looking than almost all the others on there. I read her profile and sent her an awesome message that had my self laughing hard as I was writing it. So I sent it to her.

Less than like 5 minutes later she wrote me back. That was fast considering that she is hotter than almost all the other girls on there and that I'm sure she had a ton of other guys writing her.

She told me that was the best message she ever got and she couldn't stop laughing. I wrote back to her after that.

The next message she included her number and wanted to hang out with me. I told her that I just had surgery on my knee and will be laid up for a while. She told me that she could come over to my place and cook for me and help me out. Said she would enjoy it.

Next time I was on she wrote me 3 more messages even before I wrote back to her last one. She hit me up on the chat and was asking me a bunch of personal questions and getting really forward.

Got another message back from her. She called me "hun" and said had something that would make me feel a lot better. she said wanted me to go out to dinner with her, her brother and his new girlfriend. I told her i cant even walk yet or go anywhere. She said I could use a wheelchair. So I didnt talk to her for a while.

I guess like a couiple of weeks went by and she wrote me again. Asked how I was. I wrote her back. She said she missed me and was worrying why I didnt write back. She also asked why I havent called her yet. She wanted to know if I needed to chat online more before I felt comfortable to talk to her over the phone. She was beginning to sound more weird so I just ignored her. If she was like this on the messages imagine how she would be if she had my number.

Right after Thanksgiving she sent me another message and said her account deletes on monday and gave me her email and phone number again. Then told me goodbye.

Then less than 2 weeks later she made a new account. Same screen name. She added me as a favorite and sent another message sayimg she is back. Wanted to know how I was and wanted to hang out.

I waited a week and said I was out of state for the holidays, which I was, and was starting rehab for my knee. She said she was going on a cruise in january and we should hang out when we both get back.

I noticed that after that she deleted her account again.

Here's the weird part.....Last thursday I got some message from someone that looked like a man that was running. I was like wtf? So I looked at the message and it said Hey, I'm so and so's friend, he gave her id too, it had terrible grammar and was incoherent but gave her number for me to call her. The dude was 31 and lived in a city a few min away from her. She once said to me that she was staying the weekend with a friend and that dude is in the same town lol. She already gave me her number like 3 times. why is she having some dude write me?

So why the hell did she have some guy write to me on there? I don't get it.

Then....on Saturday she made a new account and sent me a message. I didnt read it at first because i had other girls I was writing to.

So when I logged in again to read her message it wasnt there. The message was totally deleted like it didnt exist. you can still read deleted accounts messages but her's was like it was never sent. I saw that she deleted her account the same day she wrote me. So why make an account just to write me? I wonder what the message even said. It's weird.

I could of sworn that I had restrictions on my mail to only have women send messages. So idk wtf was going on with that.

This girl is hot and could get lots of guys so i'm not sure why she was having some other dude write me and trying so hard to chill with me. I just think this whole thing was weird and thought I would share some of the craziness on pof.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
She probably is... but why keep deleting accounts and have some dude write to me? Never had anything like this before lol


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
Seriously though, she does sound like major headcase! She's probably
deleting accounts and creating new ones in an attempt to get around
message blocks she thinks you've set up.... heavy stalker vibes from
that girl, if what you posted is true. Have you tried to block her?
Probably won't work anyway....


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
It doesnt do any good to block since she had 3 of them already. I havent called her so you would think she would give up.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
She probably will eventually if you keep going no contact.
This means don't call her, text, chat, or email.
Totally ignore her!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 12, 2011
Reaction score
Asterisk said:
She probably will eventually if you keep going no contact.
This means don't call her, text, chat, or email.
Totally ignore her!

The more I ignore her the more persistant she gets with trying to get me to write back. She gave me her number several times. I never called her.

Here's the thing that is weird....

I sent her maybe 7 emails total

had one chat

she writes to me 3x's as much

is obssessed with hanging out or for me to call her

Why would some other guy who says he is a "friend" even write to me to give me her number when she gave it to me at least 4 timres already?

I find it weird as most of the women are on that site


Master Don Juan
Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score
S Town
She is a nutty one. Like the other guy said Ignore her at all cost.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
Reaction score
or tell her you love her.

actually, that only makes the sane ones run....

make a new account or smth

just dont let her find out where you live


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
It might have been that dude posing as woman all this time. Sometimes when I get a woman trying to give it up too easily or pushing for a meet-up real bad, I can't help it but wonder what's behind it all.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
Reaction score
just start talking about weird things like cannibalism, which should make her go away.