Don Juan
I take the bus to work everyday cuz i work downtown and its more convenient for me. I see this chick almost all the time who I'm attracted to. I tried making eye contact one day while sitting right across from her and got nothin, she just looked down the whole time at some paper she was workin on for school. Then when i get up to get off, she looks up and gives me a slight smile, so i figure ok, tomorrow i'll talk to her. The next day she walks into the bus while im already sittin down and stops and sits 2 seats away from me ( the whole bus was practically empty, she could have sat anywhere.) So I started talking to her and asked her where she went to school etc. Well she must be really shy because as soon as i talked to her her she went red and started blushing. Is this girl just shy or what? Or is this a sign that shes not interested. She seems like the shy type but I didnt get a chance to talk to her long before i got off. Anyone experienced girls like this?