girl in class


Don Juan
Jul 1, 2007
Reaction score
last semester there was a girl in my class. i never talked to her before dont even think she seen me in the class before because we were sitting at the other side of the room as each other. but one day on facebook i seen her on it and messaged her asking her about a exam coming up but she never replied back. now this semester shes in my class again and shes in my group and ill say a joke and she will laugh and i always catch her looking at me. i would talk to her after class but she always goes in a direction that leads outside which i would have no reason to go that way..i have no idea if she remembers that i messaged her on facebook or not so should i add her as a friend and then messege her later or not cause i don't want to do it and her be all like wtf in class.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
Sydney, Nova Scotia
This post is a similar situation that happened to me in University. There was a girl that sat next to me in class, she was also in another class of mine. We chatted in class a few times, she borrowed my notes. I really had a crush on her and she might have had a bit of a crush on me? She looked in my direction sometimes and I would often bump into her when I least expected too. She seemed to like what I contributed to class discussion. I got her email address and she never replied to my email and later found out she had a bf(I was gonna ask her out), luckily I didn't!