Hey guys, I'm hurting right now and need some advice. I'm a senior in college and I dated a great girl last spring. I used Don Juan techniques and she really fell for me. I think by the end of the year she was really infatuated/love with me. During this intial two month dating phase I avoided getting trapped in an LTR as I thought that it should take time and I wasn't sure I was ready. I explained this to her and the idea of "casual dating", and although she seemed alittle hurt I think she got over it. She never directly asked if we could be exclusive.
With summer coming up I thought it would be best to say we could date other people during the summer and to keep things light (my intention was to avoid pressuring the relationship and to maintain challenge). We spoke every two weeks over the summer, she visited once, and everything was cool.
I got back this past week and we went out, had a great time, and she asked if I still wanted to date other girls. By this time, I had pretty much fallen for her and felt ready for a relationship and told her I was happy just dating her. She seemed happy, I dropped her off, and we later met up and spent the night together (sex). Fast foward three days later and she comes over to where I'm living and tells me that she would like to go back to casual dating and isn't ready for the "games" of an LTR (phone call returns, etc.) I was really suprised, but played it cool saying I understood and didn't get upset at all. I ended up spending the night at her place that night and we had sex, however the whole experience felt weird to me although she acted the exact same (very affectionate, etc.). The hurt I was feeling while I lay next to her made me question whether or not I could go back to casually dating. Ironically I feel as if she has flipped the tables on me, although I'm sure not intentionally.
Now this whole flake episode came as a real suprise to me as I felt I had the girl really into me and this behaviour seems unusual although genuine. I know for a fact she was in the spring, and just assumed she would still be so in the fall. (Our communication over the summer had been good) and would want an LTR as she had seemed ready to hop into one in the spring.
Now I'm really hurting because although she still wants to casually date, which includes everything (sex, affection, etc.), I feel that she doesn't like me as much as she used to, even though from our interaction last night she acted the same. Afterall, if she really cared for me she'd want an LTR with me games or not. Now I feel like I should have committed in the spring. But that's the past and I need to know what to do now!!
Should I say that I'm too attached to casually date now and that its LTR or nothing? Should I say I need time to think about this and cut off contact for a week or two and let her miss me? Or should I just play it cool, show her a good time whenever she's around me, and slowly win her back? Or should I just give up and cut her off completely and permanently, experiencing some serious pain now in hopes of avoiding months of pain if my feelings dont change?
A few things you should know about this girl. She is really fantastic, works two jobs, tons of friends, and is smart. She got out of a three year relationship last christmas, a year and half of which had been long distance. This guy was apparently very jealous and controlling and since it was long distance, he was always calling her. She started dating me about four months after breaking up with him. I don't feel like I was the rebound guy and her affection has always been constant. This makes me believe her hesitancy to want to avoid the games her jealous boyfriend used to put her through. Also, I am a senior and she is junior, which means that if we did get serious and last there would be potential for a long distance relationship in the spring, which I think we both don't want. Yet it seems stupid to avoid a good relationship now for something that is not going to happen for another nine months.
PLease give me your thoughts and comments as I am hurting right now!
With summer coming up I thought it would be best to say we could date other people during the summer and to keep things light (my intention was to avoid pressuring the relationship and to maintain challenge). We spoke every two weeks over the summer, she visited once, and everything was cool.
I got back this past week and we went out, had a great time, and she asked if I still wanted to date other girls. By this time, I had pretty much fallen for her and felt ready for a relationship and told her I was happy just dating her. She seemed happy, I dropped her off, and we later met up and spent the night together (sex). Fast foward three days later and she comes over to where I'm living and tells me that she would like to go back to casual dating and isn't ready for the "games" of an LTR (phone call returns, etc.) I was really suprised, but played it cool saying I understood and didn't get upset at all. I ended up spending the night at her place that night and we had sex, however the whole experience felt weird to me although she acted the exact same (very affectionate, etc.). The hurt I was feeling while I lay next to her made me question whether or not I could go back to casually dating. Ironically I feel as if she has flipped the tables on me, although I'm sure not intentionally.
Now this whole flake episode came as a real suprise to me as I felt I had the girl really into me and this behaviour seems unusual although genuine. I know for a fact she was in the spring, and just assumed she would still be so in the fall. (Our communication over the summer had been good) and would want an LTR as she had seemed ready to hop into one in the spring.
Now I'm really hurting because although she still wants to casually date, which includes everything (sex, affection, etc.), I feel that she doesn't like me as much as she used to, even though from our interaction last night she acted the same. Afterall, if she really cared for me she'd want an LTR with me games or not. Now I feel like I should have committed in the spring. But that's the past and I need to know what to do now!!
Should I say that I'm too attached to casually date now and that its LTR or nothing? Should I say I need time to think about this and cut off contact for a week or two and let her miss me? Or should I just play it cool, show her a good time whenever she's around me, and slowly win her back? Or should I just give up and cut her off completely and permanently, experiencing some serious pain now in hopes of avoiding months of pain if my feelings dont change?
A few things you should know about this girl. She is really fantastic, works two jobs, tons of friends, and is smart. She got out of a three year relationship last christmas, a year and half of which had been long distance. This guy was apparently very jealous and controlling and since it was long distance, he was always calling her. She started dating me about four months after breaking up with him. I don't feel like I was the rebound guy and her affection has always been constant. This makes me believe her hesitancy to want to avoid the games her jealous boyfriend used to put her through. Also, I am a senior and she is junior, which means that if we did get serious and last there would be potential for a long distance relationship in the spring, which I think we both don't want. Yet it seems stupid to avoid a good relationship now for something that is not going to happen for another nine months.
PLease give me your thoughts and comments as I am hurting right now!