Girl going back to old boyfriend.


New Member
Apr 7, 2009
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I have been talking to this girl while she has been talking to her ex-boyfriend that she still "loves". He has been straight up crawling back to her.
Probably a bad idea but w.e.

We made out last night, talked, and then we slept in the same bed.
I haven't put any pressure on her to decide. I'm just trying to do my own thing.

I just got a text from my friend stating what she texted her best friend (who did not approve of this last night) supposedly saying...

"I don't even know why I did it. I don't even like him like that I love _____ and I am done being single."

She has been honest to me about the whole situation so far...

What do I do??? And if she tells me she picked him?????


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
MrDroogie said:
I have been talking to this girl while she has been talking to her ex-boyfriend that she still "loves". He has been straight up crawling back to her.
Probably a bad idea but w.e.

We made out last night, talked, and then we slept in the same bed.
I haven't put any pressure on her to decide. I'm just trying to do my own thing.

I just got a text from my friend stating what she texted her best friend (who did not approve of this last night) supposedly saying...

"I don't even know why I did it. I don't even like him like that I love _____ and I am done being single."

She has been honest to me about the whole situation so far...

What do I do??? And if she tells me she picked him?????
dont sweat it and give her the peace sign when she tells you what you think shes going to. she obviously doesnt care about you from what she supposedly told her friend, so why care back? if she does go back to him it wont last. they never do.


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
you got the k-close. move on. find another girl, this girl is going back to her ex. It didn't work once it won't work the second time. they are both wasting tme, don't waste yours on her